Sunday, January 22, 2012


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J.V. R.I.P.?
Another major change Head Coach Pete Mangurian is considering is eliminating the JV squad entirely.
The thinking is that the added games are a distraction and don't do enough to develop the younger talent on the team.
Plus with the significantly smaller roster Mangurian is hoping to work with, not having to scrape up the minimum numbers for a JV game would be a relief.
I'm not sure where I come down on this possibility. But I will say that when Norries Wilson eliminated JV just for his first season in 2006, he posted his best ever overall record with the varsity at 5-5.
It's just something to consider.
With deep regret, I can now report the names of the five players so far who have decided to leave the Lions:
Sean Coffinger
E.J. Odigwe
Malcom Carson
Josh Keiles
Chris Proctor
All of them, besides Carson, are rising sophomores.
They will not be alone. I expect more losses before we get to the spring game.
We'll miss them, but a leaner and meaner Lion team could very well be the result.
Tweety Bird
Yuri Wright, a Don Bosco senior with a very bright future has seen a lot of his chances go up in smoke because of some very offensive Tweets.
Yep, bad stuff you write that goes online can be used to hurt your recruiting status.
My guess is that Wright will still get a scholarship slot somewhere, just probably not Notre Dame and maybe not Michigan.


  1. I think eliminating JV games is a mistake. They may be "distractions" on some level, but there is just no subsitute for seeing how guys perform in actual games against other teams.

  2. Without the JV team, we would never have known the potential of guys like Des Werthman...

  3. Here's an interesting link .... it is the Bleacher Report Greatest Ivy League players ... it picks one player from each school ...

  4. Among the players who have dropped out I thought that Proctor had cracked the two deep. This sounds a little like what Bear Bryant did before his first season at Texas A&M.

  5. Jake, I just read the Yuri Wright twitters. I would have thrown him out of school at a minimum. His postings were disgusting and also anti-Semitic. Good for Bosco and Coach Toal. This kid needs a serious attitude adjustment.

  6. With regards to roster size, if the target is 65 players, and there is no JV, will the tradition of recruiting 30 plus players per year be reduced to 18 annual recruits per year, and if so, is that the new target for this year's incoming recruiting class?

  7. I am concerned about the possible elimination of the JVs. I agree-it gives the freshmen and sophs invaluable experience.

  8. When Amaker took over at Harvard he cut most of the carry over players, as I recall. Of course, in basketball most coaches only want 12 to 15 players at most.

  9. #1 Lion, i never played JV. if you recall i was suspended for the first four games of my sophomore year. back then it was freshman football then varsity.

    all the best
    Des Werthman

  10. Message to Des W. I still remember when you ran over a Brown DB from the tailback position down by the goal line. Best piece of power running I had ever seen! You could have played both ways more often.


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