Monday, March 26, 2012

The Early Bus

Crack of Dawn!

The preliminary work of last week is over and spring practice begins for real this morning.

First bus leaves for Baker Field at 4:45am and this blog is proud to say it's ready a full 29 minutes early as I type right now!

Here are some things to consider on this first day:

Winter's Comeback?

Okay, it's not exactly freezing, but those 60 and 70 degree days of last week are gone. It's 48 degrees right now and this week will be a lot more like late October weather. You know, football weather.

Roster Watching

Will there be the kind of attrition on the squad that Head Coach Pete Mangurian alluded to both privately and publicly since he came to Morningside?

Here's the Columbia roster page, become one with it as I am and we'll see who stays and who goes.

Morning Glory

Getting back to the early bird thing... this is the first time Columbia football has tried the crack of dawn full practice thing.

By the time the guys hit the field at Wien Stadium, the sun will be out... but this is all very new.

I think the team will respond well, but I worry about the shakedown artists, er... the community "leaders" in Inwood who may start complaining about CU buses in the area before 5:30am.

I hope I'm wrong.

Okay, everyone... we're finished well before the first bus leaves!

Who needs sleep?

1 comment:

  1. With most of the team in dorms, it will be a challenge for the student athletes to adjust their sleeping schedules for practice and classes. This week is midterm week for many classes so let's hope the student athletes take care in the classroom too.


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