Saturday, April 7, 2012

A Sharp Lens

The people responsible for choosing which photos of spring practice to release on the CU Football Facebook page are pretty shrewd indeed.

Check out this pic below to see what I mean...

In the foreground, you can see rising sophomore RB Alec Fisher, but the pic is cropped out to his right.

So you can't see who is the QB... is it Sean Brackett? Who knows? And thus, you don't know if Alec is with the 1's or the 2's on offense.

Pretty smart.

On defense, I can make out Wells Childress and Roy Schwartz on the DL and LB Mike Waller behind Roy.

Now check out this picture:

In this shot, you can see Brackett, but you only make out two if the OL's, Scott Ward and probably Dylan Leonard beside him. That seems like it must be the 1's on offense.

Check back for more photos as they are released this week.

Misguided Manifesto

Jim Pagels has been a very good writer for the Columbia Spectator so far in his college career, but he disappointed me yesterday with his call to end recruiting for athletes at Columbia.

Needless to say, Jim makes some factual errors and egregious omissions in the piece, and I urge you all to scroll down after the column to see some of the points I and others made in the comments section.

But again, the best answer to all these kinds of ridiculous columns is to start winning, especially in football and men's basketball. There is no substitute.


  1. I was shocked and disappointed by the Pagels comments. Statements like that hurt both morale and recruiting. He should issue a retraction.

  2. Pagels piece is an opinion piece which I disagree with in its premise and presentation. How much it could hurt recruiting is also conjecture, but may not help but we will likely never know. There have been similar articles in the Vanderbilt student newspaper, The Hustler (seriously), even after Vanderbilt won the SEC basketball tournament. All but a very few actually operate an athletic department in the black and Columbia is no different than those that operate in the red, even Kentucky with its recent NCAA D1 basketball championship. Long live sports and recruiting at Columbia!

  3. Pagel's article was full of misinformation. Columbia's athletic budget is similar to other Ivies and is a fraction of the budget of large D1A schools. Those large successful schools P&L sheets are usually budget neutral. They do not make millions of dollars for their universities. Ivy scholar athletes out earn their non athlete counterparts after graduation. Pagel's article not only misinforms the readers but it contributes to an anti-sports atmosphere on campus that really diminishes from the collegiallity and spirit that exists on other campuses and enhances student life. It also belittles the efforts and sacrifices of the student athletes which is a shame.


Please keep your comments respectful!