Monday, May 14, 2012

Lost Lions

The Columbia roster has been updated and it's 5 names lighter than last week.

Two surprise losses were OL Xander Frantz and QB Percee Goings.

Frantz got a very large chunk of playing time last season, so this was not expected.

Goings looked like he had a future, even if it turned out to be at a position other than QB.

It's important to not, however, that these player losses may not be the result of guys getting cut or even quitting the team. I know of at least one player now off the roster because of a serious injury who is staying with the program as a coaching aide.

More on this later, but we can't forget that Head Coach Pete Mangurian did say he wanted to pare the roster by anywhere from 10 to 15 additional players. It is possible this is the beginning of that process.


  1. lion fan

    WR james burrell is also gone.

  2. lion fan

    WR james burrell is also gone.


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