Saturday, June 23, 2012

Parting Shot

For all our frustration about last season, it can sometimes be easy to forget that it ended on a good note.

But it was an agonizing long wait for a bright spot.

Not only did it take all ten weeks of the season before our Lions tasted victory, but the actual moment of victory was brutally delayed by a confused officiating crew.

What was it like to be in the stands at that moment?

Thanks to the gifts of cell phone cameras and YouTube, you can see for yourself:


  1. I was there yelling at the top of my lungs: NO!, NO!, NO!
    It seemed to take fooreeveerr for the officials to agree on the call.
    The same player had reached into the endzone for a TD earlier in the game. Our refrain was that you are only allowed one of those per day.
    Go Lions

  2. I counted a full 30 seconds between the end of the play
    and the call. A very strange
    and excruciating wait for BOTH teams!


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