Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Quick Numbers

Average weight for Columbia's D-linemen: 267 lbs.

Average weight for Columbia's O-linemen: 264 lbs.

Number of CU players over 275 lbs: 4

Number of CU players under 250 lbs: 84

Number of Columbia players from NY/NJ/CT: 20  

Number of Columbia players from Texas: 13



  1. The downsizing of our OL is going to be interesting to follow. Our Coach knows what he is doing, but this certainly is inconsistent with what seems to be the trend elsewhere in which offensive linemen are encouraged to eat five meals a days and carry as much weight as possible. Generally the defensive linemen we face tend to be more in line with the weights we project for our DL. I wonder if the plan is to spread the offensive linemen at the line of scrimmage and create openings which will presumably maximize the greater speed of a lighter OL.

  2. Just discovered this great photo on Cameron Molina's Facebook page: http://sphotos-b.xx.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ash3/c0.225.851.315/p851x315/552355_4257156433300_8151608_n.jpg

  3. I recognize Molina and Wanamaker in the photo. Can anyone else identify some of the other players?


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