Monday, September 17, 2012

Waiting on the Awards...

Sometime after noon today, the Ivy League will announce the weekly player awards for football.

Which Lions will be recognized? Which will be snubbed? Will we be surprised?

I hope LB Zach Olinger is not overlooked, and Marcorus Garrett also deserved recognition.


  1. Zach Olinger was outstanding on Saturday--hard to imagine a better defensive performance--caused a fumble at the one--made bone jarring tackles and a sack--made key interception to end the game, etc., etc., etc.

  2. Any news on Adebayo

  3. Josh Martin was stout on the DL. Carter was stout at safety. Childress came up huge on the broken extra point. On the front seven on defense we are getting a lot of players on the field. Padilla had a huge play as well.

    Let's go back and study the game films of Brackett's best games. Both wins over Brown would be a good place to start. We cannot make him into something he isn't. He is an option QB who should be throwing on the run. When we put him in the pocket he aims his throws and short arms the swing pass. Let him roll to the wide side of the field and he will do damage.

  4. Ivy League Stats after 1 game: Columbia is #2 in total yards allowed by the defense and #2 in total rushing yard allowed by defense.

  5. Agree, Old Lion! The thing about a moving pocket is that it partially negates the pass rush. Plus, it gives Brackett a running start if he decides to tuck it in..
    It gives the receivers more time to run their routes.It gets the defense moving to the side of the roll out and creates the opportunity for misdirection plays such as End arounds.

  6. Old Lion and Doc,
    Coach M is not putting in an option offense. Why configure the offense around one player. Thats exactly what we did last year and look what that got us He can tweak HIS offense to enhance some plays that take advantage of the QBs strengths or find someone who can throw the ball.

  7. Disagree with the last post. Good college coaches fit the system around the talent they have, not the other way around. Brackett is an athletic mismatch for Ivy teams in the open field. He's not the best pocket passer. Not to mention our undersized line probably can't protect him or anytone else in the pocket anyway. Mangurian inherited Brackett -- maybe next year he'll play a QB who fits his philosophy. But given Brackett is the best player on the offense, we need to find a way to maximize what he can do best rather than force him to do things he's not as good at. And it's fine to criticize Sean, but try to recall what happened the past two years when he didn't play.


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