Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Breaking: Chad Washington in Trouble

The NY Post is reporting that rising junior DL Chad Washington is accused of making racial threats against another student. Link is below:



  1. This is all we need. I haven't been able to open this link. What is this all about?

  2. http://m.nypost.com/p/news/local/manhattan/columbia_hate_rap_yvOS0m5w2pJ3l9ETHKz18O

  3. This incident was on News 4 this morning. There's always 2 sides to any story and I'm hoping for the best.

  4. As am I. But this is a tough one. If convicted or if he admits any degree of guilt, there will be insurmountable pressure to kick him off the team and out of school for at least a year. This is just awful all the way around.

  5. This is the type of offseason news that tempers enthusiasm for the upcoming season. Hope it all works out for the young man...

  6. Let's hear all of the facts. Apparently four other people were present. This doesn't sound like Chad.

  7. Jake talked about Washington's potential impact in his blog 3-14-13 blog entry. "The key rising junior and one of the keys to the entire defensive line is Chad Washington. Last year, he went from encouraging freshman to impact sophomore. Now he needs to be top starter. He has the talent and the ability to do it and as a co-captain it's clear his teammates see that potential as well. It's hard to put too much emphasis on how much Washington's improvement means to the Lions in 2013."

  8. Columbia UndergraduateWednesday, May 08, 2013

    While I do believe in innocent until proven guilty, the fact of the matter is that this is a serious accusation against Chad.

    Jake, I'm a huge fan of your work, but I gotta disagree with you on this. If he is found guilty (or admits any degree of guilt), he should be kicked off the team.

    Playing football here (or participating in any extracurricular activity) and going to school at Columbia are privileges. There should not just be "pressure", there needs to be decisive action by Coach Mangurian and his staff.

    Just my $.02

  9. Jake, another story is breaking about Tom Callahan tweeting some racist and antisemitic things and then removing them. What is going on here?

  10. No disagreement here... if he's guilty, he has to go.

    I have been following Callahan's Tweets and there was nothing racist. He had a bunch of old jokes on there. We all have to be very careful with Tweets. He was smart to delete the feed.

  11. Jake, are you kidding about Callahan? You mean that you, as a Jewish person, didn't find his anti-semitic "jokes" disturbing? (not that you have to be Jewish to find them offensive). I think your conservative nature is leaning over backwards in this case, and with some of these guys, better watch that "lean!"

  12. I guess I haven't seen the Tweets in question.


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