I don’t expect any major
revelations on the Twitter scandal or on Chad
Washington’s case in the next few days or weeks.
I’m largely grateful for that, even though I know the
biggest reason for that is the summer break is coming, the students will be
gone from campus, and the offices at the Spectator
and WKCR will be mostly empty.
That said, WKCR is now trying to show even more proof that
people in the athletics department must have known about many of the offensive
Tweets and did nothing about it.
I'm not happy with WKCR for deciding it was appropriate to publicize all the offensive Twitter comments by the players. I'm not sure they were really a necessary aspect of the story after the Washington incident, and I do think this was an attempt to make the story bigger and more exciting.
But the Tweets are now out there and there's no putting them back in the bottle.
So, I’m trying to find a diplomatic way to clarify this
situation for both WKCR and the fans… and I don’t think I can come even close.
Here’s what I can say, (even though it still sounds a bit
mean): there’s no way anyone in the
department really condoned the content of the players’ Tweets. I may not have
the coziest relationship with the athletic department these days, but I would
have no problem defending everyone working there against any accusations of
racism, etc. It’s an outrageous charge, and I'm sure it's particularly hurtful for the staffers I know.
I myself have been following a lot of the players on
Twitter, and clearly just taking one or two days off from reading the Tweets led me to miss
these offensive comments. And I sure hope no one thinks that I condone the
comments based on that.
But, (and here’s the mean part), I think some people in the
department have too much of a friendly relationship with the players, or seek
to be somewhat too cozy with them, and they are unable to really handle the situation as supervisors as opposed to
That’s just my opinion, and there is no real or
implied personal accusation on my part in this case.
As for me, yes, I’ve made friends with some of the more
recent players over the last seven years or so. But while they were playing,
the relationship was always kept more than at an arm’s length by mutual
agreement. I don’t want to violate NCAA rules and I also think it’s creepy for
a 40-year-old guy who isn’t a family member or a coach to be regularly
contacting 19-year-olds. It’s usually
not until well after graduation that I establish what could be considered
anything close to a friendship, and even that is rare.
And if the athletes in question were of the opposite sex, I’d
be WAYYYY more cautious about any kind of contact altogether.
I just think emotional lines need to be drawn and honored, no
matter how much we care about, like and admire our student athletes and coaches.
Anyone who’s read my material over the years knows that
while I am obviously a big Columbia “homer,” I draw the line when it
comes to defending the indefensible. That was the sole reason why I wrote so
much about getting rid of the Norries
Wilson regime back in 2011 and that is why I try to present fair criticism
of the current coaches as well.
It’s certainly not the athletics department’s job to be
impartial in its communications; it should cheer lead as much as possible.
But in its internal handling of things, favoritism can’t be
allowed and friendship is not exactly ideal.
I don’t mean to sound sanctimonious, because I know a lot of
this is easier said than done. I’ve made
friends with my co-workers and subordinates over the years and I’m sure someone
could see many things I’ve done on their behalf as favoritism. But I’m dealing
with adults and peers. If my “co-workers” were made up of dozens of college
students, the inclination to be their “friend” would just not be there for me.
When it comes to social media, I’m FAR from an angel myself.
I know how things can get carried away in that medium. But there’s got to be
better recognition from everyone that we are dealing with very young people
here. That means they will do stupid things that don’t necessarily mean much
more than immaturity. It also means that better, more impartial, ADULT
supervision is required.
and now for something completely different:
ReplyDeleteThe Lion MBB team will play in a tournament at the Barclay Center in Brooklyn, facing St. John's on Dec. 28. Tickets will go on sale Friday, May 17. Lots of subway lines stop there.
Jake , What exactly is WKCR? Is this a local NYC radio station , television or campus?
ReplyDeleteKudos for exposing the recent comments from WKCR on Twitter, Jake. They seem like they are reaching for a story that does not exist to continue their 15 minutes of fame. Time to move on.
ReplyDeleteMy own take is that the WKCR cub reporters are now basking in their 15 minutes of fame and are no longer playing a useful role in bringing to light inappropriate behavior. The problem has been identified and is being handled at the highest appropriate levels in the administration. Let's leave it at that.
ReplyDeleteHere's what is bothering me about WKCR: they just Tweeted out about how "no one should have to see these offensive Tweets simply because they want to follow the football team." On it's face, that's entirely true... but here's the problem: either WKCR knew about these Tweets before the Washington incident and said nothing about them either, or they missed them just like I and maybe the ath dept. did too. KCR also Tweeted the name of one ath. dept. employee who they knew was following the players Twitters, but "following" and actually monitoring are 2 different things. Should this employee have been keeping better tabs? Yes. But either KCR missed the Tweets too or they held them until something else broke. OR... I guess maybe they sent them to the ath. dept. first before publicizing them? I am awaiting their response.
ReplyDeleteMy issue is that while the Tweets are terrible, I would not publicize them until I handed them over to the dept. and didn't get a response for say... 4 days or so. After a certain amount of time, you have to go public with stuff if you think that's the only way to get things fixed. But I don't think KCR did that. I think they publicized these Tweets first, then demanded some kind of action be taken on terrible hurtful Tweets they knew about beforehand and didn't really care all that much about either.
WKCR is supposedly the student-run radio station on campus and has been for more than 50 years.
ReplyDeleteI say "supposedly" because the station in actuality is run by an alum who is over 60 years old named Phil Schaap who basically dominates the station and makes sure the playlists are positively geriatric. No one in their right mind would think WKCR is a student station if they happened upon it while just flipping around the radio dial.
That is, EXCEPT when there is sports programming. But Schaap makes sure that sports are marginalized at KCR and he is beyond hostile. This is a student run and funded station that is basically held hostage by an AARP member. It's been a travesty for 30 years and no one seems to have the guts to do anything about it.
So I feel the KCR sports staff's pain, I really do. But I want to know if they gave the ath dept a chance to handle this properly before they blasted out what they themselves are calling really hurtful Tweets no one should have to see, (except now we all have to see them because of KCR), to everyone on their Twitter feed.
That's a key question they have to answer.
And I say that again as someone who deplores the unfair treatment they get from the station management and the ath. dept. in general.
I am not going to comment on what Washington is charged with at the current time. That is for the judicial system to decide legally. No comment on what Columbia, or Columbia Athletics, should or should not do until the legal action has run its course. Then is the time for comment.
ReplyDeleteA disclaimer. My son played football for Columbia, so if you beleive me to have bias, so be it. My problem with the entire Twitter incident is why all these students, and student athletes, have these accounts at all. Maybe it is a generational difference, but I truly don't believe anyone cares what I have to say, or read what I am thinking. The only time I have read a tweet is when it appears on some website or in the newspaper.
Maybe email and text messages are old fashioned, but if one saw emails or texts from years ago they may have contained the same despicable thoughts that were in the tweets - only the medium has changed. The change is profound because what once may have been seen by one or a few is now seen by untold numbers. That does not change that they are despicable.
What has been published is abhorrent, but let us not fool ourselves into believing this is the only time people have said some of the same hateful things that were said.
I deplore what these young men have done, but let us not fool ourselves that these are the only young men that are writing these things either.
This is a sad commentary on society as a whole.
Columbia's admin should not get involved with twitter gate unless they have already reviewed all students twits. This should be left in Coach Mangurians hands as he has already addressed it to the players. The entire student body should be addressed by Dean Valenti reminding them about respecting privacy and free speech. The Washington affair needs to be scrutinized very carefully by the admin. They should not assume guilt, not apply guilt by association, and not succumb to political correctness or pressure from the student body. As impt as creating a safe and tolerant atmosphere for the students is to prepare them for real life which is fast approaching. This includes conflict management, conflict avoidance and most important reacting appropriately, honestly and accurately when dealing with the authorities. The truth is out there, it is discoverable, and WE HAVE NOT HEARD IT YET. Let us hope the admin completes due diligence recognizes exactly what happened that night and deals with it independent of politics or correctness, without fear of mob mentality or unpopular press.
ReplyDeletePlease refrain from unhinging yourself over Phil Schaap. In my declining AARP years, I would like to believe that no conflict exists among CU Football, WKCR Jazz, and Jake;s Blog.
All this time spent worrying about tweets that date back to high school with no mention of the team raising over $10,000 for the Jaclyn Foundation last month and their community involvement program or what about the University hiring a cop killer as a professor. http://nation.foxnews.com/columbia-university/2013/05/07/jesse-watters-confronts-cop-killing-columbia-professor.
ReplyDeleteThe anti-football faction may get just what they want - the elimination of football at Columbia. How many of the players will not return in the Fall? How many recruits will decide to go elsewhere? How many coaches will leave? Why put up with this baloney?
Football is here to stay. Let's not go overboard.
ReplyDeleteSo happy to hear mention of The Jacked for Jaclyn Foundation. I have been curious to know what they raised. Congrats yo the Columbia Football Team ! Finally some deserved good news!
ReplyDeleteAgree Old Lion. Our athletes come here primarily for the University.
ReplyDeleteI doubt this will affect current players or new recruits.
It will 100pct affect recruiting. Although few ivy student bodies support football, and athletes go to Ives for the school and not the sport, if you are a top player with options, why go to a school where you are the victim of a virtual witch hunt 24/7 for four years!
ReplyDeleteI agree that this could affect recruiting, but not for the reasons the above poster stated. If you're a Nathan Bernstein, Lloyd Lee, Jay Fiedler, Eion Hu, or other talented Asian-American or Jewish player, and you're considering going Ivy... wouldn't this make you think twice about coming to Columbia?
ReplyDeleteOMG to the above poster, this is not going to make a talented Asian-American or a talented Jewish player think twice about going to Columbia. Please... Give it a rest, let those in charge handle this. This is getting really repetitive and some seem to want to continue to stir up trouble. Sorry Jake I have really enjoyed reading your blog, but it is people like the above poster, that are making it hard to do so.
ReplyDeleteHas anyone out there watched the TV show Family Guy? Do you think Seth McFarland is a bigoted racist misogynist?
ReplyDeleteIf so, why is that show so popular? I have read every post on BWOG and followed this incident closely. The environment on campus seems horrendous. The bastion of liberal ideas and tolerance has degenerated into a cesspool of premature judgement, two-faced logic and hate. The university better get this right and recognize these incidents for exactly what they were. The general student body better toughen up unless they want to spend the rest of there life on daddy's payroll or suckling from the govt teet. Finally, to those old and recent players who take the holier than thou attitude on this blog, recognize that it's harder to get into Columbia now than ever, the polarization between athletes and non athletes is greater, the call for eliminating admission advantages for athletes is louder and cellphones now have video and voice recorders. It ain't the same, brother! My heart goes out to the coaches and athletes at Columbia.
"OMG" poster- maybe it's just me, but I thought that Coach Mangurian's response looked like it was directed towards assuaging potential recruits and supporters of the program, and not towards protecting players from "witch hunts." http://petemangurian.wordpress.com/
ReplyDeleteLove the family guy comparison. I was thinking about that myself the other day.
ReplyDeleteAny jewish or asian considering going Ivy already realizes that a fraction of ignorant bigotry exists on every team, wherever they are.
Coach M is more concerned about teaching his players to see the world the right way and to not do stupid things, more than he is worried about stopping what will happen if they do.
ReplyDeleteWhatever the KCRers' motives, they did the right things. It's not clear, may never be, what the FB staff, AD knew, when they knew it about the tweets, which, after all, are on public sites. I have no idea how serious some of the reprehensible players' tweets were, whether they were jokes or reflections of their feelings, or both. After all, those players, as well as KCR and Spec participants, are part of the face of Columbia, accept that or not. Here, we can be anonymous. :)
ReplyDeleteon the recruiting front time will be the judge of how CU is affected.
ReplyDeleteFOr the Holier than Though blogger...I have never gotten the sense that anybody is that way on this blog. that you inferred that from any statement made on this blog is contrary to my own experience in reading this. However, that is why everybody is entitled to their own opinion, which you have, as well as whomever you were referencing in your statement.
Never seen Family Guy.
Good night Alice.
No Tuesday update, first one Coach M. missed. We all know why, but hopefully it doesn't portend too much. Would enjoy seeing promised preview of offense.
ReplyDeleteHe's in CA, for what it's worth.
ReplyDeleteI don't expect to see any more updates until we have some clarity on the upshot from the unfortunate events of the last ten days or so.
ReplyDeleteGo Lions!!!