Thursday, May 9, 2013

More Details on the Complaint Against Chad Washington

Gothamist has a more detailed report on the exact complaints/charges against Chad Washington.

The report includes this passage, (sorry for the obscenities):

According to the criminal complaint, the incident occurred at 1:45 a.m. on Sunday, outside the McBain dormitory on West 113th Street. Detective Michael Diaz of the NYPD's bias incident investigations unit says the victim "observed defendant with five other individuals in front of the above mentioned location and hears someone in the group state in substance: 'Yellow fever. Chinky eyes. Asian mother fucker.'"
The victim says he was followed into McBrain's vestibule, where Washington grabbed his shirt collar and pushed him against the wall. The criminal complaint alleges that Washington said, "You're an Asian pussy. Why don't you hit yourself you Asian pussy."
However, a source familiar with the case suggests that Washington, a defensive lineman for Columbia's football team, may have been provoked by the victim first. Washington and his group of friends had walked past the victim and the victim's friends, the source says, and apparently brushed up against them. This, the source claims, angered the victim who mocked Washington's group, and at that point, Washington and his friends reacted. Further, the source says that both parties had been drinking.


  1. Washington apparently next due in court July 8.

  2. I don't even know what to think. Any idea if penalties will be handed down?

  3. I've had coworkers ask me about Chad/Twitter and Kathy Boudin today... apparently both are on the cover page of Both are things I am not happy to be associated with. Guaranteed by this afternoon Ahmedinijad and The Streak will come up.

    looking for some solidarity here...

  4. Stop assuming everyone in the group was involved.
    Stop believing all of the alleged complaints.
    Let due process unfold.
    Things are never exactly how they seem at first.
    There is no excuse for the stupid tweets. They are found on both sides however.
    Very disappointed in posts on both sides.
    Take a deep breath, don't assume you know anything, and be patient.


Please keep your comments respectful!