Friday, June 21, 2013

Some Times Posted


The official start times for one of Columbia’s home games is now listed on the official department website.  It’s the 10/19 Homecoming contest against Penn and the start time is 1:30pm. Four of the five road game times are listed there too, with the match up against Princeton remaining the only road question, (but I suspect that will be either a 3pm or 6pm kickoff).

Mark your calendars accordingly. 

Cover of the program from Columbia Homecoming, 1958


  1. What a great cover! A lost art, truly.

  2. Yes. In fact, Columbia should really put together a collection of these programs for a legitimate art exhibition. Somebody get on that... I mean if you're willing to take the usual abuse outsiders get when they try to contact the athletic department to discuss an idea that isn't their own.

  3. Agreed that it's great artwork. Too bad Columbia lost 26-0.

  4. Jake .... I've collected images of a bunch of Columbia "arty" program covers .... I'd love to share them with anyone that's interested .... there is some great old artwork .... I even suggested to Darlene Comacho (Sports Information and Media Relations) and Barry Neuberger (Sports Marketing) that Columbia have several of them blown up to 24" X 36" posters for sale at the Home games ... alas, no interest on their part ....


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