Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Getting Closer

My Fordham game tickets are in hand! 

Two things just happening in the last few days have made it feel like we're speeding up the very long wait until the 2013 season finally starts:

1) Fordham Individual Game Tickets Now on Sale

Columbia starts the season on September 21 at Fordham's Jack Coffey Field.

Unlike Columbia's away Ivy opponents, Fordham is now selling all its individual game tickets for 2013. So I bought three and printed them out just now for the Lion season opener. Having those tickets in hand just makes it feel like the season is coming closer.

Speaking of having those tickets in hand, I STRONGLY recommend you buy your tickets for the Fordham game on line at this site. Fordham's small ticket booth gets overwhelmed on game day and you don't want to be stuck in the ticket line for a very long time like everyone else.

And speaking of the schedule, the Rams start their 2013 season an incredible 23 DAYS before Columbia with a home game against Rhode Island on Thursday night August 29th. The Lions will be in the midst of training camp that night, so I wonder: should Head Coach Pete Mangurian take the entire team to the URI-Fordham game as a group learning experience?  My vote would be yes!

2) Columbia Roster is Updated

The Columbia football roster is now updated to include the incoming freshmen and their new numbers.

Some of the little highlights for me:

-There are 89 confirmed members of the team for now.

-Incoming Stanford transfer Brett Nottingham gets the classic number for a QB, #12. Read into that anyway you like.

-Extremely promising true freshman QB Kelly Hilinski gets the recently-graduated Ryan Murphy's #4.

-Nobody took #'s 2 or 3.

-Freshman safety Nicolas Annabi takes Sean Brackett's old #10.


  1. I usually drive to home games from my home Upstate. As I get older, I get more reluctant to drive into NYC traffic, even on a Saturday. I intend to take the Metro-North to the Marble Hill station and walk to Baker Field this year. I noticed that there is a Metro-North station within a half-mile of Coffey Field at Fordham so I figured that I could attend the Sept 21 game at Fordham without driving into NYC. Unfortunately (or fortunately, perhaps), I did some homework ( http://www.stadiumjourney.com/stadiums/coffey-field-s1295/) and discovered that "anyone visiting from out of town... might get a little nervous" and that walking to the stadium is "somewhat risky". I am CC '74 and Law '77 and spent over 30 years on Wall Street so I am perfectly aware that Morningside Heights and Baker Field are not Hanover or Ithaca, but is that any reason why we are scheduling out-of-conference games at venues where alumni and their families are going to be "nervous" and their safety is "at risk"? I can think of a dozen schools in Upstate NY and New England where Lion fans could drive to the game through glorious foliage, attend the game, and then have a great dinner at a country inn without giving a single thought to their physical safety or that of their family. I know from talking to other alumni at home games that it's hard to get spouses to attend games ("They always lose", "We'll never get a cab after the game", and so on). Scheduling games in marginal neighborhoods in The Bronx doesn't help matters.

  2. To anonymous:
    Get with the program and try not to be too nervous. Maybe you have lived out of the city for too long.You could get dinner on Arthur Avenue.
    I walk ANYWHERE in NYC,and you have ten years on me.

  3. The walk to Baker Field from just about anywhere is very safe. We live in a safe city. This isn't New Haven.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. Fordham at night is not worth sticking around, but I agree and STRONGLY recommend getting a meal on Arthur Avenue after the game this year. The area is fine. My only beef is driving there stinks if you follow Fordham's crazy directions. Always get to the stadium by using the BRONX RIVER PKWY and the BRONX ZOO exit. And set your GPS to put you back on the same parkway first when you go home. The local driving anywhere else stinks on ice in that area.

  6. Will Lion fans be in 7, 8 or 9?

  7. Jake,
    Are your tix in the CU sections?

  8. I got section 15, but honestly, just get the general admission tickets and sit with the CU fans where you see them. I've never had a problem with that at Coffey Field.

  9. Kal Prince and Scooter Hollis moved to WR from QB.

  10. That actually happened last season... but keep looking for stuff I may miss! I need the help and I don't mean to sound sarcastic, but I'm not. Most of the time, my readers spot changes in the roster before I do.


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