Monday, July 22, 2013

Moment #61: 3rd and, (almost), Never

With 5:40 left in the week five showdown with Penn, the game remained scoreless as the Lions started their third possession of the game at their own 39.

After getting one 1st down, Columbia eventually faced a 3rd and one at the Quaker 39. But the ensuing run by Marcorus Garrett went for a two yard loss… and yet another 3rd down conversion failure for the Lions in 2012.

It’s been written on this blog’s pages before, but Columbia’s 3rd down conversion rate of 31% was dead last in the Ivies. And as much as that statistic tells you something, you feel the reality and importance of it all much more when you relive each of the key 3rd down failures.

Getting better on 3rd down has to be one of Head Coach Pete Mangurian's top priorities for this year. 

This particular failure ruined what looked like a good scoring chance early in the game.

And it wouldn’t be the last. 

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