Sunday, August 25, 2013

Brackett's New Quest

Sean Brackett

Sean Brackett '13 is looking to continue his football career, and he's made a deal with the Utah Blaze in the Arena Football League.

Brackett's brash style of play might be a perfect fit in the fast-paced AFL.

We will be watching and we already wish Sean the best.


  1. Former Dartmouth QB Brian Mann did the Arena League for a while and enjoyed it. Hope that Brackett does as well. Good luck to him!

  2. Whatever his shortcomings, he gutted out injury-plagued years, his and others', and helped beat teams that were favored. Best of luck to him.

  3. Jake,
    What happened with the Josh Martin game?

  4. An earlier article in Stanford Daily News on Nottingham has him scouted as the 4th best quarterback in the nation out of high school before coming to Stanford. The following is an excerpt....

    'Redshirt sophomore quarterback Brett Nottingham (above) saw action in six games last season, completing five of eight passes for 78 yards and a touchdown. Nottingham was ranked the fourth best high school pro-style quarterback in the nation by (DON FERIA/'


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