Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Sports Network Stays the Course

Last year I really protested Craig Haley's preview of the Ivy football season for The Sports Network website.

I even blasted Haley as a Princeton "homer," because he was a real outlier with his prediction that the Tigers would begin to be contenders in the league in 2012.

Shows how much I know.

It turns out Haley was dead right about Princeton, but I can take some solace in the fact that he was wrong about Columbia and Dartmouth finishing 7th and 8th.

This year, the Sports Network has handed the Ivy preview duties over to Brandon Lawrence.

And Mr. Lawrence stays true to tradition by predicting Columbia last.

Lawrence picks Penn first, even though he seems unaware that Lyle Marsh is not on the team anymore.

He also follows Haley's lead with a heady 3rd place pick for the Tigers.

As we Columbia fans know, our team won't get any respect until it starts to post some winning seasons.

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