Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Big Moment Coming

Sometime in the next 12 hours or so, we’ll get the game notes and two deeps for the opener at Fordham in three days.

Other than the start of the first game itself, the two deep release is the single most anticipated event of the off season. That long wait is about to be over, and as fans all we ask is that the information be as accurate  as possible.
Speaking of info… another voice has joined the growing chorus of people who see the woeful state of marketing and fan services available in Ivy league football.

And this time, it’s not even an Ivy fan.

It’s Chuck Burton of the Lehigh Football Nation and the College Sports Journal, who writes today of his struggles to get any decent info out of the official Ivy league Sports website. Make sure you check out Chuck's tale of woe.

Unless the League is deliberately trying to kill the sport, (and sometimes it really looks like it is), the lack of decent accessible info and promotion of Ivy football is baffling.

Or it could be that the League is just running a hush-hush assisted living facility out of its offices with residents disguised as employees.

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