Wednesday, October 30, 2013


Columbia Spectator is reporting that RB Marcorus Garrett and Punter Paul Delaney have been suspended  for the Yale game this Saturday.

These are the two best players on the team.

More details as they become available.


  1. They played to well

  2. That now makes three players who are currently seniors who have had disciplinary problems... if your dumb enough to get in trouble in the middle of the season you clearly don't give a shit about your teammates or the team. I now understand why there is separation on the team... clearly the young players are more focused than the older ones.

  3. (meant to say currently juniors or seniors)

  4. Do not comment on what u do not know.

  5. hey it's you that does not know. These "young men" made a huge stupid mistake and got caught.

    when it comes out why, you will see that this team is poorly led by a pathetic group of Seniors who don't care. So, say all you want about it being all PM's fault all right---you will see he isn't responsible for the mistakes these two made. Many many others yes but not these.

    I believe that the young ones will actually get better next year as the dead weight drops off

  6. For the sake of the team I would not suspend these two players ..I would warn them of a permanent suspension if anything happens again,,...for the rest of the year...this is nuts! I hope the coach changes his mind.

  7. if what they did was so bad, why does he keep them around? Garrett is a great player, but with him starting the Lions are 0 - 6. Doesn't seem a necessary cog if he is bringing the team down. If I was drowning at see, I would certainly cut the dead weight around me.

  8. run the spread and throw it 35-40 times.

    just like Canadian league. seriously at his point in the contrarian approach that has the chance. splitting rush/pass didn't work and MG was completely STOPPED last game. I wonder why? oh yeah no blocking.

    hike throw catch repeat.

    we need to focus on first downs not bombs. possession not regression and tackling not pushing and chipping. I would say blocking but even our tall QB can sprint pass well enough to get 2.5 seconds and make a few completions.

    for those that want to run more (and Jake I was right there with you until last week) it's only to run down the clock-at which point-and I'm not criticizing those that think this way-I'm out. we should look at every player position and formation and play until we see a spark. Use the rest of the games this way to have SOMETHING to go into spring hoping to improve on instead of just starting over again...because even if BN comes back he will NOT back enough of a difference on this team...without wholesale changes.

  9. Well, if Pete didn't leave the seniors out to dry maybe they would be more involved.
    And what makes you say the younger guys are more have no idea as they haven't produced much either. How do we know they are focused? Maybe if some of your boys like pace were more focused we would still have a few skill players left.
    You know, to fit into the "System."

    1. Your right.. But they also aren't doing stupid shit that's getting them suspended

  10. See or Sea A-s H-l-

  11. Wow Jake, just noticed Garrett and Delaney were off the two-deep and was going to ask if they were injured.Any idea what they did?

  12. So you feel its MG is one of the reasons for our record ? Really how fast some will change on you or just don't know what your talking about .

  13. If you don't think pete is part of the problem you have been living under a rock with your head up your ass

    1. How would this be the coaches fault? I would love to hear your joke of a reason..

  14. Know ones saying what they did so if you know say it.

  15. The more I read this blog, the more f'ing stupid you guys sound. You know nothing of the disciplinary process or the athletes actions, and yet you use this to fantasize, generalize and support your BS theories. Today's posts are particularly pathetic.

  16. we'll take them both on the Raiders.

  17. I do agree that the younger ones haven't done anything to get suspended that we know of. However, that doesn't mean they are more focused. Could mean they just haven't gotten caught...kidding.

  18. Dumb ass looking for a reason, you asked how could pete be responsible for the record. You didn't say how could pete be responsible for the suspensions. Get a brain and call me when you start thinking about what you wrote

  19. Can't we all just get along!

  20. Just win, baby.
    --Al Davis

  21. No problem, Yale is just as pathetic with they're team.

  22. since we are all so anon's who's the tough guy telling people they have they heads up A's? you don't make any sense. no one as said MG is THE REASON why we are 0-6. But he's one of the reasons. How else can you argue that point exactly? with him 0-6 without him we lose by MORE? is that all you got? I'm trying to keep up with the logic.

    Our best athlete and senior captain averages less than 2 yds a carry and you blame the coaches and the other players but not the best running back in the league. Which is it? all are terrible coaches included or certain great players are great but everyone else is the reason they haven't produced?

    please it's getting boring.

    to be clear I am suggesting that our leaders should act like that win lose or draw on and off the field. If you disagree please explain. because until then I think that getting caught is likely NOT the first time someone breaks a team rule it's just their unlucky time to get caught. Maybe instead of breaking team rules he and those that didn't get caught spent more time learning the system and improving NO MATTER HOW GREAT YOU think they are_


  23. since we are all so anon's who's the tough guy telling people they have they heads up A's? you don't make any sense. no one as said MG is THE REASON why we are 0-6. But he's one of the reasons. How else can you argue that point exactly? with him 0-6 without him we lose by MORE? is that all you got? I'm trying to keep up with the logic.

    Our best athlete and senior captain averages less than 2 yds a carry and you blame the coaches and the other players but not the best running back in the league. Which is it? all are terrible coaches included or certain great players are great but everyone else is the reason they haven't produced?

    please it's getting boring.

    to be clear I am suggesting that our leaders should act like that win lose or draw on and off the field. If you disagree please explain. because until then I think that getting caught is likely NOT the first time someone breaks a team rule it's just their unlucky time to get caught. Maybe instead of breaking team rules he and those that didn't get caught spent more time learning the system and improving NO MATTER HOW GREAT YOU think they are_


  24. i hope the best players frosh or seniors coaches or GA's rise to the occasion and play with passion. i will pay to see us do that every weekend regardless of the score. But watching guys run faster to the bench that to the huddle and count me out like everyone else tuning out. i am in the minority I know but an ariel attack this weekend will be our best bet. utilize the TE's more throw the drags and deep come backs and OCCASIONAlly beat the one high safety out of position but don't wait until 3rd and 14 to do this.

    1st and 10- run loss of one
    2 and 11 run gain of 1
    3rd and 10 pass to covered receiver sacked, or covered or dropped or poor pass.

    that routine HAS to change.

    I bet it does at Yale-the Kid will have more time and we will simplify our routes and focus on moving chains-scoring comes at the end of this rinse and repeat.

    Defense has to contain and force a turnover.

    Columbia is wins 2 of 4 QTRs. game winner the one with the most 1st downs

  25. To anonymous above talking about not making sense...if you read you see my response was to another anonymous post who asked how can the record be Pete's fault.
    In regards to your lengthy, illogical diatribe above. I don't think it just me, but I really couldn't tell what point or multiple points you were attempting to make.
    So there is no misunderstanding...pete is one of the problems, the team is the worst in a long time, the coaching is a tragedy, the admin sits idly by, and the alums are tired of the lack of constructive dialogue on fixing the problem.
    I really can't be any clearer

  26. First, are the people writing here Columbia grads? The difference between "your" and "you're"? "Ariel" and "aerial"? Oh well....

    Second, how can ANYONE (again, Columbia grads?)predict that this team will beat Yale or ANYBODY? This team has set records for the BIGGEST LOSSES in league history! Is there a chance they'll win? Sure....and there's also a chance Jake will be Prime Minister of Indonesia.

    Finally, as some have pointed out, the staff has clearly lost the team so it's hardly a surprise that some of the players are acting out.

    But hey, let's not forget that in 1978 Lou Holtz suspended his three best players before a bowl game against 10-1 Oklahoma...and the inspired Razorbacks still won! Let's also remember that what we have here is NOT Lou Holtz and the Razorbacks. What we have here is a train wreck. We have a mess. We have a sick puppy squatting down for a loose bowel movement. We also have Yale for an opponent, not Oklahoma, but that will still be enough. More than enough. Much more than enough.

    Am I wrong? I hope so! Plus, anything can happen in the game with the funny ball. Do you feel lucky, punks?

  27. i know what you are thinking, did i fire 5 shots or 6..well punk

  28. Let's have it! Was it a rules violation or
    an attempted mutiny?

  29. "This is the worst team in a long time"
    Let's be very clear- this is the worst product all around we have ever fielded. I was a 3 year starter on the Wit and after losing streak team and we never lost by these margins. 69-0, 56-0 etc etc. this is beyond embarrassing. It starts at the top, one call to any former Cornell player under PM would have avoided this atrocity. Trust me in that he was chased out of there, the Pats and TB because of his tactics, stubbornness and poor people skills.

    1. You are absolutely right.

  30. nobody remembers you

  31. A player was suspended for one game last season for skipping class, maybe Delaney/Garrett suspension is as simple as that?

  32. This reminds me of something the great Coach Mac pulled in his first season. Presumably to prove he was a tough disciplinarian and no-nonsense guy, the coach accused the punter and kicker, two Seniors, for breaking curfew on the Eve of the Harvard opener and promptly suspended them from the game at the pre game breakfast. The thing is it was a total fabrication and lie. he just wanted to flex his muscles for the younger kids and new he could afford to lose early on.

    If PM is doing the right thing by suspending these kids I applaud him but I learned a long time ago never to judge a coach's decision by its cover..

  33. edit above post: he "knew" he could afford to lose early on...

  34. Coach Mac definitely lost games early on, all right.

  35. When will Columbia ever hire a genuine head football coach?

  36. Coach Mac (2-28)lost games early on AND later on. When it came to losing, Coach Mac was truly a man for all seasons. Home games, away games. Ivy games, OOC games. If it involved some form of ball and keeping score, Coach Mac could lose it.

  37. it's ok. After all, there are a lot of players sitting in the stands every week -- another brilliant idea by the coach. Perhaps a couple of them could be allowed on the field, or even on the sidelines.

  38. Rich Forzani '66
    So I'm not anonymous.
    And BTW, I took that comment about grammar and spelling seriously. Who IS doing all this illiterate commentary??
    As far as I'm concerned, like computers, it's "garbage in, garbage out" PM is only responsible for 25% of this team; the rest he inherited. The real culprit is the administration which has been complacent for decades re unacceptable performance. His latest blog is right on the mark.

  39. Pete Mangurian didn't say anything on this blog

  40. That's not true.

  41. I bet they pulled some silly prank. If it was anything more "serious" than that it would be more than a 1 game suspension. Pete knows he has no chance whatsoever of winning without those 2 guys - or at the least, staving off a blowout. When you need your punter that badly that about says it all. Do they have anyone else on the roster who can get air under it more than 30 yards? Such a sad display. I haven't touched alcohol in years but the day Pete is dismissed I just might treat myself to a craft ale.


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