Friday, November 22, 2013

Last Chance

Day-to-Day work and updates on the Ivy football season will continue on this blog. But to make sure the emergency situation Columbia football and Columbia athletics are under remains on the forefront, the following extremely common sense demands will be posted on top of every new post on this blog until changes are made:

FIRST: If you are a former player, please consider signing the letter in the post below: (click here to see it), which has now morphed into a living petition. 

Here's what we need to do as well: 

 1)    Replace Dianne Murphy as Athletic Director right away

2)      Replace Pete Mangurian as Head Football Coach the moment the season ends

3)      Bring in an outside consulting/expert group to make the replacement hires and evaluate the positions and effectiveness of everyone in the athletic department.

4)      Do NOT allow anyone who has had a leadership position or position of influence in any past hiring process to participate or interfere in any way with the overhaul process.

Please call President Bollinger at 212-854-1754 as soon as possible and asked to be connected to his office. Please respectfully ask that Murphy and Mangurian be let go as soon as possible.

You can also email:


Brown Bears at Columbia Lions

Location: Robert K. Kraft Field at Wien Stadium

Kickoff Time: 1:30pm

Gametime Weather Forecast: 45 degrees, mostly sunny

The Spread: Brown by 22 1/2


The game will be broadcast live on Fox College Sports

Superior audio commentary from Jerry Recco and Sal Licata will be available on the Ivy Digital Network.

The Columbia student station broadcast is on WKCR at 89.9 on your FM dial.

Lead Stories

-Will Columbia really go 0-10 for the first time since 1987? The 2011 Lions dodged the 0-10 bullet with a stunning double OT win over Brown, but this time it will be harder... a lot harder. No Ivy team has gone 0-10 since the 2008 Dartmouth Big Green. 

-What will the mood on the sidelines and the stands be like as universal anger at Head Coach Pete Mangurian and the CU Athletics Department reaches a fever pitch? 

-Will Brown take out its frustrations from a generally disappointing season on the Lions? No mercy?

Columbia Keys to the Game

1) Be Ready for Spooney

Brown speedster RB John Spooney could effectively end this game before the end of the 1st quarter with the kind of long TD runs he's been ripping off lately. 

2) Let McDonagh throw it to Connors and Garner

Can we please stop throwing the ball to guys who haven't been able to catch it? Chris Connors and Hamilton Garner can catch the ball and get open. Just do it.

3) If Garrett is Healthy, Give him the Ball 40 times

I think that's self-explanatory.


  1. "What will the mood on the sidelines and the stands be like as universal anger at Head Coach Pete Mangurian and the CU Athletics Department reaches a fever pitch?"

    Good question. However, I don't see how any expression of anger during the game serves any purpose other than to undermine the efforts of our guys. After everything that's gone on, the last thing we want is to have our athletes feel like it's on them !
    I'm going to bring my unconditional love (as usual).

  2. A university president rarely stays in place more than ten years, and with good reason. Columbia's experience with a president for life, Nicholas Murray Butler, proves the point, insofar as the last years of his imperial regime were a disaster. Likewise Bollinger. He has deeply offended all of us with his failure to provide better campus athletic facilities, with his neglect of the Dianne Murphy reign of incompetence, with his failure to demand excellence in our intercollegiate major sports, and with his conceit, as embodied in his merely signing his name to a letter written by Murphy.

  3. Bollinger has raised the university's academic standing and is raising money hand over fist plus Manhattanville. He is doing exactly what the trustees want him to do. Sports are secondary to those achievements. You guys talk yourselves into to some really wishful thinking. I don't totally agree with these priorities per say but that is reality. He isn't going anywhere and neither is DM.

  4. What is strange is that Bollinger is from Santa Rosa, CA - a downtrodden redneck town, though not a complete dump, close to it. He went to U Oregon too so he really should be a granola hippie. Yet, he has defied his roots in all respects.

  5. Well, he did keep his nice quaf of hair. Can't you just see him throwing it in the wind!

    Yes, he is raising money, but much of the big figures are for/from the business school so I wouldn't say he is 100% responsible for that.

  6. I hope the fans will show up and voice and show their displeasure towards Coach Mangurian, Dianne Murphy, and University President Bollinger. Since it's a nationally televised game on FOX College Sports, I hope a few brave fans put up signs asking for the firing of Pete & Dianne Murphy. If there's any better time for Columbia fans to show their displeasure loudly & clearly, it's in the national tv spotlight which they're under this week at home.

  7. Brave? What is the danger? LOL

  8. Where is the NHDC on this?

  9. Trying to own the "where's the beef" slogan

  10. Rich Forzani '66C

    Reply to "Bollinger has raised the university's academic standing and is raising money hand over fist plus Manhattanville."

    Too true. He has done all this, and that, quite frankly, was his primary mission. In the process, he has not attended to certain other important aspects of Columbia well-being, such as student facilities and sports, which contribute to morale. Kind of like a talented chef who is also really obnoxious.

    His over-riding fault, from my perspective, is that he has turned a blatantly blind eye towards alumni requests in favor of being perceived as PC. Specifically, re Murphy. He is exhibiting a "Pontius Pilate" behavior; washing his hands of the whole issue, and apparently not understanding that this is truly serious.

    I don't agree this is all "wishful thinking". I believe that as time goes by, he, like any political animal, will conclude it is easier to placate than to resist.

  11. Brown wins by at least 4 tds. If PM isn't relieved of his duties by Monday, no one attends golf outing- easy solution. Don't enable this travesty.

  12. Another blow out. Disgusting display of football.

  13. Who ever funded the banner...great idea. Classic. But I think the brain trust in the luxury boxes ignored the message.

  14. Certain concerned alumni who care about Columbia athletics and who wish to remain, as above, anonymous.

  15. Well, Princeton lost to Dartmouth. In the snow. Argh.

    I was at Columbia-Brown, attendance was atrocious. Must have been sub-3,000. Very cold.

  16. Pete has done a excellent job and is making his mark! He had taken the program to another level.
    The University President and the Athletic Director openly support the direction he is taking the program.
    Statistically, his loss record is .1000, Columbia was 0-10, bottom in league standing. Offensively we only scored 8 TDs and 1 defensive TD for a grand total of 9 TDs for the 8season. A possible school record. We were outscored 402 to 73.
    Now that's quite of a accomplishment!
    In the business world, this person would have been performance managed and terminated.
    The university has failed in their fiduciary duties in supporting this performance!

  17. It is worse than that. The previous record for the most points by an opponent in a 10-game season was 390 in 1982. He beat that record by giving up 402.

  18. It was a 70 degrees F in northern California today.

  19. If Pete Mangurian is staying for another year which I'm afraid might happen, then seriously, Pres. Bollinger & Dianne Murphy are both dickheads.

  20. Way to go Bill Campbell! Would you tolerate this performance at Intuit? Your absolute stubborn, hardheaded inability to ever admit a mistake will now doom this program for years and years to come!

  21. Way to go Bill Campbell! Would you tolerate this performance at Intuit? Your absolute stubborn, hardheaded inability to ever admit a mistake will now doom this program for years and years to come!


Please keep your comments respectful!