I decided to delay publishing the new letter calling for Head Coach Pete Magurian's ouster from former Columbia football players because the Columbia Spectator wanted to publish it first.
You can see it by clicking the link in the above sentence, or you can read it below.
Note that Columbia Athletics Hall of Famer Rory Wilfork '97 has joined the cause.
The national celebrity I referred to earlier has decided he wants to address this issue with his own letter and in other ways, so we will await that. I apologize for jumping the gun on that, but I respect this person's right to change his mind and wait a few more days.
Finally, this letter is actually a petition. If you are a former CU football player or student athlete who agrees with the sentiments of the signatories, I am told you can add your name to this letter at any time. To do that, you can email me at roarlions2012@gmail.com or Rich Forzani at rforzani1@optonline.net.
Dear President Bollinger and Chairman Campbell:
As alumni of Columbia and the Columbia football program, we feel compelled to speak out about the current state of the program and the disastrous job performance of its current head coach.
In fewer than two years, Pete Mangurian has done what many thought impossible. He’s taken a program with a very sad recent history and made it clearly worse. The scores and statistics tell a woeful story. This team is performing worse than even the squads at the height of the infamous 44-game losing streak of 1983-88. We will almost surely go 0-10 this season for the first time since 1987.
That alone would be unacceptable, but we can also see that much of this futility is not an accident. Coach Mangurian has deliberately enacted policies that are not only making it impossible for us to win but are also putting the players in physical danger.
We refer to the deliberate practice of forcing the team’s linemen to slim down to weights sometimes 50 to 60 pounds lighter than the Ivy League norm. We also refer to the deliberate benching of experienced upperclassmen, some of them All-Ivy awardees, in favor of first-year players who have not been given a chance to develop their skills and boost their strength. As much as we hate to see the team continue to lose, we hate even more to see our current players put in a totally unnecessarily dangerous situation.
We know of no other solution to this problem but to replace Coach Mangurian as soon as the season ends. It pains us to publicly embarrass the program in this way, but it’s essential that the athletics department cut its losses and move on. Many of us were dismayed two years ago when we saw the hiring process for Mangurian not being carried out in the open way we were all promised. We know of several candidates willing to coach at Columbia who were not even interviewed. Some of those candidates include excellent former Columbia players and assistant coaches. In short, we believe the hiring of Coach Mangurian was not conducted properly, and thus the current poor results should not be a surprise to anyone.
To that end, we also strongly request that an outside group be brought in to assess the entire athletics department and conduct the hiring process for a new head football coach. We believe too many of the same people in and outside the department have failed in the past in this endeavor, and it’s time to look elsewhere for this crucial decision.
We remain ever loyal to Alma Mater, and that is the main reason we have decided to make this plea in this way. The signatories below include three Columbia Athletics Hall of Fame members and several substantial donors to the University. We all know that football and athletics in general can be more successful at Columbia provided our teams and athletes get the proper leadership. We are ready and willing to do whatever we can to help you make that happen.
Jim Armstrong '99; Patrick Armstrong '94; Chad Andrzejewski , CC ’94, three-time letterwinner; Rod Azar, ’93; Billy Basso, ’93; Richard Beggs '66; Rashad Biggers '05, 2003-04 team captain; Matt Bloodgood '00, Chandler Bockledge '00; Ed Botwinick '56, Trustee Emeritus; Greg Bowman '00; Rob Carey, CC ’92; Joe Calcagno, CC ’93; Thomas Chorba, ’66; Jim Daine, CC ’94; Jay DePurtuis '98; Gary Edmonds, ’95; Tommy Enright '03; Darren Finestone '91; Rich Forzani, ’66; Ray Gerena '98; Michale Hefferon '94; Brett Hixon, ’03; Brad Hutton '92, 1991 team captain, Jennifer Jackson Strange, manager 1988-90; John Jennings, ’94, three-time letterwinner; Michael Kamen '66; Quinn Kayser-Cochran, CC ’91; Bob Kent, CC ’92, letterwinner; Chris Konovalchik '90; Neal Kravitz '00; Justin Logan '02; Alberto Marconi, ’93; Chad Moore, ’93; Dean Mothard; Paul Myott '90; Lawrence Nelson; Kiernan O’Connor, CC ’92; Jason Overdorf '93; Daniel Palmer '07; Pete Passaro '92; Matt Porter '01; Matt Radley '00; David Ramirez, CC ’96; Christopher Reed '90; Dominic Riebli '98; Claude Roxborough '00, Dennis Ryan ' 86; Tom Samuelson, ’84; Mitch Sisskind '68; Scott Spivey '93; Matt Streem '93; Kyle Stupi '12; Matt Swyers, ’93; Jason Tarbart, ’93; Matt Thompson, ’93; John Vomvolakis '91; Bob Walcott, SEAS ’92; Desmond Werthman, CC ’93, Columbia Athletics Hall of Fame; Rory Wilfork, CC ’97, Columbia Athletics Hall of Fame; Stephen Wolfson
ReplyDeletere fixing Columbia football: A radical idea which should actually be obvious and not considered radical
Every football player who was a member of the team for any length of time during this and/or last year should be invited to offer his thoughts, feelings, ideas re any aspect of the situation which he feels like talking about.
This needs to be done in an atmosphere of safety - players should have the option to do this anonymously if they are concerned about repercussions.
Only after we hear from the players - those who have been closest to the situation - can we effectively decide on what further steps to take, or not to take.
Roger Dennis
former player
CC '66
Ps. Assistant coaches, managers, parents, and all others who were in any way close to the scene should be afforded the same opportunity to share their thoughts, ideas, etc.
totally agree and am hopeful it will happen, but just not sure we have seen evidence that it can. it is a simple request, but seemingly hard to implement.
ReplyDeleteAfter the crowds left, and it was apparent that this season was going down in a blaze, PM decided he was going to ship off the senior defenders. This is when the season took its deepest dive. The senior defenders were still fighting on despite playing almost a 100 plays a game due to the offensive ineptitude and the continued insane failure to use upperclassmen at ends.
ReplyDeletePM felt it was time to move on from them. They had seen how he had castrated the offense and they refused to stand by and allow it to the defense.
They requested a Captain's meeting with PM to discuss the benching of the seniors on defense. They had organized their thoughts and presented their heartfelt feelings to PM. PM flips out at the meeting and loses his temper. Starts screaming and carrying on. Then it occurs to him, he is in trouble if these seniors walkout on him. It will be a national news story and an embarrassment to him, Diane and the university.
Then just as suddenly, he turns around, and gives in to a true Bipolar spin. Acquiesced to all their demands to allow the seniors to continue on. Hence, the more respectable losing scores as the seniors returned to more playing time. Check it out.....
Columbia was this close to adding insult to injury this season. It would have been in Sports Illustrated, ESPN, national news. An outrageous laughing stock. This is where PM is taking this program. Make no mistake, the juniors are right there with them. You will be facing it again next year with their anger. They know what he will do and they have their own plan.
I swear this is a true story. You can verify it with the players.
. Diane and Boll, it's all on the line with this guy. Stake your reputations with this guy at your own peril.....
The allegation above should be investigated by the Dean of Students. If true, PM is violating Columbia's age discrimination and harassment policies.
Columbia University is committed to providing a learning, living, and working environment free from discrimination and harassment and to fostering a nurturing and vibrant community founded upon the fundamental dignity and worth of all of its members. Consistent with this commitment and with applicable laws, the University does not discriminate against any person in the administration of its educational policies, admissions policies, scholarship and loan programs, and athletic and other University-administered programs or permit the harassment of any student or applicant for admission on the basis of membership in a Protected Class as defined below. The University provides students who believe that they have been the subject of discrimination or harassment with mechanisms for seeking redress.
Well, there you have it. Room for the lawyers. Thank you Mr Kent. All help is welcome.
ReplyDeleteNonetheless, the next installment will be the "Sean Brackett Story". How a superior NFL coach turned a junior all Ivy QB with the heart of a Lion into "just another guy", (JAG). Or, how to take exceptional student athlete leadership, destroy it, and make it all about the coach.
Coming after I return to my trash disposal business, or work.
PS. I sure wish the Bracketts would weigh in here. It would be so rich. They could really download.
Age discrimination between 19 or 20 vs 21 or 22 on a sports team. Ludicrous. You guys need to calm down.
ReplyDeletewe are mad as hell and we are not going to take it anymore
ReplyDeletePeople that make these comments...."get a lawyer silly and stupid". And " you guys need to calm down" obviously don't have a clue how serious these issues are. If any of these incidents happened to you son, you wouldn't be taking it so lightly. Probably be best to stay off this blog, you have no investment to the FB program and we don't need your 2 cents.
ReplyDeleteAnecdotal stories about confrontational meetings you did not attend are useless BS. I have fifty employees. Whenever I dig into one of these incidents, I never even get close to the truth until you personally interview all the participants. You have to take these third hand stories with a huge grain.
ReplyDeleteThus the person above said it should be looked into and then listed what he thought to be possible ramifications. The same thing, I think, you would do as a business owner. Given I run a business as well; I would look at all the potential risks as I am looking into the situation.
ReplyDeleteSo now we know that college athletes, who put 40 hours a week into their sport, have fewer rights than members of the NFLPA. We have a single case of hazing with the Dolphins and the next thing we know is that outside counsel is called in to do an internal investigation. Here we are in a free fall of historic proportions and all we get is a letter from Lee drafted by Dianne.
ReplyDeleteWhat seniors on Defense where benched? I remember seeing several that were injured and hobbled by injuries that missed some stints of time. Please enlighten us all on who were actually benched because of performance. Or are you expecting that just because a player is a senior, he should play above a lower classmen, even though he is hobbled by an injury thus making him less effective than the lower classmen.
ReplyDeleteCalm down? Maybe if we would have been loud and vocal after last year's "Great Weight Loss Experiment" we wouldn't be in the predicament we are in now. We cannot allow this man do any further harm to the players or the football program.
Please start the site:
ReplyDeletewww.fire petemangurrian.com
I think President Bollinger just demonstrated that no one in power really cares what people
ReplyDeleteon the outside think. We think PM should go but they don't, so he probably isn't.
I am working on a site to that effect but slow going since I am neck deep in life responsibilities.