Friday, November 1, 2013

What We Do Now (Updated)


Never ones to sit idly by, several leading alums and fans have joined me in the search for a sports consulting group to take over and overhaul the athletic department at Columbia. 

We are assembling a list of GREAT groups with great track records and are preparing to present them to President Bollinger in the coming days. 

We will not simply ask for major changes without making it easier for Bollinger to make them, 

Columbia football, an entity so many people could not believe could fall even further in status and prestige, has done just that in 2013.

The Lions are being blown out by historic margins, the statistics are galling, and now there’s even personal controversy hampering the team as its two best players have been suspended.

For fans like us who support this team emotionally and financially, some of us for many decades, we are at a new all-time low.

So what can we get for all this suffering that can at least turn it into the dues we pay for a real improvement in the future?

The answers are pretty simple and clear.

Columbia football, and Columbia athletics in general need a complete house cleaning.

We can’t just fire another coach and hope for a different result this time.

The changes must be far more far-reaching than that and definitive.

We must:

1)      Replace Dianne Murphy as Athletic Director right away
2)      Replace Pete Mangurian as Head Football Coach the moment the season ends
3)      Bring in an outside consulting/expert group to make the replacement hires and evaluate the positions and effectiveness of everyone in the athletic department.
4)      Do NOT allow anyone who has had a leadership position or position of influence in any past hiring process to participate or interfere in any way with the overhaul process.

It’s that simple. It’s that complicated.

I ask all of you to help get this done.


  1. You support this team emotionally and financially? When is the last time you donated to the football program, Jake? Continue to spread lies, but people should be aware their "leader" in the supposed overhaul initiative doesn't have any dues invested for a real improvement of the future nor do you have a meeting with Bollinger.

    Let's just respond in 60 minutes tomorrow and stop with this nonsense.

  2. I donate money every year, and at an increasing rate.

  3. Jake,
    Will you publish the list? Are these track records related to our needs?
    Good luck! Will support.

  4. As soon as we get it finalized, I will publish the list, yes.

    And yes, we are focusing on groups with collegiate and Ivy experience.

  5. Fantastic!
    Hope enough political juice to facilitate the needed upgrades.
    Can't wait.

  6. People want to point the finger at Jake... Of course, shoot the messenger who cares deeply for the kids, the program, and the University! Use Jake as a beard to mask the athletic administration's shortcoming, nice try!

  7. Donate, no. Hemming and hawing whether to buy an $11 CU fotball cap on eBay, yes.

  8. Positioning consulting help is a great idea but correct me if mistaken, hasn't the administration tried that approach before? Is the message, we have the right people for you to engage now and you didn't back then? Times change but people don't. People with PhDs, accolades and achievements that have propped their egos to get them into high places don't react well to "I can do it better" proposals. I'm certainly no expert in dealing with academic administration types but if you look at football booster activity at other schools that have instigated change, typically, lobbying gets the job done. Then they move onto consultants. The hard part is identifying the person who can wield some influence in CU athletics whose name is not BC.

    I'm not shooting down the idea but I do have experience dealing with smart people and people who think they are smart. You just can't win so you have to circumvent them somehow.

  9. Columbia needs an AD who has experience hiring successful football coaches. At most FCS schools, the AD is judged on football success. I don't see how we are different. If we are, we are better off playing Cortland St and Montclair State than Albany and Monmouth.


    A note to Des W. I am sorry that I did not explain my "Skin in the Game" comment better. I consider anyone who helps a student get a quality education to "Have Skin in the Game." This would include Jake, Mangurian, Bollinger, Murphy, Campbell, the custodians and groundskeepers. They are all helping CU students develop their minds, bodies and spirits.

    A note to Coach Mangurian. Your hard ass coaching style obviously doesn't get you and your athletes too many victories or smiles. Please look at the sidelines of a Seattle Mariner football game and see how a coach who smiles and encourages his athletes on every play gets both smiles and victories for his players. On a collegiate level his coaching style got even better results at Southern California.

    A note to the gentleman who called me a jerk and a non athlete. Name calling in no way helps CU solve the problems with the football program. As for my being a non athlete, I played baseball, basketball, roller hockey and ran track at a Catholic elementary school twenty blocks north of Baker Field in the Kingsbridge section of the Bronx. I didn't compete in athletics at my Catholic high school at 152nd Street and Amsterdam Avenue in upper Harlem because I was working after school at a CU Teachers College Library, Butler Hall.

    While working days for UPS, I got my undergraduate bachelor of arts degree in American History and Sociology in the evenings at SUNY Empire State College which does not have an athletic program. While teaching Social Studies to Special Education and Regular Education minority students in Spanish Harlem, The South Bronx and Yorkville in the daylight hours, I also attended Mercy College in the evenings and over the summer months to get my masters degree in Secondary and Special Education. I didn't quite have the time to compete in athletics.

    I almost forgot that I competed in stick ball games on the asphalt streets of upper Manhattan in Marble Hill right across the Harlem River from Baker Field. Some guy named Willie Mays competed in the same sport on the streets above Coogins Bluff and the Polo Grounds. He had more speed and power than I had but I think I had a better glove.

    Please everyone on both sides put away the egos and hatchets and get together and do what's right for the student athletes who want a good experience playing college football. My experience as an infantryman and fire team leader on the fields in South Vietnam is in some ways no different than the CU football players experiences on Baker Field. I was and they are in the perfect family environment, all for one and one for all. They will never forget their teammates the rest of their lives. The division that is going on in the Columbia Community is bringing heart ache to the Columbia Football Team.

  11. Let's give our guys support on the filed for the next four Saturdays, first and foremost.

  12. OldLion, et al- Of course we support the team each and every Saturday. The problem is that by halftime we're out of it. We need to keep Ted Gregory, BC, Dianne and the NHDC out of the hiring process if we are to proceed!

  13. Seattle Mariner football game?

  14. Teacher MIke, you should probably quit while you are way behind. Seattle Mariners Football? Stickball=athlete? Funny stuff, man.

  15. Does Pace get credit for sacks if he pushes Victor Eugo in to our QB (after he's blown by him)? Or does Pace get credit for a sack when Eugo bull rushes him into our quarterback. Pldease let us know...

    Also, will Victor Eugo be prosecuted for bullying Pace?

  16. This "show" is getting worse. Pull the plug on these coaches.

  17. Another sleepless Saturday night.

  18. Teachermike you are a moron. There is a problem. Asking CU football alumni to relax and sing Kumbya is not what we want to hear. We want blood. It's 3q and the score is 43-6 Yale. This is The worst team is the pathetic history of this program. And let me be clear ITS NOT THE PLAYERS. Columbia has some gifted athletes on this years squad. PM will go down with that A hole garret and Naso as three of The worst the admin have hired. Lets get real people. This coach has lost his way and lost his team. He must be fired now. Forget seasons end. NOW.

  19. Remember, holding opponents to under 50 is a victory.

  20. This "show" is getting worse. Pull the plug on these coaches.

  21. the fat lady is singing.

  22. We scored! We scored!! Okay, against Yale's 3rd team...

  23. It's a waste of good players and all their hard work and effort

  24. How sad for the players. How long can this continue? Detached, reasonable thinkers could make a good case for dropping this activity that degrades young men and downgrades the entire Columbia community.

  25. An onside kick? Are you effing kidding me! Fire this loser!

  26. Jovin61. I agree. Put this program out of its misery. Thanks Bill Campbell. All your money and effort had been wasted. Maybe if you were sober when u picked the last 5 coaches we would had a Fighting chance.

  27. Another nail biter with our stellar coaching staff

  28. The only way to solve this is to admit the program is he worst in College the coach, fire the AD, fire he Football Advisory group, and make sure Bill Campbell has nothing ever to do with decisions regarding the football team ever again.

  29. this blog is a broken record (remember those?). Somebody with influence has to knock loudly at the top and make the changes necessary.

  30. Tim Pernetti for AD!

  31. Bill Campbell - Please, please stay away from the football program! Please!!!

  32. Bill Campbell - Please, please stay away from the football program! Please!!!

  33. Bill Campbell - Please, please stay away from the football program! Please!!!

  34. An embarrassing loss to a weak Yale squad. In 30 years I have never seen a less competitive CU team. How could DM hire this bum. Not even thru the dog days of the "streak" was it this bad. This team has given up. FIRE PM and give these boys a chance to salvage this season.

  35. I think the League has to step in and take over the program for a few years a la the Federal government and General Motors.

  36. The Naso teams gave up 50 spots but at least put up 30 and were fun to watch on offense. CU football is at an all time low now.

  37. All PM apologists need to step down. Parents who think this is part of successful rebuilding need their head examined. Admins who think this is acceptable are useless. This guy has single handedly ruined football and the college experience for so many players who love the game and deserve so much better. This system is a failure and don't point to Surace and say be patient. Look at the scores. Look at the body language. Look at the preparedness of the players. Parents, ask your sons what the horseshit they are being fed in the locker room! It's pathetic, truly pathetic.

  38. How many games would these players have won with another coach? The players miss tackles, fumble, and throw interceptions. Why is everyone so confident it's the coach and not the players?

  39. Hey now, I did get offered the position out of a pool of 17 candidates. Ms. Murphy and I were already acquainted from our time at Cornell but that did not factor into the final decision.

  40. Columbia football is going to set a new school record of points scored against them in a season and possibly the least amount of points scored against their opponents in a season also. That being said, there needs to be a seriously evaluation of the programs direction. If the administration believes in Coach M. and his philosophy on how to rebuild a program, then i think we are in serious trouble down range and with future recruiting . Their are to many flaws in Coach M. rebuilding plan. Fans,alumni's,parents are frustrated with the situation, but it's the players who give it all every week that are suffering from this lack of coaching leadership and direction! It's a real travesty to the team!

  41. Tim Pernetti for AD!

  42. Even the announcers said we have talent on this team and were wondering about out offensive ineptitude. Someone should get an honest opinion from another Ivy coach who does not have an axe to grind about if it is just bad luck or bad coaching that is causing us to lose

  43. Down 40+ and he foes an onside kick???!!! Do we really need to say anything else?

  44. One simple case in point has to do with Chris Connors. Meh is clearly our most capable receiver. He catches everything thrown to him. He could have had 150 yards if he were targeted. Yet we keep throwing to a couple of freshmen who cannot hold onto the ball. When the game was still competitive how many drops of catchable balls did you see our tall receivers drop? Yet they all fit Mangurian's profile of being at least 6'3". And how large a cushion were our DBs giving the Yale receivers? And how many times were our DBs not playing the ball? And how many arm tackles did you see? These are fundamentals. Don't go by your charts but see who can catch, cover, tackle, block.

  45. I would say Chris Connors would be the MVP for the game (or the 2nd string punter who had a good game).

  46. No fan of the coach,, but as you guys all note the players read this blog. If they keep getting bailed out by you all for their lack of fundamental football play, they will never improve and simply blame the coach on a conscious or subconscious level. Here's an idea...put your face down the middle of someone and hit somebody on defense. If you continue to tolerate soft play by providing built in excuses , they have no real incentive to improve. A total overhaul is needed, this is obvious. But let's not remove a serious evaluation of the current roster as being good enough or not good enough to compete as we change our leadership as well.

  47. Have Pete and Ray switch jobs until his contract is up. Food for thought...

  48. Pete is setting records, albeit for the other teams, but nevertheless he's record setting!!!

  49. x country wins Ivies. DM should be safe for another few years. If we win fencing and archery, sky is the limit.

  50. If we were 0 7 but playing competitive football and improving each week, I would say tough schedule, key injuries, new coach, new system, be patient. But this is absurd and will set a bad program back further for years. Best to regroup earlier than later.

  51. The system stinks and the staff is doing a horrible job coaching and developing the players.

  52. x country has been winning ivies long before her arrival, but point taken. with that said, instead of x country winning being used as a jab of meaninglessness, maybe it could be viewed as a model of hope. or, probably not.

  53. seriously, have Pete and Ray switch jobs, effective 11/4/13 - I like that idea!


    I don't necessarily believe rumors are true or come true, but I am praying for all those hard working young men on the CU football team, that put up with what they've had to for 1.5 years and outrageous antics of PM with his attitude, personality issues, and everything else that he resigns!!!


  55. Makes no sense that coordinators are fired and hc resigns. One or the other. I suspect bs post.

  56. Who is your son? Players are not privy to this info.. BS post.

  57. Rumors are just that rumors!

  58. "Makes no sense that coordinators are fired and hc resigns. One or the other. I suspect bs post."

    The poster didn't say that BOTH rumors were true.

  59. Who knows where or if at all that comments is ledgit; however it would only be one or the other.

  60. If the rumors turn out to be true I might buy that $11 CU football cap on eBay.

  61. Hot off the press.
    Bill Cowher coming out of retirement to coach CU.
    Tressel will be his OC and Wiley makes triumphant return as DC.

  62. Maybe Marcellus Wiley would agree to be DE instead.

  63. If that happened our defense would suck and barely be able to speak

  64. Yes, and Lou Little is returning to Columbia! Wishful thinking!

  65. Lou Little would be an excellent choice.

  66. We need help with some divine intervention ! Where has Father V. been? I don't see him on the sidelines anymore!
    Did he retire?

  67. Last I heard he was cussing at the coach and the church called him back

  68. Oh God, Dianne will be insufferable. Men's cross country won the Ivies so Dianne has 10 years of headlines on the AD website about her leading the harriers to victory, their
    academic achievements, what they had for lunch last Tuesday, plus anything else to distract from football.s record do O-7' 296 points against us and 57 for.
    Don't despair though. Men's and women's basketball are coming up soon and they're almost as bad.

  69. To Jovin from Jim:
    Scotch or bourbon at the game(?) next week?

  70. Lisa Melendy, Williams' athletic director, is a worthy candidate and a big time winner.

  71. Give me a break.

  72. I just got off the phone with Ray Tellier and he will be re-taking the job of football HC as of this week. No word yet on OC/DC replacements as of yet. So the rumors ARE true.

  73. Go on Lou Holtz's twitter. He is taking over as Lion head Coach tomorrow. Rumors are reality.

  74. What about starting a BLOG fund to help buy out Pete's contract?

  75. To Anon above who wants to blame this on the players, and asks how we are so confidant it's not the coach? I will tell you . These kids were ALL good ball players in HS . All of a sudden they come to Columbia and forget all they've learned. Come to Columbia and now don't know how to play FB? Give me a Damn break.! Yes some may be better than others but there is talent just waiting to dare anyone blame these boys for this embarrassment.

  76. Bill Campbell of .222 winning percentage is coming back for encore performance. Plus he can be closer to his ex wife who has a $15 million coop in the city.

  77. Fire PM and hire Carl Pellini...he's looking. Played at CU. has good pedigree etc. everyone makes mistakes. Just ask a certain CU grad who lives in a Big White House in DC.

  78. If all u bloggers want change start emailing the person who caused this tragedy. MD

  79. Stick to football. Bringing up someones personal life, his ex-wife and where she lives is completely out of bounds. Mind your own business and have some class. Come on Jake, you used to have standards on this blog.

  80. Bill Campbells intrusive meddling resulted in the hiring of Mangurian.

  81. What the hell does that have to do with where his ex wife lives? Classless comment. You don't agree with his contributions to CU fine, stick to that.

  82. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  83. Ease up jerk. Bill is one of the main reasons we are in this predicament Everything is fare game.

    1. Everything is FAIR game, if you are a classless and ignorant person with no sense of personal decency.

  84. Lets get back on point. FIRE PM!!!

  85. What I find funny is that the players have standards, the alums have standardsn yet the university, athletic director and so forth have none as far as the football team goes. How far does one have to sink before people start to think about it. How far does a program have to drop before change? How far does a program have to drift before the administration actually helps the kids who they are responsible for? The parents of these kids trusted the university with them to do right by them and, like usual, they have been let down.

  86. what do you guy's think of Tim Pernetti for AD and let him pick the next FB coach?

  87. Jake you need to delete this tasteless crap. I've been reading this blog since 2006. During most of its existence you used to edit this blog and delete tasteless remarks. Crass remarks about a woman who has nothing to do with CU football has no place here.

  88. Sorry to see all the frustrations (and typos, aren't we all Ivy alumni here?) on this blog. I know you guys are hurting. Harvard and Brown are not going to be pretty home games, played in front of bone-chilled crowds of under 5,000 in late November. I'll be there in person to support the light blue, but I fear it will get worse before it gets better.

    This may not help, but if you need a break from PM and some uplifting of spirits, try tuning into the Princeton games. They are genuinely fun to watch. Today Epperly set an FCS record for completions (he was 29 for 29 at one point) and will soon have more rushing touchdowns than freaking Keith Elias, the plays were running nearly instantly, 6 TDs, 7 sacks, etc. Fun, fun, fun. About as watchable as Ivy football can get and good for the league overall.

    So take a break from killing each other over these losses; this can all get sorted out once the season is over. Keep your orange and black Halloween decorations up and cheer Princeton for a little while, until next year when you can go back to hating us again.

  89. Sadly, regrettably, I think we are doomed to suffer through one more season of the current regime. PM will not be fired because Murphy is constitutionally incapable of admitting that her hand picked football coach was not just a mistake, but a catastrophe for the ages. And Murphy will never be fired because Bollinger, as the crown prince of political correctness, regards Murphy as a "statement". The trustees will not push out Bollinger because it is now his board, Bollinger is raking in the big donors, and the university's academic hasn't been this high since the 1930s.

  90. Need a football savvy AD. There is an ADA at notre dame named Klunder who is in charge of football operations and was on Harvard football staff for a number of years. You need someone like that.

  91. Good high school players? We've had good high school players for 50 years, with exactly the results everyone is complaining about.

    Can't "fire" the players? Then fire the coach. But file the comments away, so you can easily recycle them in two years when you want to fire the next one.

  92. Would you two give it a rest!

  93. 2posts above. Point well taken but this is historically bad and destructive/demeaning.

  94. What has this world come to? I'm rooting for Princeton because Inwood tiger is being a good guy!

  95. OldLion may be right about PM and Dianne. We're just all screwed for one, possibly two more years!

  96. If this were the business world the coach would certainly be fired and the AD at best would be moved to a diffeent post or let go.
    The only way you get rid of this is either Campbell who most of you seem to dislike or an uprising by the players. If not, welcome to the pete and dianne show

  97. InwoodTiger , Seriously? Leave my Halloween decorations up sit back and cheer on Princeton??? You've got to be kidding me! While I'm doing that , what should I tell my son who is playing for Columbia , busting his butt and is getting banged up every week. You may take this lightly but as a parent I am very angry. I suggest you continue to cheer for Princeton, who needs a fare weather fan like you. Also , I don't think there is one players parent whose spirits will be up-lifted watching Princeton!!!

  98. In response to Jake’s post, his call for an independent board to hire the next football coach is right on track. Columbia is the home of the progressive movement. And football is, in many ways, antithetical to progressive thinking. Football symbolizes all things progressives find intolerable about traditional American masculinity: physical strength, courage, willingness to take risk and competitiveness. At its core, football is a war game and a game of territorial conquest…and those are things that progressives cannot tolerate in any shape or form.
    Columbia’s progressive Administration can’t get rid of football so it emasculates the players, making sure playing football is a humiliating, degrading experience by hiring incompetent and abusive coaches. The history of incompetence is evidenced by the decades of losing records. Mangurian is just the latest and most egregious manifestation of the Administration’s desires. After Wilson, there was no shortage of winning, positive coaches that were available to be hired. But the CU Administration deliberately chose Mangurian even though it was public knowledge that Mangurian was fired from his last job for his inability to get along with players and other coaches at Tampa Bay (easily accessible with a Google search). The AD and the Administration knew exactly who and what they were hiring -- an incompetent, abusive man. Mangurian, as did prior coaches like Vinny Marino, treats the players like dogs, treatment the Administration and AD condone. In addition to verbal attacks and mind games, the abuse consists of 6 a.m. practices, banishing upperclassmen from dressing, excessive weight loss demands which increases the players risk of injury, and a “band” that mocks the team and degrades the game every time sit steps on the field with its ridiculous dress and childish on-field antics.
    Jake is right. Firing Mangurian won’t fix the program. The Administration will only hire another abusive, incompetent “coach” so the football team can continue to be the butt of jokes of the University community and college football. The University has EXACTLY the program it wants to have which is why an independent committee, whose members have no affiliation with the Administration or the program, is needed to hire a real head coach-- a coach with years of head coaching experience, a winning record and, most importantly, a positive approach to the game and players.

  99. My son had big plans. Big hopes. No one expected this. Bummed out dad.

  100. To the players... Kudos for sticking it out and still working hard throughout everything that is going on. This will help them in life after football.

    To the university... If you don't do something you will make yourselves look like you don't care (maybe you don't) and will become the laughing stock of the ivy league (maybe you already are). Please just stop the madness and start the journey up.

    To PM... Please accept some of the responsibility for what is going on and stop pointing the finger at the kids on everything. Last I heard, it was still all their fault.

  101. Bummed out Dad-there is no reason to lay down your hopes or for your son to lay down his. This is a moment in time and small in the grand scheme of things. yes, not pretty or heart lifting, but nobody said this was going to be easy.
    i thought we had eradicated this back in the mid 1990's, but see that the powers that be could not stan for it and dragged the program back down.
    there is a quote in one of the halls at Columbia
    Hold fast to the spirit of thyne youth and let the years to come bring what they may.

  102. No one in their right mind would ask football players to train at 6AM. Even if are just running or weights or pure fitness that's just ridiculous. You can do it and people do obviously but I think there are better ways to run a program.

    I've pretty much had it with all this complaining online. I would like to pelt Mangurian, Bill Campbell, Murphy and all their apologists with stenchful, rotting fruit that stains and no dry cleaner would dare touch. That sends the message I want to send.

  103. recent quotes from magurianitistheplayersfault

    There’s nothing that we’re doing that we don’t do in practice,” he said. “When we get in the game, we don’t do it. And until we learn to do it the results will not be what we want them to be

    “This is completely about how we go and how we play,” Mangurian said. “Until the preparation is reflected in the execution, none of this is going to happen.”

    regarding Varga of Yale
    “He’s an established, big powerful back with big-time speed,” Mangurian said. “Those kind of players don’t show up in this league all the time—at least from what I know of it.”

    uhm, every year there are players with his speed (even some Cornell kids)

    “I think if you’re the leader, and I am, you’ve got to look at yourself first. You’ve got to say, ‘What do I have to do differently?’” head coach Pete Mangurian said after Saturday’s game. “I’ve been around a lot of guys with a lot of answers, and I think I’ve got a pretty good handle on things. But you’ve still got to look, and you’ve got to see.”

    “You run out of fingers sometimes,” Columbia head coach Pete Mangurian said on Saturday. “There’s too many holes in the dike, and you get overwhelmed.”

    “Kelly just wasn’t seeing it,” Mangurian said. “It’s one thing to see it and not be able to hit it, but when you’re not seeing it, there’s really no place to go with that.” (nobody is seeing it thus the problem)

    “If you get beat physically, it’s hard to overcome,” said second-year Lions coach Pete Mangurian, whose team had half-dozen players injured during the contest. “It’s not about the plays you call or how emotional you are. It all comes down to execution.”

    “History tells you that your second season is when you make your biggest jump in a new program,” he said at the Ivy football preseason teleconference. “Your players understand what you’re looking for and develop a work ethic.” NOW THAT IS SAYING SOMETHING

  104. Harvard runs every offseason and spring practice workout at 6am. In season is different and "regular" times. Just sayin.

  105. Murphy will put herself front and center with the Cross Country trophy when the fact is she doesn't even know the names of the runners and the coaches despise her. Not even her hires either. But, she'll use that to try and shield her pathetic hire on Mangurian forbad while.

  106. Someone asked how low a program can go before the U
    fixes it. Obviously even lower than it is now. Our one shared or half an Ivy fb title was 52 years ago. It's 25 years since the 44-game losing streak ended. What has changed in the past 60 years of over-all crap? NOTHING. This season is one of the worst ever if not the worst, yet it is very representative of the 60 years following the Lou Little era.
    The downfall dates from the "official" Ivy League for athletics that replaced the unofficial league. Obviously we can't operate in the League, at least not under the dweebs who have taken over.
    My outside the box solution is get out of the Ivy League. We were a better school and better athletics program before we let "The League" make all our decisions. We could still play the Ivies or not, give athletic scholarships or not, play 12 games or not.
    But WE would decide, not a dictatorial committee of politically correct fools with a single lock-step mind.

  107. Listen guys, it's very simple, if we all want change, the buck stops with us (literally and figuratively)! We need to STOP donating to anything CU until they notice this movement. Whatever you were going to give, just hold on until there is a change in coaching/administration, otherwise we are part of the problem. This is the only thing that they will understand.

  108. Let's get Des Werthman, Matt Sodl, Pete Davis, and Bill McGee involved in the next search process OR added them to the Football Committee -Fresh Blood!!!

  109. From one former trustee to me: the only person who can fire Murphy and clean house is Bollinger. It isn't true that Bollinger wants to see football fail, it's just that it is very low on his priorities and Murphy is a politically correct hire who he thinks is a "statement". He listens to Campbell, who is invested in this hiring of Mangurian. The only way to effectuate immediate change is for all concerned alums, parents, etc. to literally flood Bollinger with letters demanding change. A few letters will not do the trick. The threshold is at least 100. And they cannot be a form letter. They should be personalized. I don't know about the rest of you, but mine is going in tomorrow.

  110. Money talks. Give nothing to the school until change is made. And as the above mentions. Make sure Boll knows about it. Nothing. Nada.

  111. Yes the football committee is a sham, time to revamp. Grab some of the players who have stuck with this nonsense for last thirty years and start thinking outside the box. Clearly the puppets on there now have failed miserably three times in a row( although Norries now looks like he was Vince Lombardi) time for radical change. Or stick a fork in the whole damn thing becuase this is beyond an atrocity now.

  112. Norries' teams were competitive and above all there was unity amongst the players and a tremendous spirit. His failures included bad X's and O's on game day, some organizational issues and bad OC. This prevented him from bringing CU to a consistent 50 pct winner. He should have done some hiring and firing year 3 or 4. What's happening now is an abomination and many of the players, independent of recruiting year, have had enough.

  113. Old lion, one very simple question to you. Doesn't Bollinger,Campbell and Murphy think there is something wrong when they see the score is each game and not 1 win? It's just common sense , it's obvious there is a problem, it is that simple. Answer me please, why don't they feel we need to make a change?

  114. To add to the above post , what school would stand for this debacle. I put this on DM , she is completely oblivious, and the big men should have seen her incompetence long ago.

  115. Mike Halpin AKA Teacher Mike 196

    Thank you so so much guys for promoting me from a jerk to a moron. Now let me take off my white teacher hat and put on my bad black infantry hat. I am glad that one of you has learned how to read and picked up the Seattle Mariner - Seahawk error. I guess myself and Willie Mays were wimps and not bruising athletes for playing stick ball. Along with other athletes, "me and my NYC gang" played competitive games of punch ball,curb ball, box ball and of course hand ball.

    Now I know this is going to be hard for some of you football jocks to understand because of your getting too many blows to your heads but other athletes also engaged in rather wimpy endeavors. Jim Brown of Syracuse U. and the Cleveland Browns became an actor. Stan Musial of the St. Louie Cardinals played hand ball. Sugar Ray Robinson world champion boxer skipped rope professionally. Mike Tyson also a world champ raised pigeons. Edward Villella a boxing champion and baseball player at NY Maritime Academy turned to ballet. Dwight Eisenhower a West Point football player and CU President turned to painting. Winston Churchill that famous WWII right handed drinker also turned to the easel and brush. Finally Harry S Truman the famous NYC walker heaven forbid played the piano.

    Now as I bid you all fond adieu because dueling with light weights "ain't much fun anymore" let me put my white hat back on and ask "you all" a question. How come there is never a mention of academics when you are talking Xs and Os? I am quite sure the football players are embarrassed as hell to show up at their classes. At this point PM has to go for he is not civil. Whoever is on the next hiring committee take your jolly good time and interview many, many candidates for the academic, athletic coaching position. Let's not embarrass CU's student athletes any longer.

    Eat what's left on PM's contract and perhaps have the baseball and track coaches finish the season on the side lines as co interim head coaches. I know one thing for sure the players will be a hell of a lot happier playing for two civil educators. Let's go back to the old days of college and street football and let the QB open things up by calling the plays with the help of his receivers who know what will work. I apologize for Black Hat's somewhat chippy remarks but his PTSD comes out when he gets on the "Fields of Friendly Strife," once again "Fond Adieu."

  116. My sincere condolence to the parents of players who are subjected to this season debacle. I would like to thank the Seniors for their contribution,dedication, perseverance and hard work over the last four years. For the underclass men, work hard and stay focus, change will come. For the administration , it's your fiduciary duty to the fans, university,alumni and most important to the athletes who give their blood,sweat and tears each week. The present leadership has failed and change is urgent! Let's do the right thing!

  117. Lets get off the 6 am practices. There are several teams around the country who practice in the mornings. You can blame the professors at Cu for only scheduling their core classes in the afternoons.


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