Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Coach Mac on ESPN

Bill Narduzzi

ESPN is doing a piece on Michigan State Defensive Coordinator Pat Narduzzi today. Some of you may remember that Pat's dad Bob Narduzzi was a very well-liked assistant at Columbia under Larry McElreavy but died tragically  in early 1988. He was the defensive coordinator and linebackers coach.

Coach Mac is interviewed in the ESPN piece and it should be airing throughout the day on various shows. I"ll also keep a look out for the clip on ESPN.com.

Pat Narduzzi is expected to get a lot of attention for a big time head coaching job once the Rose Bowl is over. Look for him to rise to the top of this game.

UPDATE: This article includes a quote from McElreavy, but does not include the video quite yet. The video included in the link is a one-on-one interview about just the Rose Bowl matchup with Narduzzi.


  1. The Doozer was a class act and great guy! For the life of me not sure why he would want to be associated with Coach Mac

  2. Just to set the record straight, the senior Narduzzi had serious trouble getting hired because of his cancer. When McElreavy hired him, the CU administration was supremely angered by the move. Classy as usual, no?

  3. Coach Narduzzi was absolutly loved by the players till the day he died (spent a lot of his last year coaching in a golf cart)
    When he passed away, Coach Mac wanted the kids to wear a small black armband in memory of the Coach, The AD and board turned Mac down, that decision was as bad as the losing streak,and Macs bad habits combined...Over the last few years I have watched Coach Narduzzi's son move up the coaching ladder with pride!

  4. Thanks for your comment above, "unknown," but would you please sign your name next time?

    I do intend to enforce the new "no anonymous" comments policy without exception... but your comment was too good to delete.

  5. I agree that the players loved the Doozer bar none.

    I will never forgive Mac for being such a bad and fraudulent person to my teammates and me but it is nice to hear that he was actually capable of a good gesture once in his life.


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