Tuesday, December 3, 2013

For the Record

Just for the record:

I have never contacted any of the current players, and that includes the graduating seniors. 


  1. Jake,
    Why are making this statement now.


  2. Then how do you know what has happened during the 2013 football season? From your past comments, it seemed that you had inside contacts among the current players. If not are you one big fraud? Could it be true that you are still pissed off about not being consulted about the coaching position two years ago. Veeeeeeery interesting.

    Mike Halpin
    teacher mike 196

  3. To the above poster:

    These are the facts. Period

    Here's a comparison from the 2012 team under head coach Mangurian's 1st year vs this years team 2013 his 2nd year.

    Scoring in 12 CU:145 OPP:272
    Scoring in 13 CU: 73 OPP:401

    First Downs 12 CU:167 OPP:200
    First Downs 13 CU:110 OPP:272

    Rushing Yds 12 CU:997 OPP:1516
    Rushing Yds 13 CU:519 OPP:2429

    Passing Yds 12 CU:2042 OPP:2219
    Passing Yds 13 CU:1524 OPP:2712

    Total Offense 12 CU:3039 OPP:3735
    Total Offense 13 CU:2043 OPP:5141

    Total Touchdowns 12 CU:15 OPP:35
    Total Touchdowns 13 CU: 9 OPP 52

    Time O Poss. 12 CU:29:33 OPP:30:27
    Time O Poss. 12 CU:24:44 OPP:35:16

    Which direction is the program moving in?

  4. teacher mike,
    there are lots of assumptions in your comments and the truth shall set you free.


  5. Abe Lincoln lost election after election after election after election after election before he won the big one. The New York Metropolitans went from the worst to the best in a mere seven years. Pete is just setting the rest of the league up for the kill.

    2014 Season

    10 Wins 0 Loses

    350 Points for 70 Points against

    And following in Lou Little's foot steps a ROSE BOWL bid.

  6. The above comments comparing 2012 and 2013 statistics are compelling. Those are the troubling facts and trends.

    0-10 is 0-10. O-10 is not defensible or sustainable.

    There are changes in college football head coaches,
    coaches and athletic directors
    each year. There are many comparable changes in MLB and the NFL each year.

    I would point out the Coaches Hot
    Seat website.


    The site lists 126 BCS coaches and
    only 2 coaches are listed with 0 wins in 2013. The statistics for
    FCS coaches are probably fairly similar.

    Does Columbia want to deal with another embarrassing streak that
    also will bring up numerous stories about the prior streak? What about damages to overall reputation?

    Columbia football and CU can't afford to have another disastrous football season.

  7. I would add the following re FCS rankings.


    Of 125 FCS schools, Columbia is
    number 118. The closest Ivy appears to be Cornell at number 93.


    Of 127 FCS schools, Columbia is
    number 117. The closest Ivy appears to be Cornell at number 93.

    The program needs an independent
    evaluation and complete and immediate reorganization including new leaders.

  8. Mike: there are many other credible sources other than the players. Use your imagination.

  9. Mike, are you a Sepecial Ed Teacher or Special Student? Honestly, you can't be that STUPID! Think about it...

    P _ R E _ _ S

    If you are that dumb, please stay off the site. Veeeeeeery DUMB!


  10. Let's try to stay out of the gutter. A Special Education student is a special student who happens to have learning disabilities. Some of these students like my daughter Amy who after several early years in Special Education classrooms slowly worked her way into Regular Education classrooms. She like thousands of other Special students learn to deal with their disabilities and go onto be major contributors to our society.

    Amy with a graduate degree from the Boston University School of Education teaches Special Education on Long Island. The late Senator Paul Wellstone, D-MN. was a Special Education student who became a college professor before his election to the US Senate. He was the only senator who had the common sense to go against the flow and vote against the national education testing nonsense. Paul Wellstone, a special senator, said that he never would have got out of the first grade if he had to go through this robotic testing.

    Finally it's not just Regular Education students who come down on Special Education students. I worked with a Special Education teacher who didn't believe her students had the ability to attend college. She steered them in the direction of vocational programs. Last year I found out that one of our students Bobby was attending law school. I hope Bobby invites her to his law school graduation.

    And thanks anonymous for letting me get up on my "Special Soap Box." I do hope you and the rest of the "anonymice" on this blog get the "special balls" to reveal who they are in real time.

    Mike Halpin


    teacher mike 196

    1. Mike,
      You have over reacted to an idiot responder. That's what they hope the normal people will do. Your soapbox is still too big.

  11. Jake, do you really want to claim you haven't tried to contact current Columbia players? Because this is a screenshot of an email you sent to the players yesterday. The only thing that was changed in this shot was I blacked out the player's email address.

  12. Did it occur to you that I did not send that email to Kelly and to someone else who forwarded it to him?

    I guess not.

    Never sent an email to Kelly and my sent messages inbox will prove it.

  13. This is awesome. Twitter accounts posting screen shots. Emails being forwarded to coaches by players! I feel like I went to an SEC school!

  14. Yeah, but the "TO" only says "Jake Novak" in the original email. As Jake said, this only proves that Hilinski got hold of an email Jake probably sent to some parents or maybe a coach. There's no proof here who he sent the email to.

  15. That's correct. The email I sent was to 7-8 people on BCC. None of them were players. The NY Post wants to talk to these people and I gave them the contact.

  16. But what we DO know now is that at least coach Elizondo is working harder on attacking this blog than putting together a viable offense. Perhaps he has been commenting here all along.

    That would explain A LOT! Maybe if he and Mangurian spent less time worrying about "keeping it in the family," (the "family" that puts upperclassmen in the stands at home games, btw), and more time drawing up plays and working on the actual team, we might win a few games.

    1. Jake,
      Elizondo is trying to protect his job, anyone being berated by some of the ludicrous statements you allow to be presented on this blog, would react the same way,
      No new player Notes
      M. Crosby GB - K
      Sun 1:25 pm @ NYG


      Player Note
      G. Hartley NO - K
      Sun 1:25 pm vs SF

  17. It's also possible that Elizondo wants to smear Kelly Hilinski and is making it look like he got an email from me.

  18. That message was sent directly to Hilinski. If you want the shot with the bars on the side that come from forwarding/replying to emails, I'll post that one too. The fact that you BCC'd people just adds to the sketchy nature of this email.

    For argument's sake, let's say Jake didn't send it to the players (which he did). Ok,IF that is the case then I am wrong, BUT who do you think he sent it to? Parents? Assistant coaches? Who else has these players' email address? The point is Jake and all of his minions are going after these players at a personal level and are TRYING to destroy team chemistry and with it any hope for the future. Please tell me what good will come of these player talking to a NY Post reporter, or Jake for that matter. Neither is going to post anything that doesn't fit the "We need to clean house" agenda, so even if these people said positive things about the program they will never get heard on either of those platforms.

    Anyway, the whole point (which you are failing to see) is to show that Jake is not as innocent as he makes himself seem. He's done sketchy things ever since and probably before PM came to Columbia, which is why PM has refused to speak to him.

  19. It WAS NOT sent by ME directly to Hilinski!

  20. But you have said that Kelly was leaving.

    Can we intuit from this that at least one e-mail was to his parents?

    1. That comment came from me, not Jake. It was based on an unconfirmed third hand story passed around the school.
      I hope I never have to be judged by any of you that take everything out of context.

    2. PS. The school was UCLA.

  21. Dear Forest Mike Halpin- (that's a Forest Gump reference since we have to spell things out to you)... Bravo to your daughter, but this is not the forum for that. Oh, and by the way, you're still an idiot. Try applying for membership to The Nathan's Hot Dog Committee, there are no shortages of idiots there!!!

  22. Also Jake we know you are commenting anonymously. We don't have to be rocket scientist to figure that out.

  23. taking my comments off now are we?

  24. it seems like Elizondo should spend more time trying to figure out an offense that works rather than coming on this board.

  25. I hope everyone knows Jake is only allowing comments that fit into his plan on here. What a loser

  26. Were there any seniors that had not previously played in their career that didn't get on the field against Brown? Can anyone elaborate on the upperclassmen watching from the stands at Baker? Honestly, much of this back and forth and now cloak and dagger stuff is silly at best. We should be concerned about the student-athlete experience and then wins and losses......in this particular case, just losses.

  27. Every time a comment is deleted, btw, it says so "Comment deleted, etc"

  28. The team chemistry has already been destroyed by this coaching staff and while we are talking about "keeping it in the family"... what kind of family (aka team) doesn't invite all of their members to a team dinner on Friday nights during the season? Good idea coach - let's build some more team unity by excluding certain players from the team dinner. For goodness sakes just put them back in the stands and stop acting like you really care.


  29. Dear Anonymouse:

    Are you one of those guys who paid an outside shrink big bucks to be declared learning disabled in order to get time and a half on all testing at CU?

    Mike Halpin


    This is so much fun - you Ivy Leaguers are too easy - PM for Athletic Director.

    1. Mike,
      You are one of the antagonists that screw up this whole blog. If you continue to believe everything you read here, I would like you to join my Sat. poker game. Bring the deed to the Co-op.

  30. Jake,
    Tried to clear your name on the KH thing. No reaction from the people with the vendetta against you. Time will tell if the story was true.

  31. Thanks, this is all getting really weird. Smearing me with false info is really lame. The truth is, there's nothing they have to defend Mangurian or Murphy with, so they have to attack me.

    By the way, someone also sent some kind of tip to Bwog.net in my name late last night and bless the editors hearts --- they actually checked with me first before publishing! So it didn't get published because it wasn't me.

  32. Raised on It: The number one rule for effective Information Operations is do not lie. Your Tweet was obviously doctored. You are anonymously slandering Jake and posting fraudulent Tweets in a lame attempt to discredit Jake and manipulate his readers. I have known Jake for twenty-five years and he has always been honest, direct, and a supporter of CU Athletics. Your behavior is cowardly. Either stop hiding behind an alias and provide proof or go away.

  33. Thanks Bob,

    I am going to move on now from this, but once again to clarify for anyone who missed it:

    1) I DID send that email, but only to a few people and NONE of them current players on the team, period!

    2) No one's comments have been deleted in this thread.

    3) If the NY Post is writing a story on the team and what's going on with the coaches, they'll get plenty of people to talk with or without my help. And since this school is led by the nation's #1 advocate for Free Speech, I doubt any member of the Columbia staff who tries to silence me or anyone else is going to have any luck.

  34. no jake your not deleting comments.. your just making it so you have to approve the comments of the people who don't agree with what you are saying... ALL of my sources have said that.

  35. that being said your stance on free speech is clearly not what you say it is.... very interesting

    1. Jake,
      Have you considered having a talk radio show? Should be no problem getting sponsors. You could be the next Howard Stern? Plenty of responders to keep a half hour show interesting. Doesn't have to be 100% CU.

  36. You know the number one priority is my son and the excellent education he is getting from Columbia, and his experience playing football. This year the experience left a lot to be desired. No matter who believes who, or who is calling out Posters on this blog, blaming Jake is ridiculous. He doesn't even have a player on the team! He is going by our teams record, he is going by what parents may have told him privately, he is going by disgruntled alumni. He wants better for this team, AS WE ALL SHOULD. Some of you are loosing sight of what he is trying to accomplish. Please put the guys on our team first.
    Go Lions

  37. Nope, all comments go straight to the page. Another lie on your part.

  38. Thanks for the above post about wanting to keep it about the players and team success.

    Let's all step back for a second and acknowledge how dysfunctional this staff is:

    1) 0-10 and the worst stats ever

    2) Spend A LOT of time hectoring me and the blog and scaring players into silence rather than fixing the problems on the field.

    3) Using lies and DOCTORED evidence to smear me!

  39. you are the only one lying here Jake

    1. Not true. I have posted over 100 times and lied on at least 50. Love to get some of you over reactors jumping for your I-Phones.

  40. I would love that. Not sure I have the best sounding voice, though.

    1. Jake,
      Not asking you to sing. CU radio station should be able to come up with a half hour.
      If free speech is the CU thing,
      Go for it.

  41. Not true. I too have lied at least on 50% of my comments.
    Love to see all of you believers respond to my fabrications.

    1. The question is: Am I lying now?

  42. Speaking voice I mean. I need to get more baritone.

  43. Who cares what you sound like. It's the content that counts. If you build it they will come.

  44. I lie also..I lie awake at night wondering how I can get a job that retains me after I post the worst results in history.

  45. So Mangurian refused to meet with Jake because of sketchy things he heard that Jake did before he arrived?


  46. Jake,
    Run it by some of your trusted advisers. Would love to see it happen.
    Plenty or fodder to bring to the table.
    Most likely more listeners than responders to the blog. As you know not everyone responds.

  47. Pete Mangurian flunkies may be amused by their attacks on Jake but they are not technically savvy enough to do much damage. My take is it is the same individual who posts here. That person feels empowered by Jake's diplomatic leniency. Be aware however, all it takes is someone technically astute to review blogspot logs and you are easily exposed. If you want to play that game then be aware Jake has more allies than you. Just sayin'

  48. Al's Wingman: I don't think the person(s) who have it out for Jake are amused by any of this. They come across as insecure and desperate.


Please keep your comments respectful!