Thursday, December 5, 2013


Just to remind everyone that we’re all still Columbia sports fans first and foremost, I want to congratulate the Men’s Basketball team on its rout over Army last night. I listened to Jerry Recco and Sal Licata calling most of the game and it was a blast. I hope the team proves my fears wrong and keeps this going when the Ivy season starts in January.

Sometimes people ask me if I'd be okay with the Columbia sports teams starting to win more even if it meant never getting rid of Dianne Murphy as A.D. 

The answer is always simple: "in a heartbeat!" 

This is about winning, after all

Well, it’s been a wild 36 hours.

Less than an hour after I emailed a few people Tuesday about how the NY Post wanted to contact them for a story on Columbia athletics, Head Coach Pete Mangurian sent an email to the PLAYERS warning them no to talk to the Post even though my email was not sent to any players.

I was just going to let that go, but a few hours later someone decided to “prove” I had sent it to the players with the obviously doctored photo above and put it out on Twitter.

In the last few hours I’ve learned from my sources that even staffers in the Athletic Department are telling the players this was a doctored email/photo.

So, here are the questions we’re left with right now:

1)      WHO doctored the Email?

Obviously, someone I sent my email to forwarded it to the wrong person and that person tried to use it against me. I have no problem with anyone forwarding my email, because there was nothing wrong with it in any way. But trying to doctor the “sent” and “from” boxes to include a current player’s name is extremely weird and little bit sick.

I really don’t have a long list of suspects, but I would like to ask offensive coordinator Jaime Elizondo why he thinks his name appears as the recipient of the supposedly forwarded email. Did he take the picture of the document and then doctor it? When I openly asked in the comments section of the blog yesterday if Elizondo was commenting here or was responsible for this “Emailgate,” there was no response.

As far as the current player’s name on the email, I’d rather not get him any more involved. I am convinced he never even saw the email, at least not until the Mangurian warning went out later that night.

I realize there are a lot of people who could have pulled this stunt, but if it is anyone on the football coaching or support staff… well, we have a serious problem and a very big clue as to the kind of mania we’re dealing with.

2)      Who showed/forwarded the email to Coach Mangurian?

Whoever got the email to Mangurian’s attention did it very quickly. I didn’t send it to anyone in the Athletic Dept. or on the staff, so where did they get it? That’s an important piece to the puzzle.

3)      Columbia University is led by America’s #1 advocate for Free Speech. Why does Mangurian think that it’s okay to warn/threaten the players not to talk to the press?

I understand that during the season, the Athletic Department is very wise to insist that the sports media go through the dept. before talking to players. But when the season is over, or when the story is essentially a news and not a sports item, (and this case checks off all those boxes), I’m not so sure it’s ethical in any way to tell student-athletes they shouldn’t talk to the media. We know President Lee Bollinger signed off on that statement about athletics no questions asked, but I think he would be very reluctant to rubber stamp this kind of gag order policy from Mangurian. If he does, we’re talking a very high level of hypocrisy that I don’t think even Bollinger is capable of.

4)      If it turns out that someone on the Mangurian staff, or Mangurian himself, is behind the email inbox doctoring, will they be punished?

I’m not holding my breath, but the information I have about at least one A.D. staffer telling the players that she knows the email was doctored is very encouraging. Dianne Murphy has to be very careful here. We know this coaching staff is incapable of putting together a winning program, and Murphy apparently can get away with not doing anything about that. But I don’t think she can ALSO get away without disciplining someone from the department who’s putting out false information to smear an alum, a current player, and possibly a current coach.

5)      Is this what it’s going to be like for the next year?

Are we going to be spending more time and energy on the administrative mess that is Columbia Football, or will we ever just get to focus on recruiting and getting ready for 2014? Even if I shut down this blog tomorrow, I think this email incident proves that CU Football cannot even begin to function normally this offseason as long as Mangurian and his staff are in place. Even if his staff had nothing to do with this email thing, someone very close to them did and there is a culture of antagonism and defensiveness against the fans from Bollinger to Murphy to Mangurian on down. And that culture is so tainted right now, it’s clearly taking priority over more important things like the upcoming recruiting weekends on campus. Doesn’t it make more sense to cut our losses now and jettison this staff instead of looking over their shoulders day and night for the next real or imagined embarrassment? 


  1. Its sad that the last 2-3 weeks has been the most exciting CU football has been in 2013.

  2. Jake, you are complaining about someone doctoring a email to make you look like you did something you say you didn't. You state that you realize a lot of people could have done the deed. Then you use a series of "questions" to more or less accuse Elizondo, or Mangurian or some AD staffer of perpetrating this farce anyway. You have no idea who did this. Maybe the person who did it was just screwing with all the people named (you, Hilinski, Elizondo), just to provoke people.

    By the way did you sent this email to any parents? Maybe they forwarded it to their player and then it went viral among the team from there. It it very easy to speculate your way into accusation. (Insert Sarcasm Warning here) I am speculating it was a parent or a player. Just as plausible and baseless as your speculations. Who the hell knows.

  3. I think if you read what Jake wrote you will see it is not speculation, but rather Jake just not outing the person(s) via this platform.

  4. Not a fan of PM. But, all players at all levels of college sports are told not to discuss any team issues with any press at any time. Leave it up to a bunch of Columbia grads to call that violation of free speech and censorship. This exemplifies why football is weak at Columbia.

  5. Not a fan of PM. But, all players at all levels of college sports are told not to discuss any team issues with any press at any time. Leave it up to a bunch of Columbia grads to call that violation of free speech and censorship. This exemplifies why football is weak at Columbia.

  6. As it should be.

  7. First they ignore you. Then they laugh at you. Then they fight you. And then you win. Jake's detractors seem to be at stage 3. We all know what's next.

  8. To the person who said:

    "I think if you read what Jake wrote you will see it is not speculation, but rather Jake just not outing the person(s) via this platform."

    I don't think you know how to read.

  9. To above, yes I don't know how to read, but I know how to dismiss a nitwit like yourself.
    It was doctored, look at the picture wise guy.
    And any clown that always has to slam somebody as you are doing is a worthless piece of human garbage, which is an accurate description of you.

  10. To all trying to figure who done it.
    My experience has been that there is always another culprit hiding in the bushes that evaded your thinking.

    A retired NYC Detective,

  11. This is getting into too much drama. I want to keep the focus where it belongs-- on the abject failure of our football program. If a staffer or other unknown person is doctoring e-mails. etc., that isn't nice but that in itself will not solve the problem, which is apathy toward failure by the Administration.

    As for Bollinger and freedom of speech, didn't he advocate that GOVERNMENT SHOULD SUBSIDIZE the news media? That's the opposite of freedom of speech, Jake, it's what Hitler and Stalin did. They either subsidized or terrorized the media, which is the same difference.

    Propriety aside about who should or shouldn't speak publicly about our problem, Bollinger isn't going to seek the facts because he doesn't want to improve football. He proved that with that ridiculous letter to Spectator.


  12. Mike Halpin

    After reading the news articles on PM's black hat tough guy treatment of pro athletes, he doesn't pass my human being test. I wouldn't buy a used car from him and I wouldn't let him teach my kids on an athletic field or in a classroom. CASE CLOSED.

  13. Mike, totally agree

  14. It's Jakegate!"

    And it too is getting pathetic to sit through. The personal attacks by posters upon each others' characters and intelligence are especially upsetting.

    And I'd still really, really, really (to borrow from the Spice Girls) like to know what's in those several "Comment deleted" posts that I've seen on this site. Even worse stuff?

  15. I saw one the other day that was a spam note. I do not see that anymore.

  16. If this email/twitter were in fact doctored, well, it is more reason to not like the direction the program is moving in.
    However, it is just another in the long list, but most importantly, we were 0-10 and produced the worst Ivy Season in history and so far there are crickets over where the leaders are supposed to be.
    We have not even gotten an explanation from the coach or anybody on why the season was such a disaster.
    I guess the powers that be just think the fans, alums, former players, parents, etc. do not deserve any explanation.

  17. It can get a little dicey trying to decipher where a mail originates. The more it is forwarded the more convoluted it is. But if you can get a look at it, capture the full header detail (all mail readers have this functionality) and get it in front of eyes that can decipher it without too much hassle. If you know an IT person that is your best bet. Don't rely on your own knowledge. There is an art to network security just like any career. The person who did this is not tech savvy and has left a big hole there to get nailed. So the earlier copy you can retrieve of the mail is best.

    If you can't find someone to look at the detail send it to me.

  18. Ray used to write a weekly report to the Columbia football community and a wrap up at the end of each season. Norries emailed us. Here, nada. So it is circle the wagons. Dianne and Pete will continue to ignore those of us who care about the program. So I for one don't have any idea of what Pete would have to say for himself about why this season went so horribly bad.

  19. This whole thing is embarrassing.

    Both sides need to grow up as there is nothing constructive going on here.

  20. It amazes me how poorly Pete has handled the PR aspect of this job.

    Even with the horrible season, had he even made a token attempt to embrace the alumni, former players, and fans he would not be going through this right now.

    I am still of the opinion that it was time for Norries to move on but I always liked him and appreciated that he knew my name and would make an effort to talk to me. I miss him at this point.

    On the other hand, I have met PM twice and both times he had very little interest in me and I am sure he has no clue who I am. If someone were to ask him if he had ever met me I am sure he would say "who is he?"

    Not that I am important or was anything more than an average (or below average) player but the contrast of how the two of them treat the public is pathetic.

    Anonymous guy who hates Jake: Can you please relay this to coach?

  21. You guys are such babies and you constantly make giant leaps to conclusions that are unsupported by any facts. Anybody who disagrees with something Jake says, or does, must hate him, must work for PM or DM, must be a Bill Campbell or LB lackey. That is nuts.

    I AGREE WITH JAKE that it would be best if PM had been fired or resigned, but he wasn't and he didn't. But I also don't like unsubstantiated gossip from disgruntled parents or criticism of things that no one would give a damn about if this guys record was 7-3.

    No one would say boo about his arrogance, his authoritarian manner, his standoffishess, his demanding nature or his tough treatment of his players, if the team was winning (if any of those things are, in fact, true).

    If it is not a relevant criticism when a coach is winning, then it is not a relevant criticism when he is losing. As oldlion keeps saying, he should be fired because the team went 0-10 and they lost huge. Those are the only relevant facts.

    This hypocritical throw the kitchen sink approach irritates me and I will continue to take issue with it, not because I like PM or hate Jake but because I can't stand hypocrites. If the team was 8-2, some of you would be praising PM's no nonsense approach. You would be praising how PM demands the best from his players and relentlessly pushes them to be better. Same guy, same traits but some of you would be touting him as the second coming of Vince Lombardi. That is the kind of two faced BS that I hate.

  22. This is silly, OF COURSE no one would have any problems with this guy and Dianne if we were winning. The WHOLE POINT here is that we are not, and we showed no semblance of being a winning team at any time this year.

    The point is we're losing BECAUSE Mangurian is the person he is. See the latest post I just wrote about bullying.

    1. Jake, thank you for confirming my point. You you don't care that he's a bully. Your problem is he's a losing bully. My point exactly.

  23. Jake,
    Was it you or one of your impostors that promised a 2014 CU team prospectus a short while ago? Would be nice to see some positive info about next years players. Know you"re
    busy, but we could really use some positive info on at least some of the returners.

  24. I understand, but projecting this team's pros and cons with the current staff still in place is really impossible. Just look at how bad I job I did last year when I didn't take into account the total incompetence of these coaches. I thought we had the best WR corps in the Ivies! Well, after Mangurian chased two of the best guys we had off the team, that changed in a hurry.

    Right now, I'm on an analysis shutdown.

  25. I project 3 wins next year. Not great, but something to hang our collective hats on.
    GP Not initialing all posts. Good intel will stop if identity revealed

  26. I realize you're being cheeky and just pretending not to be reading me clearly, but I'll say it again. We're losing BECAUSE he's a bully.

  27. Jake here are your own words:

    "This is silly, OF COURSE no one would have any problems with this guy and Dianne if we were winning."

    There is only one logical conclusion from this statement. If, in the future, Columbia has a winning coach who is a bully, you won't have any problem with him.

    Also, your contention that they are losing because he is a "bully" contradicts most of your own previous analysis as to why they are a losing team. What happened to:

    -a skinny O line policy
    -poor fundamental player technique
    -receivers not getting separation and dropping balls
    -defensive backs who never turn around to look for the ball
    -starting young guys over more talented older guys
    -poor game planning
    -poor on field game coaching
    -not building the offense around Garret's running ability
    - plus his two best players (Nottingham and Adebayo) getting hurt in the first game

    None of these things have anything to do with "bullying." This is poor coaching. These are reasons enough to get rid of the guy.

    Many of your "bullying" points describe normal football coaching.

    Again, you are just throwing anything you can at the guy. Many things which you would not care about in a FUTURE winning coach.

  28. You are right that people would be less upset with his personality if we were winning but WE AREN'T and there are no signs that we will be any time soon. But, as Jake says, perhaps we aren't winning because his various "motivational" tactics are not getting through to the players...

    So far, does not seem like any of the players are buying whatever it is he is selling.

    He is not doing a great job leading.

  29. The anonymous poster arguing that PM's personality should not be considered a factor and would not even be mentioned IF we were winning, is not too bright, sorry to say, and probably not a Columbia or Ivy guy.

  30. Another arrogant no nothing leaping to unsubstantiated conclusions. You logic is inspires awe.

  31. Rich Forzani '66C

    wow, I leave town for a few days and people go nuts.
    c'mon, we shouldn't be falling for a couple of anonymous nasties trying to get us down to their level. Forget them.

    The only reason for PM to leave is his record and obvious coaching miscues. Big reasons. BUT, the other failures/defects discussed aren't "OK", they are simply necessary evils if indeed he was successful. So if he is a bully, that's not "OK", but if successful it might be overlooked for a while. The reality of life allows some leeway for results. Of course he doesn't get any because he has none.

    Much more importantly, please do not be misled or confused by provocative and untrue accusations against Jake. Some of you may not agree with some of what he posts, but that is far different than the 3/4 nihilists here who try to tear everything down with lies and innuendos.

    The truth???
    I put the Post in touch with Jake. Before he spoke with them, we agreed he would offer some names of parents, ONLY if they were willing to be contacted. NO ONE would be ID'd to the Post unless they OK'd it.

    That's when his email went out, and that's when people started playing games. Who? I don't care.

    But he clearly has scared the hell out of some folks, and I do believe we can guess who.

    In any event, all of you should know that regardless of blind boilerplate responses from LB and phony red herrings from the peanut gallery, a major movement is only now formally beginning which will exert tremendous pressure on the Admin.

    Check Sunday's Post.

    1. Rich,
      Waiting for Sunday's Post. Not sure parent comments will be objective. Players/reserves may report differing stories to parents. I have asked many times for examples of mental mistreatment, with no actual responses. My contact had a lot of playing time and has nothing but good things to say about the entire staff. If he wasn't playing both he and I may feel entirely different,
      Hope the Post has both sides of the story.


  32. I know anonymity is sacrosanct for some here. But is anyone on here that is defending Pete and/or attacking Jake someone that has played a sport at CU that practiced up at Baker?

  33. To all reasonably ntelligent responders. Please stop calling for mutiny in any form. IE. Stop giving, stop attending, shot the messenger (Jake), all that will do is hurt the kids that we all say are the ones we are worried about.

  34. The kids are. Being hurt by the coaches now and over the longterm. There is nothing that is said or written here that will challenge what pete and his crew have done or make it worse for the kids unless pete makes it worse.


Please keep your comments respectful!