Monday, December 2, 2013

Perfect Fit!

I think we found a place for Head Coach Pete Mangurian to go when he’s relieved of his duties here at Columbia either this year or next.

The Jets!!!

That became obvious yesterday with the way the Jets mismanaged the clock at the end of the 1st half. With the score tied at 0-0 and the Dolphins without any timeouts, the genius Jets elected to pass the football on 3rd and 8 from their own 3 with 1:56 left in the game. Of course QB Geno Smith couldn’t complete the pass, the clock stopped, and the Dolphins got the ball and a FG before halftime. But WAIT… there’s more! On the ensuing possession, the Jets kept trying to throw the ball and Smith was intercepted. That led to ANOTHER Miami FG and a 6-0 deficit for Jets when halfway decent clock management would have kept the game time at the break.

Does this remind anyone of anything?

It should because Mangurian and the equally inept Lion offensive coordinator Jaime Elizondo mismanaged the clock and field position situations like this all season long. The most glaring example was the Lehigh game when this “brain trust” elected to throw on 3rd down in the shadow of their own end zone instead of running and letting the clock and severe wind disadvantage expire at the end of the 3rd quarter.

And despite a horrific completion percentage for the entire year, Mangurian and Elizondo kept passing the ball constantly even when running the ball could have stopped the bleeding.

Again, the good news is the Jets seem to think this kind of “coaching” is good. So let’s call Rex Ryan on Mangurian’s behalf and see if he has a place for him now… like right now. 


  1. Jake,
    You're kicking in an open door.
    The record speaks for itself.

  2. Elizondo came from the CFL so being pass happy in whatever situation seems natural for him. Though, Pete likely signs off on every play. Same brain trust that got Nottingham injured.

  3. Nottingham was injured because he held the ball too long, more than once.

  4. in other words, no one coached him or prepared for the game. First game of the season, you have the entire off-season to figure things out, plan your practices and get your team ready. They go out and get our QB hammered. Your blaming the players smacks of Pete Mangurian ineptitude.

  5. If you knew anything about being a QB, dumping can not be coached or taught. It's an internal clock gift that not every kid has.

  6. he was running for his life out of bounds. i fail to see the point of this.

  7. Actually, my bud and I were at the game, and kept asking each other why the hell he wasn't dumping the ball off.
    Running for his life = the O line and the coaching.
    Getting repeatedly sacked with the ball = him.

  8. So do I. If he had dumped the ball, he most likely would not have been hit.
    Every comment does not open the door to maligning the coaching staff.
    No other QB was maimed during the season. People get hurt in football.

  9. I am not picking on anybody here, but i have read in this blog how this QB would have gotten us a few wins if he had played. Yet, so far, it isnt the lines fault, and it was the qb's fault for not dumoing the pass. If that holds true i fail to see how we would have won any games with him at QB given dumping the ball off is a high school concept. However, that then brings us to why was he recruited if he did not have the skill set for this level of college, regardless of what Stanford saw. we cannot have it all ways here.

    1. Don't take offense at this, as so many on this blog do, but dumping the ball is a major part of a good QBs arsenal.
      No offense intended.
      Keep sending. Some of us are interested in hearing from people with differing opinions.

  10. Sorry, but you're wrong about that: Hilinski was maimed.

    1. Maybe I am wrong, but was he able to suit up every game? Maimed is way over kill.

  11. To the above commenter
    Do not even try to understand or defend anything these people write on this blog. Jake and his little groupies are inaccurate on so many things everyday. They are trying to sabotage the football program because they didn't get their way two years ago. They are going out of their way to ruin recruiting for this year. They are doing every nasty thing they can think of on this blog. The coach is not going anywhere. The AD is not going anywhere. These guys do not know what is going on in the program. They lie everyday.
    Just ignore them. If you want to read this for entertainment go ahead but as far as believing any of it, it simply is not true!

  12. Yes, I really worry about the effects on this blog on recruiting.
    Even Jake now tosses off an off-handed comment about Mangurian staying for the next year or two. If that's true, who benefits from poisoning the well?

  13. To "To the above commenter,"

    1) Describe how a "sabotaged" football program would look different from the football program as we see it stand now.

    2) Based on what inside information, or from what insider's vantage point, are you alerting us that information presented on this blog is not true?

    Respectfully yrs,


  14. jake
    I am beginning to think you work for the other ivy schools.

  15. lightblooded
    1. Talking to recruits parents and telling them not to come to Columbia
    2. making accusations about the program that they have no information on.
    3 trying to get players and parents who are disgruntled to air their own dirty laundry. They probably would not want to world to know the real truth about some things.
    4 Jake has no clue what is going on. He claims he does but he doesn't. He has never met Coach Mangurian,never. I asked him.
    5 Jake is getting what he wants out of this .. making a name for himself and this blog.
    Do you really think he has the football programs best interest at heart?
    6 going 0-10 is not fun for anyone anywhere. there are many reasons things didn't go as planned.
    7 Get behind this program. Coach Mangurian was brought here to turn things around and build a foundation.
    Again this is entertainment for Jakes own gain in the public forum.
    Too bad he is making the programs job harder.

  16. A pretty damning indictment.

  17. No one has talked to any recruits and told them not to come here.

    Coach Mangurian has turned things alright, right into the garbage.

    Everything Jake reports ends up being true, from the forced slimming down of the linemen to the Nottingham transfer.

    Jake wants to make himself "famous?" That's the lamest accusation of them all. Have you noticed how few people come to Lions games?

    Look, we know you're an asst. coach and/or one of Mangurian's kids. Stop it already. Look for a new job with your dad and leave this program alone. Haven't you done enough?

  18. you no little about being a colleigiate QB if you claim that can't be coach.

    Holding the ball too long is a result of our young rec inability to get off the press and creating trust with an experienced QB to throw them open (a term overly and not properly used. Hilinski and Trevor had same problem.

    Brett held the ball because the routes called were TOO complex and took too much time to develop when we DID get a window. He (they) ran for their collective lives most of the time and that's a combination of line AND rec and AND QB ineffectiveness.

    saying he "held the ball too long" over simplifies and wrongly suggests that he COULD have thrown a completion.

    I have heard so much smack about our QB's and zero (OR CLOSE TO IT) about receivers who cant run the proper routes, get off press, win a hand fight, get open and MOST importantly CATCH a well thrown ball. The QB's own their mistakes (listen to any interview by Hilinski for one).

    yes, im an older former QB but this is basic

    1. Old QB. You miss the point entirely as most responders do. DUMP the ball means if all the problems you mention happen THROW THE BALL INT0 THE SEATS.
      Also an old QB.

  19. Sorry to tell you I am neither.
    nice try though.

  20. I am neither. nice try though.

  21. Jake, please don't take this as an attack. You might consider taking a slight break to do some fence mending. Forzani would be great temporary fill in. You're starting to show some signs of battle fatigue.
    Most of us are on the same page about improving CU sports, but our methods may be different.
    This time of year may be a good time to recharge your batteries, and rethink your agenda.
    Check my IP address, I am not one of the 2%.

    1. Jake,
      Congrads for publishing the above, that should silence some of your detractors.

  22. lightblooded
    I am not going to sink to your pathetic untruths.
    The simple fact is the guy steered us to the worst levels ever in IVY football and he has never been successful with his many stints. Go ahead and bring up Cornell where he coached another coach's recruits...they were not his kids, he left before most of them were the meat of the team.
    AGAIN, 0-10, worst team ever, ranked dead last in oh so many categories, numerous injuries, numerous players that did not want to play for him, etc.

    Let me leave you with one final point.

  23. You don't have to speak directly to recruits to contaminate the recruiting process. All you have to do is assert that the program is doomed as long as Mangurian remains the head coach.

    The slimming down of recruits and the Nottingham transfer don't exactly represent the sports scoop of the century. In short, Jake could be right about these tidbits and wrong, i.e. absolutely bereft of any knowledge--about what is going on inside the program.

    Whether people come to football games is irrelevant to the issue of Jake's motivation. Mangurian is certainly coaching next year. That Jakes knows this, and continues to make snide comments about how when he's finished at Columbia he can go to the Jets, suggests a certain spitefulness which may, or may not be related to his unwillingness to give up his position as leader of the pack.

    As the comments on this board indicate, the tide has turned against the reflexive, `fire Mangurian' stance that this blog advocates. The more Jake persists under these circumstances, the more his motivation will be questioned.

  24. It doesn't take direct contacts with recruits to damage the recruitment process. This blog is sufficient.

    Jake's reportage was useful, but the tidbits you cite were hardly the sports scoops of the century. One could know that, but know nothing about what happens inside the program, as the commenter above maintains.

    Finally, attendance at football games is not an index of Jake's fame. A better indication of his motivation is whether he persists with snarky comments about Mangurian heading to the Jets when it is clear that Mangurian is staying, and all, from his perspective, is clearly lost.

  25. Rich Forzani '66C

    Congruent with the above, I will state that nothing Jake has ever said here has been proven false. So the "lie" gambit should be removed.

    Jake may get adamant at times about his opinions, but this is his blog and he has every justification. When one confronts total absurdity, illogic and frustration, sometimes it is difficut to maintain a phlegmatic stance.

  26. It is true Nottingham looked comical in his scrambling backwards. It would be hard not to wonder if the guy has ever had to evade pressure out of the pocket. BUT, point being OC kept calling plays that took ridiculously long to unfold. Let's revisit the basics to any sport game planing. Strategize to your strengths. Nottingham is a pocket passer and by golly that's what Pete it's going to do as if he's running an nfl team. Behind a good OL, Nottingham would rack up yards but that was not the case and anyone coaching the team would have seen that in camp. So what reason would there be to put Nottingham in those situations? No check downs? No quick slants? No play action dump offs? Oh that's right, we're just the peanut gallery. We don't know football. Ok, have it your way - lose badly, demoralize the players, make them feel regret for choosing to play for Columbia. Punish the players as Pete does and say it's someone else's fault. Just throw it out of bounds kid, sorry, forgot to tell you that.

    1. No matter who is the QB, throwing the ball into the stands is preferable to taking the sack, fumbling and the chance of getting hurt. Seems pretty simple to me. This can not be taught! Every pass rush is different. QB has to feel the imaginary hand grabbing his shoulder a second before it really happens. If he can't, he will be sacked and injured more than one that can, even if he is the better thrower/runner.

  27. How can anyone support Mangurian when Columbia's year was the worst in Ivy League history from a statistical standpoint and the worst offensively and defensively in the FCS. Forget the 0-10 record. This was the worst team ever in the history of Ivy Football. Should the coach be given another year? If President Bollinger and AD Murphy have confidence in Mangurian, will they guarantee significant improvement next year or resign?

  28. to those that are inferring that certain injuries did not happen because they don't require a cast are as dumb as the coaches that keep insisting on playing them.

    equally disturbing is that we have receivers that simply ran the WRONG route (not just a poor one which happened all the time), dropped well thrown catchable throws, and couldn't win a hand fight or get off the press of a more experienced DB. THEREFORE, we had coverage sacks because the line couldn't hold the Def for more than 3 seconds. nor should they have to all the time.

    we still ran complex combo routes that took too long to develop causing the sacks and ultimately injuries too.

    WHY then were the same Rec used time and again? 15 easily dropped as many as he caught. that only shows up on the QB's stat line.

    yes I'm an old QB who is tired of seeing this team's QB's maligned for the faults of many. there is enough blame to go around from the QB's to the line to the rec to the coaches and admin...

    1. How can you possibly know the wrong routes were run?
      Are you the parent of a QB?

  29. It's an Athletic Department employee or football assistant coach. A Murphy sycophant in one form or another. The word has gone out, expect more posts like this. The distraction of firing the soccer coach could only last so long. Blame everyone else.

    By the way, if Jake didn't get his way 2 years ago, as you claim, why did he praise the hire as much as he did on his old blog???

  30. This blog is getting ridiculous. But before I bow out let's set a few things straight...

    To Above:

    YOU: "No one has talked to any recruits and told them not to come here."

    TRUTH: Please refer to Jake's "We Don't Matter" Post which multiple people stated they were telling recruits NOT to come. Too lazy to do your own research or value truth? Here's one of the comments from the horse's mouth:

    Anonymous said...
    I have already done my part. I have told parents of 3 prospective football players that CU is recruiting to slam the door, bolt it, and never, ever open it. Not even for a second. I will continue to do so.
    Saturday, November 23, 2013

    YOU: "Everything Jake reports ends up being true.."

    TRUTH: Like when he said Bill Campbell "doesn't get it" in his October 21st post? It was a nice touch to add his photo and call him King Lear. I can always count on Al's Wingman to add real class by boasting he'll call BC himself to recommend he "shift his emphasis on women's soccer exclusively." Don't worry people, Jake has changed his tune and thinks Campbell is our only hope now. It wasn't that long ago that Jake agreed with those who said it was time for all of us to get behind Coach Mangurian. "Whatever failings the search committee had, they were not Mangurian's fault... Make no mistake, he is a good coach." Enough said.

    YOU: "Jake wants to make himself "famous?" That's the lamest accusation of them all. Have you noticed how few people come to Lions games? "

    TRUTH: Someone who constantly repeats how many DAILY visits his blog gets sure seems to have a different agenda. Feel free to fact check that too. Just seems like a desperate attempt to remain relevant to me.

    You: "Look, we know you're an asst. coach and/or one of Mangurian's kids. Stop it already. Look for a new job with your dad and leave this program alone. Haven't you done enough?"

    Truth: Heaven forbid someone disagrees with you, Jake and the blog, or questions the validity of some of the crude and trashy comments here without being written off as an assistant coach. Now you are going after his children? Where does this stop?

    Oh and for the record, I am neither an assistant coach or the offspring of one. Not even close. But don't worry - Jake will try to track my "ISP" and claim it's a conspiracy theory that I disagreed with you. Anyone else notice "Comment moderation has been enabled. All comments must be approved by the blog author." -- sounds like a conspiracy theory to me.

    - David March

    1. David,
      You don't actually believe all the comments you read here do you? I stated that I was a poor plumber to make a point. When I am really a brain surgeon. Get it?

  31. Don't leave, David. Better to light one more candle than curse the darkness.

  32. A positive, friendly, likeable guy who is struggling would probably get the benefit of the doubt for an extra year or so. On the other hand, a jerk who is losing is not going to get the same leash.

    I'd take an asshole as a coach any day as long as he were winning or at least showing us signs that better things were on the horizon. If PM had even rudimentary PR skills he would have a lot more support right now.

    Murphy's big mistake was not recognizing how poorly his personality would fit here. She had to know that it might become an issue when she made the call to hire him, didn't she?

  33. DearJake, I'm directing this to you hoping you'll steer this blog back to its important current purpose. I'm passionate
    about free speech too but now we have people discussing the best way for a QB to dump the football. That's not worth discussing in the current crisis. I go back to the final years of Lou Little but dwelling on the past doesn't help now either.
    Some people talk about Ivy this, Ivy that, for good, bad or indifferent but the truth is we don't compete even in the Ivy League. We can't beat The Sisters of Charity Retirement Home.
    There are really only two issues to discuss. The ultimate issue is what are the people with the power to effect change going to do? The answer from Campbell
    is silence...the definition of that is nothing. The answer from Bollinger and Campbell is the ridiculous, embarrassing and insulting letter of denial and lies written by Murphy and signed by Bollinger. Again that means that what they are going to do is nothing.
    That leaves the second issue: What are we going to do? Complaining and withholding donations are important but not enough. I like Rich Forzani's formation of a mass committee of alums including ex-players of course, parents, friends, faculty and last but not least members of the student body to formally and forcefully discuss the need and means for change in an organized and urgent manner. It needs a large, serious membership and I hope everyone here who I serious about a program worthy of Columbia will join his effort. Rich has written the contact information here a couple of times. Please consider it now, those of you as weary of the misery as I am and also those of you who are weary of our complaining. No one can complain about a civil and factual presentation of grievances and request for redress thereof.

  34. My free speach is to talk about dumping the football. Enough complaining from you people with the wounded pride and big soapboxes.
    You probably lobbied to get the teacher fired when your kid got an F.

  35. ^ I bet you got an F in school regardless.


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