Thursday, January 2, 2014

New Year, New Policy

For many years, several people in and outside of the Athletic Dept. have urged me to ban anonymous commenting on this blog.

I always resisted those efforts, primarily because I knew that doing so would discourage the kind of honest criticism of our sports programs and administration that we really need.

But now that I think we have that covered, and because we have seen the anonymous posting feature primarily being used to attack other posters, I'm now requiring everyone commenting here to actually identify themselves.

This is also because the posting is getting ridiculous. I can take the nastiness, but the silliness and confusion is off the charts. For example, based on IP addresses that I checked last week I found that one commenter was actually having a nasty argument with himself. To what end, I don't know but there you have it.

I am fully aware that this new policy will probably reduce comments by 90% if not more. So be it.

If we're going to ask everyone in CU Athletics to step up, it's time we do too.

But I will close this message with a statement from someone who wasn't being anonymous, at least not last year. It will remain atop the masthead for this blog from now on and it should say it all about how warranted our criticisms of Coach Mangurian, his staff, and the administration truly are:

"There is no “four-year plan”, there is a “win every game, every year, plan” that is reevaluated and refined before during and after every season. Team #123 and I will ultimately be judged by how many games we win. I’m all for that accountability, that is the way it should be."
-Pete Mangurian, 2013


  1. It continues to amaze me that the administration at Columbia doesn't seem to understand the record and statistics compiled by the 2013 team that Mangurian coached- the worst ever in the history of Ivy Football. How could he possibly be retained as coach.

  2. Robert: I think I have to answer your question with another question. Is there any other football team in college or the pros where ONE MAN has so much decision-making power year in and year out? Frankly, I am beginning to suspect that Bill Campbell is simply too tired this year to make a coaching change. Or perhaps he's distracted with something else. Either way, we need a lot more voices and power-centers for athletics in general.

  3. This site is ruined now. To MAKE someone post their real name horrible. People wanted to posts their likes and dislike about the program withou being outed. Like you said 90% of the bloggers will be gone, so will the popularity of your move buddy!

  4. Jake, You may have already answered this but why not allow people to use a nickname? That way we could be familiar with someone's beliefs but not necessarily know their true identity.

  5. Eliminating anonymous posting is an essential step. The way things were going, it could have been done long ago. Congratulations!

  6. Jake, congratulations!

    I have never lent any credibility to anonymous posts.

    Anonymity vitiates worth.

    In a word, they are craven.

    Tod Howard Hawks CC 66

  7. Jake,
    How do you know Gelegenheit is his real name? Can't wait to hear his first name. No offense, Mr. Gelegenheit, but why is elimininating anonymous posting "an essential first step?" A step to what? Bollinger giving a damn what our names are? I don't think so. And certainly not a first step to his taking any action whatsoever to correct the problems.
    It will knock the AD trolls off this site however, which is the only benefit I can imagine, so for that alone I approve the ban on anonymity. You can bet your life they will never give us any factual information. All they do is defend the status quo.
    That includes the Kevin McCarthy case. His coaching record in women's soccerwas a universe ahead of the football fiascos. If any misconduct was involved, that's another thing. If not, it's an odd way to treat the only
    Columbia athlete who was a success in coaching at CU.
    Watching the Rose Bowl, I noted it was the 80th anniversary of Columbia's victory there over Stanford.
    A couple of years later, the Lion squad featuring Sid Luckman defeated Stanford again in a regular season game.
    And now, only eight months to wait to find out if we'll win a football game again.
    As for signing one's name here, I can't say if it does any good or any harm. But since everyone thinks I'm nuts for still rooting for Columbia, what have I got to lose?


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