Friday, February 14, 2014

Lost to Lehigh

Bye bye

I'm not sure why, but top running back recruit Marc Raye-Redmond, has apparently decommitted to Columbia and is now going to Lehigh.

This is all according to his Twitter feed.

I considered Raye-Redmond to be the best running back on our list and his loss hurts.

But our list of  "confirmed" incoming frosh is still at 32 as CU has snagged a punter.

Parker Thorne

6-3 194 pound Parker Thorne of Hortonville HS in Wisconsin is joining the Lions.

Thorne will be the first confirmed Hortonville alum to play football for CU.

Here is the updated list of our confirmed incoming class of 2018 players so far: 

1) Collin Breckenridge OL 6-2, 270 lbs. W.B. Ray HS, Corpus Christi, TX 

2) Marcus Briscoe WR 6-2, 200 lbs. Diamond Ranch HS, Pomona, CA

3) Clay Caruso LB 6-3 220 lbs. Strongsville HS, Strongsville, OH

4) Leander Cutler RB/LB 5-9 205 lbs. Varina HS, Richmond, VA 

5) Zach Dansby TE 6-5, 220 lbs. Westlake HS, Austin, TX

6) Turner Demuth RB/DB 5-11 190 lbs. Whitefish Bay HS, Whitefish Bay, WI 

7) Pat Denny OL 6-3 270 lbs. Fox Chapel HS, Pittsburgh PA 

8) David Donovan DE 6-3 231 lbs. Mainlain Regional HS, Linwood NJ

9) Charlie Flores OL 6-4, 280 lbs. All Saints Episcopal School, Fort Worth, TX

10) Connor Heeb OL/DL 6-4 245 lbs. Canandaigua Academy, Canandaigua, NY 

11) Anders Hill QB 6-4 210 lbs. Fairview HS, Boulder, CO 

12) Alex Holme LB 6-4 210 lbs. Bishop O'Dowd HS, Oakland, CA

13) Tyler Holmes WR/DB 6-0, 175 lbs. Norfolk Academy, Norfolk, VA 

14) Lord Hyeamang DE 6-4, 235 lbs. Apple Valley HS, Apple Valley, MN 

15) Mike McGrath OL 6-6, 294 lbs. St. Augustine Prep, Richland, NJ 

16) Hagen Patterson LB 6-2 230 lbs. Lake Travis HS, Lake Travis, TX 

17) Markham Paukune OL 6-4, 280 lbs. All Saints Episcopal School, Fort Worth, TX 

18) Dominic Perkovic DE 6-6 235 lbs. Brother Rice HS, Bloomfield, MI

19) Bailey Popeck TE 6-5, 230 lbs. St. Georges School, Germantown, TN and Phillips Exeter Academy, Exeter, NH (PG Year) 

20) Cameron Roane DB 6-0, 190 lbs. Riverside HS, Durham, NC

21) Chris Schroer RB 6-0, 215 lbs. Elder HS, Cincinnati, OH 

22) Reid Stables OL 6-3 293 lbs. Mullen HS, Denver, CO 

23) Nick Surges LB 6-3 215 lbs. Benet Academy, Lisle, IL 

24) Liam Talty DE 6-4 235 lbs. Sheldon HS, Eugene, OR

25) Parker Thome P 6-3 194 lbs. Hortonville HS, Hortonville, Wi

26) Ian Tyler DE 6-4, 205 lbs. Muskegon Catholic Central HS, Muskegon, MI 

27) Bewley Wales OL 6-5, 285 lbs. Metro Christian Academy, Tulsa, OK 

28) Greg Washington DE 6-3 215 lbs. Norfolk Academy, Norfolk, VA 

29) Logan Waters LB 6-2 205 lbs. San Antonio Christian HS, San Antonio, TX

30) Dylan Weldon, DB/RB 5-9 175 lbs. Bishop Gorman HS, Las Vegas, NV

31) Devin Williams DB 5-9 180 lbs. St. John’s College HS Washington, DC

32) Noah Zgrablich K 6-1 190 lbs. Sierra Canyon HS Chatsworth, CA


  1. I wonder if the decommit is because of the fact that Lehigh can give scholarships. Voyforums is reporting that we have lost some other committed players, but no names were given.

  2. I wonder if the decommit is because of the fact that Lehigh can give scholarships. Voyforums is reporting that we have lost some other committed players, but no names were given.

  3. Money is entirely a possible factor.

  4. Although I find that curious, as we are "need-blind". Unless his family could afford to pay at CU and therefore would have to, and liked a straight athletic scholarship from Lehigh more.

    The thing is, Lehigh is a decent school but no way does it compare to CU. Plus, his chances for playing time are less there.

  5. Are the wheels now officially falling off?

  6. OldLion is back!!!

    Agreed, money can be a factor, but we do have ROTC as well (as an option)...

  7. This isn't evidence of the wheels falling off. The wheels fell off in the Fordham game, when Nottingham and Adebayo went down. This is evidence that one young man probably got a full ride at Lehigh. Here in the Northeast schools like Lehigh have a decent reputation, as Big Dawg points out, but in the rest of the country much less so. In any event We have two returning RBs who are both bigger and faster than this young man, so I don't view this as much of a setback.

  8. Still don't understand financial angle.. Middle class families can't afford full Ivy costs anymore or other high level schools either. Most state U's are expensive. Need- blind should cover him unless family is wealthy. Though
    maybe I don't know exactly how it works. Another reason to give football scholarships. Also, doesn't early admit bind the student....though don't know if he was one. As mentioned, we have other backs. Just use them correctly.

    Jake, loved your typo on punter Thorne, who is 6-13 tall.
    There'll be a lot of high snaps this year.

  9. I'm glad we at least have "a" punter but I hope he is not the busiest guy on the team.

    Not sure why Raye-Redmond changed up but it's not at all uncommon. He is definitely the type of RB we needed - a guy who excels on natural ability and instincts = a replacement for Marcorus. We need a breakthrough kind of back since the coaching is not there to create one. I predict a running game by committee giving some of the young guys a few carries to see what they can do under game circumstances. I don't think Alan Watson made the most of his carries last season and the other upperclassmen have not touched the ball much. Running game doesn't look good now, hoping that changes.

  10. RBs in this offense (whatever is - under the QB, from the gun?), need multiple touches to see what they can do. Currently, the way our offense is being managed, we are one-dimensional and very predictable. I thought that by game #3 of last year, Pete would recognize that we needed change, but I was wrong… Let’s hope that he puts his ego aside and customizes the offense to his players and not the players to a dysfunctional offense.

    To Pete’s defenders, please don’t tell me that the offense (and defense for that matter) were not dysfunctional. He is a record setting coach, at Columbia’s expense.

  11. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  12. I can't let this day pass without commenting on the highway robbery last night at Levien, when the refs literally stole the game from us by taking away Rosenberg's winning shot at the end of the first OT and then letting Lo get mugged in the second OT.

  13. Just took another quick look at the kid's highlight reel. Lehigh is getting a pretty darn good player. He is almost a Marcorus clone. You absolutely need a speed back. He's not the biggest kid but his other attributes make up for it.

  14. I know it sounds harsh. But anyone who chooses a Patriot League team over an Ivy is throwing away a winning lottery ticket. Free ride or no free ride, getting into an Ivy has become impossible.

  15. Just tossing this out there as a possibility. I don't know how the bands work to the fine details. Could there have been an issue with his admission or is all of that sorted out before an offer is extended and accepted?

  16. They don't make offers unless the entire onion is peeled back. The staff lost this kid.

  17. What a travesty that is. I hope the running game has something other than a bunch of 2-3 yard per carry guys and a freshman that runs upright.

    At least we have a punter! (unless Lehigh steals him too)

  18. If you want to get outraged, see the video of the so-called charge on Rosenberg on Friday night, which was the worst example of incompetent refereeing I have ever seen. The more I watch the video the more convinced I become that the refs had a bias toward Harvard and didn't want to get on Amaker's bad side. So we had some gutless, spineless knuckllehead steal right out from under us the signature win of teh season. If you want to write to Murphy, robin Harris, etc., this is one more reason why we need a post season basket ball tournament, to have a chance at redemption.

  19. PS, Peter Andrews did himself proud with his column in today's Spec.

  20. Jake,
    I was wondering why no one has commented on the football awards banquet held about 10 days ago. I realize that the number of victories over their 4 years was small, but feel they do deserve some recognition or comment.

  21. Thanks oldlion. It was a travesty — so frustrating for our guys that they played well enough to beat Harvard but it won't show in the final box score.

  22. I wrote to Dianne. Seriously, and I actually got a thoughtful response. I really think that a subconscious pro-Harvard, I want Amaker to love me-- bias led to that obscenity of a call.

  23. Took a look at the video here, if the play being discussed is at 4:19 then it looks to me like there is some justification for the charge call. The refs could have let it go as a no call but it was not a bad call (hate to say that. This is based on seeing that play a thousand other times). The Harvard man's feet were planted. That is what you have to keep in mind. If he was moving or swatting that is different situation. It did not even look he like was embellishing. He was pushed back by Rosenberg. Rosenberg was clearly leaned over the top of him. If R would have went straight up to take the shot then there would be grounds for a foul on Harvard. I am not sure what the rule says but you can't knock someone down if he has the position while you are moving forward.

    That's how the video looks to me at least.

  24. The play was with 2.3 seconds left in the first OT. Rivard was moving and did not have his feet planted. It was clearly a blown call.

  25. And as Smith said after the game, does anybody seriously think that call would have gone against Harvard if the situation were reversed and Rivard was taking the same shot, in Cambridge, against Rosie? As Peter Andrews said in his terrific column, the refs took the game out of the players' hands and decided it right then and there. Revolting.

  26. It could have been a no call, which is what they usually do. Typically, they do let those go unless it is blatant (which this wasn't, seemed to be minimal contact but I am not at court level to really be sure) but if it is the one at 4:19 on that video, look again. The Harvard man was clearly in position, his feet did not even slide. He just leaned and rolled with the impact trying to avoid a foul. Could be good acting but that is part of the game.

  27. Jeremy Finberg actually had the play on video (sorry, don't have the link). Great that we made it close, but we should still be better than middle of the League by now.

  28. Looked at it again, definitely should have been a no call. Rosenberg's height worked against him in this instance since he went over the top of the guy. That was what drew the call.

    I've been on both ends of that play and it hurts but it's not inaccurate. I think the H man played good D there. If he tried to lean into Rosenberg then it would have been a foul on H. he didn't though.

  29. That is never a call made against the home team in the closing minutes with the game on the line; does anybody think that the same call would have been made in Cambridge against Harvard? Read the great Andrews column; the game is about the players, not the refs. Amaker should kiss those clowns on both cheeks.


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