Monday, March 3, 2014

Blocked Out

Charles Argast is about to get coached by his dad

Offensive line coach Ed Argast is leaving CU to go to Bryant University. His son plays there now and that probably has a lot to do with it. But I also think Argast is getting out of a bad situation where he has not been allowed to really do his job.

When I heard that Ed Argast was joining the Lion coaching staff exactly five years ago, I was excited. Argast was one of those very experienced coaches with a good track record that CU was picking up as a bargain. I guessed that the fact that his son was playing football for nearby Fordham Prep may have had something to do with it.

Argast made an impact right away as the 2009 Columbia offensive line was the best we’ve seen since 1998 or maybe 2000.

But Argast was never really able to coach the unit his way during his entire tenure. Former Head Coach Norries Wilson and his OC Vinnie Marino tinkered too much with Argast’s work. That unfortunate tradition continued during the Mangurian regime.

The result is that the Lions have been sporting not just a poor offensive line, but and almost criminally deficient front five that threatens to keep the surgeons at Columbia-Presbyterian working overtime for years to come.

Let’s hope Argast’s replacement is not only talented, but has the guts to tell Pete Mangurian to back off and stop doing whatever he’s done to make our O-Line perhaps the worst in Ivy history. 


  1. Jake, your supposition seems much more likely than the "he wants to coach his son" thought. I guess it might not be a good idea generally to coach your own son in a highly competitive situation, but more telling is that Argast's son is a senior, so why make that switch for only one season together. More likely Coach Argast used the connection to get out of Dodge. By the way, was he considered for head coach at CU two years ago?

  2. He wasn't considered and I don't think he wanted the job either. He will be missed. And I'll miss the job he could have done had he been left alone even more.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. On the surface it sounds like same old story, Pete had to lay the blame on someone other than himself for abysmal results. He has no choice now but to go all in with the players he recruited and whatever "system" he asks from them on the OL.

  5. My own 2 1/2 cents, along with half-baked logic, tells me that Argast made contacts at Bryant via his kid, and when this opening came up was a known quantity to them. As to why, one must consider that within the past several weeks two highly regarded coaches have departed. So, is this coincidence?
    Unless we have replacements waiting in the wings (and we'll know shortly) these guys weren't forced out; they bailed. But unless we see quick announcements indicating planned replacement, this might indicate the wheels beginning to come off.
    Unfortunately for our team, this is the last thing the kids need.

  6. I don't know the reasons why Wendell Davis left but it could be something as simple as not liking living in NYC. He's a southern guy. I know he spent an NFL career in Chicago before suffering a horrific injury but urban NYC is not for everybody.

    Argast leaving seems at least partially due to family reasons but it was time for a change anyway. He was ineffective for whatever reasons.

  7. Unless we see either the OC or the DC go, then this coaching reshuffle probably won't lead to much.

  8. Maybe the OC is under the same constraints as Argast was. I've chirped this before but it is pretty clear Elizondo is not the right man for the OC job anyway. He gave a football career a good shot but it is time to put that law degree to use.

    DC, not sure it is all on Rippon or the players. You spend that long on the field and you will lose. The O has to give the D a chance. Without a ball control offense, there is no chance at all for improvement. That is where they need to focus. If it is more of the same, unleashing Nottingham for deep balls without adequate protection, I am going to egg Pete.


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