Wednesday, March 12, 2014


I’ll withhold my next post until we get today’s promised update on the football program.

Anyone want to take bets on when it will actually be posted?


  1. Rosie first team all Ivy, Lo second team. Rosie should have been POY, but Saunders got it.

  2. I don't understand how Rosenberg wasn't at least a unanimous 1st Team selection. Really odd. My guess is some of the opposing coaches hated how he consistently drew fouls sometime without actual contact. But that's a great skill to have.

  3. Full story:

  4. here is my projected schedule:

    9-20 Fordham
    9-27 @ SUNY Albany
    10-4 Princeton
    10-11 @ Monmouth
    10-18 @ Penn
    10-25 Dartmouth
    11-1 Yale
    11-8 @ Harvard
    11-15 Cornell
    11-22 @ Brown

  5. Definitely a bias if the Rosenberg kid is not first team. What is the link with those selections?

  6. He was 1st Team, just not a unanimous selection. I don't understand why.

  7. My guess is that James Jones will not readily vote for a Columbia player. This may be totally unfair, but Joe's departure may not have filled James with good feelings for us. In fact, Rosie should have been POY.

  8. My guess is that James Jones will not readily vote for a Columbia player. This may be totally unfair, but Joe's departure may not have filled James with good feelings for us. In fact, Rosie should have been POY.

  9. No. The "media" makes the predictions at the beginning of the season.

  10. First team is fine. Why does it have to be unanimous?
    Wouldn't you trade any first or second or honorable mention for the league championship? I sure as hell would.

  11. Jake, I have a hunch that the reason we're not hearing anything about football is because of you, they know you'll try to debunk whatever they put out and they don't want to waste their efforts. It seems like you're laying low right now and I would keep that going so maybe we can get some news. Just sayin'... ;)

  12. Strange message from the football office, regarding the release of the incoming class. First we were told the week on March 15th. Somebody then looked up the league rules, and now it is mid April. Also, why no reports from Spring ball, and why was Spring ball so early this year? Why didn't we utilize the Spring school break for Spring football? Curious minds would like answers.


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