Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Wasteful and Woeful

A few years ago, I blogged about the massive $60 million high school football stadium, that’s right high school, being built in Allen, Texas.

Well, now it turns out the stadium needs to be closed for the season because it’s not safe.

Everyone who was arguing about whether spending $60 million for a HS football stadium was ethical forgot to ask whether the money was being spent on a building company that was competent. 

Scoring? What's That?

Over at Bruce Wood's Big Green Alert Blog, Bruce lists the Ivy defensive scoring leaders for every year since 1990. 

In other words, he's listed the teams that gave up the fewest points in Ivy games over the last 24 seasons.

What jumped out at me were the 1997 Harvard Crimson who gave up just 6.4 points per Ivy game en route to their league championship that year. 

No other team in that period was able to crack the six point per game floor... but only if you don't count last year's Columbia OFFENSE. 

That's right, the 2013 Lions scored just 6.0 points per Ivy game last year; truly an incredible feat of futility. 

Not that the defense was much better, but the historically anemic numbers came from the offense and that's where most of the improvement --- starting with the woeful offensive line --- needs to happen. 


  1. That photo does not make it seem a big deal but an images searchshows it to be an impressive stadium. HS football is big biz in Texas though 60 mil means it was likely mismanaged costs.

    Reminds me of a southern CA HS importing a swimming pool from Italy. Though only 5 mil (I thought it was much more than that).

    Lots of swimming complexes cost in the 10 mil range.

    Let's face it, money is really no object for anything these days with vast acres of new wealth in the hands of people that are so flush with abundance they have no idea what to spend it on.

    The world is haves and have nots.

  2. "Everyone who was arguing....forgot to ask whether the money was being spent on a building company that was competent."

    A veritable parable of CU athletics. We all know that our sports budget is more than adequate, so it's not a question of money, it's a question of how the money is spent and what kind of "edifice" we are building. And more specifically, who is building it.

  3. I don;t think we have anything to worry about, we have been assured that this incoming Freshman class looks really good as opposed to other years....

  4. Has anyone checked out Pete's introduction of the offensive recruits? He sounds like he needs a nap really bad.

  5. I did check out the video of the offensive recruits. I actually thought that Pete struck a pretty good tone in going through the incoming players.

  6. I don't think there's anything to be gained by continuing to demonize Pete. His political skills need improvement, but as far as the rest, next fall will tell the tale. We've kind of taken the Pete bus as far as it will go. Four months from now we'll know what the actual situation is.

  7. Point is, it must be tiring to talk about so many incoming recruits and keep the dialog fresh. He usually does sound a bit monotone but taken down a notch, it was even more dry to listen to.

    I am looking forward to seeing how many of these kids get PT in year 1.

  8. Why are stats not available on the CU site for 2013? IE Mins played, yds rushed, tackles etc.


  9. As usual Big Dawg has nailed it.

  10. I jumped ahead 100 years. Hopefully the stats will be better by then.

  11. Thanks Al,
    Pretty awful, as far as most O stats go.
    D on field 90% of time, should have been 8/10 highest tacklers in league.
    More punch needed on both sides of the ball.


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