Thursday, July 24, 2014

And Now for Some Good News!

It's been a steady stream of bad PR for the Columbia football team for the past 15 months.

But today we have a very good PR moment and thank goodness for it!

Several incoming football freshmen have been helping to clean up NYC parks this summer.

Kudos to everyone who had a hand in arranging this.


  1. This is nothing new. The incoming freshman do this every summer. They always have at least 3 projects in the community. The media finding out about their good works is a plus.

  2. Yes, this is great! I guess the only constructive criticism would be, if we do it every year, then we need to promote it every year. It's great for the kids, administration and the University!

  3. Pete started this when he arrived three years ago. Can't say he isn't doing something right.

  4. I'll take community service over winning any day!

  5. isn't a bit of an indictment that so far this is his most successful accomplishment?

  6. No, I don't think so, even if that were true. Turning out good citizens is the mission of a good university.

  7. No, I don't think so, even if that were true. Turning out good citizens is the mission of a good university.

  8. Please tell me then what you think his finest accomplishment at CU has been thus far...

  9. Re football? How about bringing in Nottingham...we'll find out soon enough

  10. Honestly, isn't that a statement in itself if that is his finest accomplishment?


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