Monday, July 28, 2014

Spying on the Weak

Schoelkopf Selfie

I visited Ithaca this weekend with my family and managed to do a few jogs up and down the steps of Schoelkopf Field.

During my little jog, I got a look at one of the informal Big Red practices going on.

NOTE TO THE IVY/NCAA POLICE: I had NO idea a Cornell informal practice would be going on when I jogged over to Schoelkopf and this was not a spying trip. However, the gates were open and nobody said a word to me as I took pictures, etc. PLUS, I think it should be obvious by now that I in no way work for or with the CU football program. 

A couple of notes on what I saw:

1)      Instead of “Omaha,” the defensive player calling out the signals yells, “Roar, roar, roar!” I took offense to that!
2)      Longtime Ivy fans are pretty familiar with the maddening practice many teams follow of throwing many sideways passes every game. Well, now I see why. For about an hour at Schoelkopf, ALL I SAW WAS SIDEWAYS PASSING DRILLS!. Seriously, it was pathetic, and I am now convinced that Cornell doesn’t even have a QB who can decently throw the ball downfield.
3)      Most of the players were too small, and NO I was not watching a Sprint Football practice. The guys were in shape, but the skill players were puny.
4)      I have said the Cornell game is Columbia’s best chance to win one this year, and now I’m even more convinced.
5)      The Cornell campus is huge and big and getting overbuilt… but it’s STILL a breeze for all the players to get to Schoelkopf and practice. And yet… it looked like a lot of them drove to the field and parked their cars on the track behind the end zone.  Yeah, yeah, yeah, I know a lot of Cornell students live off campus... but not that far. AND I guarantee you that every Columbia player would LOVE to have the opportunity to walk to practice of any kind. So, I think the walk up the hill from the locker rooms back onto the field at Wien Stadium may be too much for Cornell at halftime. We should look into making the hills steeper or something.

Now, I've visited Cornell 6-7 times now and I think I can honestly say there is NO Ivy school more UNLIKE Columbia. It's a totally different world, with the small exception of the shrinking Arts Quad, which is shrinking because all the construction around it makes it look tiny. Even Dartmouth is more like Columbia than Cornell.

This revelation puts the Pete Mangurian hire into perspective. Yes, I was happy that Columbia had made that very rare move to hire a new coach who had coached in the Ivies before.  But having coached at Cornell is almost useless by Columbia standards. It's not at all like coaching here, and Mangurian's learning curve has been just as steep as someone who never heard of the AI or the Subway.

*Just another few thoughts on the sideways passing thing.

I really, hate hate hate that play. It’s okay to use it once in a while to catch the defense off guard and use like a screen. But the chances of the ball being slightly off and intercepted for a pick six are too high and it seems really wimpy not to throw the ball down the field much more often. Also if the ball doesn’t go forward and it’s dropped, it’s technically a fumbled lateral and a free ball on the ground.

It’s just weak. And Columbia, for decades it seems, has used the play a lot. Vinny Marino loved that play and it was scary every time. I can’t think of any time where it really worked either.  So I encourage Cornell to continue practicing this dicey play all summer and use it a lot this fall. Good luck with that. 

Yes, Coach Archer I AM tweaking you. The fact is, the Ivies have enough of a wimpy reputation, (undeserved mostly), as it is. We don't need teams going the "full wuss" and sideways passing... even if it was just for practice... anymore! It makes the whole league look bad. And remember, this is a Columbia fan saying this, so you KNOW it looks really bad.

Ed Marinaro isn't even dead yet, but he must be rolling over in his grave. When he played for Cornell, he took personal exception to the "Ivies are pansies" talk and loved playing a hard nosed game. He was a tough son of a bitch if there ever was one. Now, he gets to see his team throwing the ball around like a bunch of toddlers in day care. Yikes. 

How about we man up and go for power running or get really wacky and be like the WAC Conference in the 1990's and just pass all the time, but DOWN THE FIELD? 

Let's have fun and stop being so afraid.


  1. Ed Marinaro is only 64. Maybe he can be convinced to get another degree and enroll at CU. We need him!

  2. He wouldn't live to 65 if he saw that practice.

  3. Surely they have other plays than sideways/checkdown/outlet passes. If I recall, Mathews was injured and did not play the CU game last season. Cornell easily dismantled the Lions anyway and I would expect them to do the same this season. Defense is the problem for the Big Red and will tell the story for them.

  4. I know they have other plays, but apparently this is going to be their bread and butter. Cornell would be the very worst team in the Ivies if it weren't for us. They have a decent RB who will now get to shine a bit more with Mathews gone.

  5. James Few seems the likely incumbent to Mathews. I had to look it up but his name now rings a bell. I think he will do fine. Though I was not a fan of David Archer becoming a head coach without more significant experience under his belt, the job is his to lose. If they can fix the D they will take a big step forward.

  6. An alert reader just reminded me that Dartmouth scored a defensive TD on Harvard last season on one of those dumb sideways passes. The Crimson WR dropped the ball and forgot that it was technically a lateral.

  7. You can see the dumb play at the 2 minute mark of this highlight video:

  8. Ed M is still pissed off about not getting the Heisman that year. Maybe a RB coach job?

    I agree with Jake about looking to have some fun this year. If we repeat last year we know what will happen. And if we get lucky, so much the better.

  9. Jake, now you have a bulls eye on your pic from the Staff...

  10. a chance for a win! lets call off the hounds and not ask for Pete's head. Oh wait, one win may be depressing for soem teams, but for CU it is just like winning a championship. Think trophy for participation.

  11. If we go 1-9 and anyone in the Ath. Dept. tries to use that excuse to keep Pete on, there will be an alumni mutiny.

  12. I sincerely believe 3 W's is the bare minimum to keep him on. Unless there are also some spectacular losses (meaning we played unbelievably well but didn't win)

  13. If we win 2 games, or maybe even 1, I'm VERY sure Bollinger and Murphy will keep Mangurian.

  14. If the team loses as badly as they did last season then it is past the point of burying their heads in the sand. There has to be an effort to reboot the strategy. If not then someone needs to grow a pair and run Dr. Murphy out of town.

  15. If the team looks much improved and is competitve, no matter how many we win or lose Pete will be back for the last year of his contract, and maybe beyond that. I believe that despite last year's catastrophe he has the confidence of the administration that he's doing his best and we can see he's bringing in some pretty good talent, no easy task considering our reputation. If you were to take a poll of the players I think you'd get a better opinion of Pete than is generally expressed here. I say stop the whining and support the winning.

  16. I cannot agree to the idea that we are bringing in better talent. If anything, last year suggests that he is not. All that being said, so we are now settling for just being more competitive than the worst team in Ivy League history? Really? Wow, for a school with such high expectations from its students and alums what a low standard for atheletics.

  17. Hiring, firing, compelled resignations, all seem to be whimsical acts by colleges nationwide. The AD nor anyone in CU has a plan for football, let alone the other sports. If Bill Campbell was not so generous and the chief benefactor it would not be surprising if they phased football out entirely by now. Now that they have new facilities and new stadium, what will they do to actually build a program and stop pretending the plan in place is working? They aren't fooling anyone except Alawicius.

  18. alawicius, please for once and for all, give us data that supports your theory that this was a strong recruiting class. I am not necessarily disputing your claim, I just want to know where your evidence comes from.

    And keep in mind, EVERY year EVERY program in America spins the "we had a strong recruiting class" line...

  19. And once again, all we hear is crickets when one of us asks for real data

  20. For real data on the freshmen, check their profiles and vids in the AD releases...that's all I know plus the online research I did on each player and most of it sounds good to me.


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