Saturday, September 27, 2014

Albany Game Day Open Thread

This is the place to comment during today's games and tonight's Columbia-Albany game that begins at 6 Eastern. 


  1. REMINDER: If you're a Time Warner cable subscriber in NY, you can see Columbia-Albany on TWC Sports Channel (ch. 323 in NYC). Game will not be broadcasting on WKCR 89.9 FM.

  2. Now watching Yale-Army. Yale really hanging in with a great offensive line

  3. Yale just WON in OT! Tribute to a real offensive line.

  4. Looks like Nova invoked the mercy rule early in the third quarter and ran out the clock against Penn. Classy move by Nova. They weren't going to lose the game and chose to pull their starters to avoid both embarrassing Bags in his final year and injuries to its two deep.

  5. The OL did not win the gane for Yale. A healthy Tyler Varga would rack up 200 yards with Columbia's OL. He's NFL camp ready.


    Whoever the Columbia DB is that fell with no one touching him as Omar scored his 8th TD needs to be benched immediately. He is Pee Wee league ready.

  6. Ditto for Rutgers against Tulane. They could have gone for another score in close to the goal, but took 4 knees.

    Unlike Fordham last week.

  7. On the positive side I am finally seeing what makes Cam Molina a worthy number 1 back though he is not a between the tackles type. Why not try to get him on the edge. The play calling in general is not on target. They are trying to be conservative to avoid turnovers but then their occasional moonshots are not effective either.

    Better OL play overall, still mostly ineffective use of personnel. Only 1 receiver stepping up just like last week (Flannery).

    If the Yale game proves anything it is that you must design effective and aggressive plays. Yale knew they would have trouble against Army but their offensive game plan was sound. They overcame all of their mistakes to win it. Of course having better personnel to work with helps a lot too.

  8. Great defense keeps you in games. We don't have it. I am tired of hearing they are on the field too long. Make a play already!

  9. This guy sucks. Even if he wins 3 games he should be excused and we should play next man up except for the coaches.
    I know he has a plan, but it is the wrong plan. To Nathan's hot dog boys...please excuse yourself as you have been nothing but a total disaster. Yale beats army, we couldn't be the little sisters of the blind with this coach.
    I am fed up with it and to the are terrible, your planning is terrible, your recruiting has been terrible, if Barry snares walked in the room you would tell him he was too short and never amount to anything.
    To those that polish the golden apples, sit down, don't say anything, and just come to grips with the concept that you are either trolls or are just as good as the NHDC at assessing talent.

  10. It's true that we've played two good teams to start the year, but does anybody think we look like an acceptable fundamental football team right now? We're dropping passes and fair catches all over the place. We're snapping the ball at our QB's throat. We're giving up big plays left and right. This season feels like it's over already. What in God's name is Manguruan looking to do here. With Norries we had better talent and were more competitive. We just needed someone to get us over the hump. Instead, it looks like we're not even a college team now. And by the way, where's Danny and Alewicious now?

  11. The schedule is absolutely wrong for this squad (would be nice if we swapped with Princeton and got Davidson - much better games for all teams involved) but it was planned so far in advance it is just a perfect storm.

    Undermanned sums it up. This is on Pete and his handling of the roster since he came on. Not enough talent brought in the season prior, attrition and everything else. What else can be said about the game planning, they shot itself in the foot trying to do what they needed to do last year when there was a semblance of morale left at the beginning of the first game. It's not going to work now. The D is too thin.

    Someone please tell me what the hell that DB did to fall down as Omar crossed the goal line on breakway TD 2 I believe it was. He could not make a play, that is fine and expected but to fall down untouched like some half baked attempt at something I cannot fathom. So stupid and pathetic that alone stands out as more embarrassing that the final score.

    Next week will be another blowout. Monmouth is loaded for bear this year.

  12. No knee jerk reactions from me. I believe that two ranked opponents were just what we needed. There is work to be done and the conference record is 0-0.

  13. "Alewicious" is here...spelling is not Jake's forte, although it's true that my handle is a tough about from now on you can all call me "Allie," after Allie Sherman, in the days of Robustelli, Gifford, the Roosevelts Grier and Brown? My contemporaries will recall with a smile, ah, dems wuz de days!

    As for Columbia, I listened to as much of it as I could handle. Not having Nelligan is problem #1, last year we lost our #1 QB and this year it's our #1 receiver. The Luck of the Lions...NOT! Molina was a bright spot. The defense, NOT!! But I still think we might avoid the schneid. On any given day, even with these coaches, I think there's still enough talent out there to steal one. Gotta feel for the kids, though, as Pogo would say, "It's humidifyin'!" Showed some modest improvement, by the time we get to Cornell we should be better, I hope...Allie

  14. Diane, Bill, and the NHDC were all duped. Last year they refused to acknowledge it. We told them that this would happen, yet they refused to see what was staring them in the face! PM has successfully alienated alums, players, and the Columbia community at large. But what do they do? They double down on this guy and buy deeper in to Pete's Ponzi-Coaching technique. A technique built on lies, ignorance, and smoke and mirrors. He'll keep telling us that the cuppard was bare, but he can't recruit talent! These kids look absolutely lost out there, and all we hear from him (when he chooses to speak about this disaster) are excuses! It's everyone else's fault...

    Diane, this is a black eye on your legacy. Fire this clown NOW and get Tellier back for the remainder of the season. Salvage some dignity here, please... Keep the NHDC away from the search committee and allow them to do what they do best, organize golf outings and get extra mustard for the hot dogs.

    It's not funny any more, it's just sad to watch.

  15. So what do you tell the kids who are busting their gut? The moment of truth comes at Homecoming. A bad loss and there will be an uproar to do something now.

  16. OldLion- You simply tell these kids the TRUTH... We (Diane, NHTC, etc.) made a mistake. You will only gain more respect from the Players (and parents/alumni) by telling them that we were wrong. See recent examples of where lying (NFL, Jameson Winston, etc.) only instills mistrust and contempt. What is the alternative? Telling them that it’s okay? That we'll be competitive once we play in-league? That Pete will have a clue how to stop the run? All falsehoods that they know are lies already. Let’s just cut bait and move on…

    To Danny and Alewicious - You both can't possibly be that stupid. Well, the jury is still out on that one, but enough with the excuses. Injuries are a part of the game. The schedule is what is is. You don't see other Ivies complaining, do you? you're only embarrassing yourselves by creating (more) excuses for this Staff and Administration.

  17. I was thinking about Cornell and Brown, both ranked lower than us in RPIi, but after Brown's performance against Harvard, maybe not.

  18. Do we have a chance against Cornell ?
    I think we are all tired of non competitive blowout football.
    The thing is listening to the coach on Saturday morning radio 750 am fills one with hope. He says all the right things, Recko does his best to put a positive spin " against Fordham we did well on first down" Problem is there are 3 more downs to a series.....

  19. Arm tackles on all open field tackle attempts. DBs always on the wrong side of the receivers. Pass D is Prevent (let them catch the ball) and then TRY to make the tackle.
    Major embarrassment. I see little hope
    out there for the rest of the year.
    Multiple Defenders coming untouched into the back field.
    Too many problems at this point of season to make any worthwhile corrections.
    New blood at the helm will not change anything for this year.

  20. Looks like the opposing RBs are carrying the Easy Pass (no stopping at the LOS). Two years in a row, first D line contact does not stop the advance. Needs help to bring ball carrier down after 3 yard gain. This is inexcusable.
    We have no franchise players on either side of the ball.

  21. This Lions team does not stand much chance for beating teams in its own class let alone an Ivy opponent.

    Cornell played Bucknell very well despite losing their starting QB and allowing a very early TD. 2 frosh QBs alternated (auditioned?) and they hung in there, did not get blown out at all.

    Look at how G-town has improved as well. They beat Brown and come back the following week, did not score but they held a powerful Colgate ground game to under 20 pts.

  22. Seeunt (and others who share his opinion), I don't think it's a matter of M not being good at assessing talent, more likely it's that the more talented players available in the limited scholar/athlete pool don't want Columbia as their first choice...for obvious reasons related to CU's football reputation. Overcoming that is a difficult task. Can anyone do it? Probably, but finding and choosing that person is also difficult. I think our brass thought they had the right man in M.

  23. "Our brass" has a demonstrated incompetence in running the football program going back many years so I am not especially interested in what they thought. There were plenty of questions about Mangurian's suitability as a Columbia coach before we hired him in what appeared to be a very hurried search process. Prominent among them would be why he seemed to win with his predecessor's recruits at Cornell and then appeared unable to bring in more talent on his own. Second might be whether success at Cornell can be repeated at an urban Ivy that is quite the opposite kind of place.

    Mangurian, like the AD, is very poor at alumni outreach, so it is not surprising why few are willing to throw him a life preserver as the ship is going down.

    The rot, as often noted on this blog, goes above the AD to an insular group of alumni who oversee the program. I shudder to think who they'll come up with after Pete is shown the door.

  24. Bill Campbell may not be very forthcoming if asked about it but I am very curious how a man of such intellect and accomplishment can possibly have been part of the horrendous handling of CU football for so many decades.

  25. I don't know about Campbell's intellect, but he played under a coach - Buff Donelli - who succeeded Lou Little after Little was played out, and with one terrific class was able to bring us our only Ivy title. He also brought us
    Archie Roberts, second only to Sid Luckman among a number of outstanding Lion QBs, and another winning season. We need someone like Donelli, a tough but fatherly guy who can rally his troops.

  26. My take on coach Campbell is that at the end of the day he was still just one board member. Even as chairmanan he was up against a gang of others who just did not care and in that type of environment you are still somewhat limited.

  27. Alawicius, you are now saying that we don't bring in the talent that the other programs bring in?

    It was only a few weeks ago that you told us all that the recruiting class this year looked real good. of course, you had no facts to support the claim other than wishful thinking.

    There was little doubt during Norries' last three years or so that we had narrowed the talent gap significantly and that our issues at that point appeared to be more organizational (things like lack of discipline, disorganization, questionable play calling, etc).

    I still think we outplayed Penn during that HC game but we fumbled the ball what, 6 or 7 times?

    There have been many years when you just watched and knew we are at a physical disadvantage and I did not get that feeling those last couple of years with Norries.

    Boy, did we miss an opportunity when it came time to replace Norries.


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