Friday, September 5, 2014

Good Omen?

George Rupp

George Rupp, who was the most pro-athletics president Columbia has had in my lifetime, (which is not saying much, but I’ll take it), is back on campus to teach in the Religion Department.

Rupp was president during the mid-90’s era when Lions football was relevant on and off campus.

Maybe he’s the good luck charm.

I’m willing to grasp at any straw.


  1. George Rupp is a fine person to have on any campus. He was a good president of CU, and Rice before that. After CU he headed the International Rescue Committee.
    A noted theologian, maybe he can pray for Columbia football.

  2. In his very recent self-adulatory autobiography the arch enemy of athletics, Mike Sovern, takes a swipe at George Rupp. Typical Sovern.


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