Wednesday, October 15, 2014

BREAKING: Nottingham off Roster

As of 10:53am Eastern Time, Brett Nottingham is no longer with the team.

Whether Pete Mangurian is fully responsible for this or not, it is another major embarrassment for the program and the buck has to stop with him.

I am now worried the entire program is in jeopardy of shutting down. The administration shows no interest in addressing a collapsing team. And an undisciplined team can be a very dangerous thing in an already violent sport like football.

If the CU administration continues to refuse to fix this situation and reduce the risks, the Ivy League needs to do it.

But here's some GOOD NEWS:

Former Columbia QB Sean Brackett '13, has just been signed by the Las Vegas Outlaws of the Arena Football League.


  1. WOW, so let me get this straight. In less than a ONE YEAR period. CU has lost TWO D1 BCS caliber football Qbs! Both of those guys had offers or played for BCS level programs. Hillinski just picked up a offer from Maryland. This is sad. Will Nott transfer? I think it says alot when a qb like Hillinski leaves a Ivy education on the table and just leaves the school period. Time to clean house...AGAIN...bye, bye Danny White!

  2. Hey, wasn't Sean Bracket part of the cupboard being bare? Hmmmm...

    Brett, sorry you had to endure this mess!

  3. My bet is he will stay at CU and do what he came there to do academically.

    I was hoping for more details as to what happened. Did Pete actually send a "statement" to the Spectator saying Brett was going to quit after being told he would not start against Penn? If that is true, that is direct proof Pete is out of touch with reality. He is so desperate to prove the losses are someone else's fault he calls out the team captain publicly as a quitter. How low can that man get (if this is in fact the way it went down). This has become Pete's private war and it is completely unacceptable.

  4. I'm amused that the Arena team in Vegas has lifted the name of the old XFL team. Rod Smart would be proud. #HeHateMe

    - Elliot Olshansky


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