Friday, October 31, 2014


Columbia’s annual Giving Day raised a record $11 million-plus on Wednesday.

For the record, I decided to show my disgust for the football program and its mismanagement by giving $300 on Giving Day… to baseball.

I figured $300 in hopes of an Ivy championship 3-Peat made a lot of sense.

I know it’s not a lot, but I know it was appreciated.

Also for the record, I now promise to donate even more money to football as soon as the news breaks that Pete Mangurian has been fired. And I encourage everyone here to do the same. And I’m also planning to donate yet more as soon as we learn that a quality new coach has been hired and the same for a new athletic director.

We could even start the pledging/telethon right here.

Let’s let the administration know we’re willing to put our money where our mouths are and let it know just how much money we’re talking about.


  1. I gave to men;s basketball, rowing and, yes, football. Hey, it may cost Mother CU to hire a good new coach, after all.

    The only drawback I see to 'Giving Day" is that each donation to each sport only increases exponentially your chances of being regularly called roiund dinner time to donate to the Columbia College Fund.

  2. Varga is the best Ivy RB in many years. Unless Yale holds back even more than Albany, Monmouth, and Dartmouth -- which I doubt -- this week will be the definitive revelation of the state of the CU program. Good! The truth will set you free.
    Mitch S. 68CC


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