Thursday, October 23, 2014

To Tell the Truth

I really liked today's column by Ryan Young in the Columbia Spectator.

This is the link to the full article.

I want to pull out some of the key parts for effect:

"This year, there is absolutely no hope going in. Let me not understate this. There may not be a single Homecoming game in all of college football in recent years that looks as hopeless as this one."


"... most Columbia students will likely exhibit the same lack of concentration this Saturday. Most of them will show up knowing that Columbia’s football team is not very good, and will soon realize how historically bad it is. They will get bored and leave at halftime with the team down by three scores. Some will connect the ineptitude to the rest of Columbia athletics, and their apathy will heighten."


"... maybe Athletics can just showcase something else on Saturday—an ability to listen to its students, alumni, and fans. Maybe this way, those who make up the Columbia community can take hope and pride—instead of a 25-game losing streak—into next year’s Homecoming game."

Please read the whole thing, because it's important to note that at least some current students, and not just the battered old alums, realize just how terrible this team is, this program is, and this athletic department is.

These kids are starting to realize that this is their college experience that's being messed with and their chance to really do something fun every fall weekend weekend that's being lost. 

A handful of current student voices making good points like Ryan's is worth about 10,000 of alums and other fans. 

So thanks to Ryan Young for seeing the truth and expressing it so well. 


  1. It is a very sad commentary on the depths to which this administration has allowed this program to sink. college footbal is part of a well rounded college experience. It breeds a sense of pride in students and alumni. Instead of worrying about Manhattanville and our global footprint start thinking about instilling a sense of pride in our community.

  2. "But many fans usually at least embrace the charm of being perennial losers. This year, there is absolutely no hope going in."

    Most of us on this board have never embraced that "quality" but we do know that the era of no hope must end.Copy the article and mail it to Bollywood with a note stating why you will no longer financially support this annual fiasco.

  3. New CAEC website

    Believe it or not, this is serious progress for all of us. The level of actual disgust with the true causes of our fiasco is now perceived by the students. They aren't dissing the team; they're going after the real culprits. I think it's a major step.

  4. As the creator of the sobriquet "Bollywood" for our
    unesteemed Dear Leader, I hereby relinquish all monetary and proprietary rights to that monicker in perpetuity, and urge my fellow suffering CU football loyalists to use it at will, which I hope is often. Bollywood dancing is amusing but not the style used by our Bollywood, which is smug, dismissive and full of fakery.

    And, yes, there are Columbians who who embrace the "charm" of being permanent losers, but they are NOT
    Columbia football fans. They're the type of students and alums whose loser ideology has damaged CU and the USA far more than any sports results ever could.some


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