Friday, December 26, 2014

Another Name

Howard Endelman

I'm not the first one here to mention the name of Howard Endelman as good possible candidate for Athletic Director.

Here's a short bio.

Lots of schools, even very big schools, keep the A.D. job in the family of alumni. And as long as that person from inside the family has the chops to do the job, that's not a bad thing.

I think Columbia still needs to make a serious effort for an outside big name like Tim Pernetti, but if that effort fails, (and it has to be a serious effort), Endelman is the kind of exemplary guy who could get a lot accomplished.

A knock on Howie, (everyone calls him that), is that he was not a football player and came to Columbia as a tennis guy. But that alone should no disqualify him. MANY of the football players from the years Endelman attended Columbia have the highest regard for him. And many of those players are significant donors.

And the fact that Endelman is a good candidate is proof that not EVERYTHING the Columbia administration touches turns to dust.

The continued secrecy and lack of news on the A.D. search front is starting to get a little unsettling.

But I do know that at least phone interviews have begun.

Let's hope the right people are getting those calls.


  1. Jake,
    What exactly is a phone interview?
    Are these viable canadates?
    Who is making the calls?
    The only? I would answer if I felt I was a top candidate, is "are you interested in the position"?

  2. All good questions, and frankly I'm in the dark right now. Do we have a RIGHT to know the key facts in the A.D. search right now? Probably not. But would it be SMART to make sure the alumni and fans know the process is above board this time? Absolutely yes.

    The longer the admin keeps total silence on this, the more suspicion it will spawn. It's time for some kind of progress report.

    1. Sounds like a top guy that has the respect of the football community.

  3. So, two thoughts.

    I don't care if the AD is a football person. They have 30+ other sports to support. The individual should be tops in organization and internal team building, giving and getting trust and loyalty, and expecting results. Fund raising is nice, but first we have LB, who is the Laureate of bucks, and second, we see what that got us last time. Any AD worth their salt doesn't have to be FB to be good. Just knowledgeable and supportive.

    Jake couldn't be more right about the open process need. The minutiae isn't our business but a general idea of process is important, for the reasons Jake mentions. Also, the interview pool obviously will be secret. I frankly think that some individuals in CU are so bloody paranoid about people like us that they're afraid to offer up the most minimal info.

    How about you partner up with and be inclusive of and trust and respect the people who support the teams and contribute millions? Just give us a small sense that you know what the hell you're doing this time.

  4. I am a big Howie Endleman fan! He would be extremely successful and he would be an in the family hire. I sure hope he gets consideration for the job!

    1. Would like to see $250,000 in football staff raises, with 2 year contracts- gets us more experienced assistant coaches.

  5. A phone interview is basically a screening. Whoever is doing the hiring has a set of criteria in mind and they have a short list of candidates with a background and resume that seems to match what they are looking for. The phone screen is a chance to deep dive a little bit to make sure the key criteria is met as they hope it to be along with basic details such as "are you relocatable?", "what are your salary requirements?" along with whatever other basics if they want to move forward.

    Guessing the search firm is handling this part.

    Then they bring candidates in to meet a larger group, perhaps an interview panel and of course the prez. Usually that is a very short list by that point.

  6. I'll give you some insight how this is done in silicon valley though I am sure they do this in other regions as well. The phone interview can be online so either skype, google hangouts, webex or some comparable software. Of course this mandates the person being interviewed has the savvy to set that up for themselves (a first test for to gauge self sufficiency).

    It can be a bit nerve wracking to participate in since multiple parties can be involved and not all of the interviewers choose to enable visual. So you can't see who is interviewing you sometimes. Plus there is the aspect of being self conscious of how you appear on the video feed to the interviewers. The people doing the hiring have a lot of fun with that part. The interviewee has to get comfortable in front of the computer. It is a test of confidence!

    I have done dozens of these. Basically you do it to decide if a candidate is who they say they are and are they worth bringing in to meet the rest of the team.

  7. Smart Jake. Endleman might be best AD Columbia ever had. I was wondering about him. I was athlete with him in the 80s. that guy knows how to win at Columbia. someone mentioned tennis as maybe a negative. tennis team goes to baker field every day and has won 4 of last 8 Ivy league championships. #17 in country according to website with bad facilities. he coaches now, does anyone know if he would want AD?

  8. Al,
    I'm hoping that the actual process will play out more like the Michigan/Harbaugh "search". Find the right guy and go and get him. Both jobs included.

  9. Offering them half each of the moon wouldn't hurt. We need help for football, badly!

  10. ssupan,

    I was in school with Howie, too! He would definitely be a great AD for us and he is one person that a lack of football experience would not phase me because he was very friendly with many of us and he gets it. As others have said, he has also won with less, overcome similar obstacles that football faces and still succeeded, bleeds columbia blue, has been a big success professionally so he would not be an admin shill, and is a terrific person and communicator, I could continue but you get the point.

    He wanted the job when Dianne got hired and I would say he would love the job now.

  11. Remember FOOTBALL, which is why this furor began.
    The new AD must be football-passionate and
    committed to getting the best coach possible.
    Otherwise, we'll be right back where we started.

  12. Michigan put 48 million on the table for Harbaugh. That is why I am wondering what incentives there would be to attract a top candidate at Columbia. The salary is roughly 250-500K from what info on this board indicates. Assuming that was an option to offer at this point, what would compel an established head coach to leave their current position for that? There is a short window to jump at the end of the season. Otherwise it's a stab in the back to the program they are currently with and not a good professional move. A head coach would have to be making considerably less than that to seriously consider jumping to Columbia for the money and a really tough rebuilding timetable.

    I see the job more suited to a young guy with mobility, willing to make the sacrifices, move himself and his family as well as abruptly leave whatever assistant job he is currently in (much easier to backfill an assistant job than a head coach).

    I still think there is going to be a big problem finding strong candidates and a staff. The guys they have now are not going to make a difference. Looking at 2 years before any results really surface.

    1. Al,
      You are describing Cortez Hankton to a tee. Highly thought of assistant at Dartmouth, ex-NFL, may even be single (not sure about that). Not making anywhere near that range of $.
      He is on Jake's top 5 list.

  13. Just read that NC State's top frosh receiver is transferring to Yale-
    How do we compete against this ?

  14. All Columbia fans should watch this video and take it to heart. You can turn the tide:

    Signed: A new Lions fan

  15. The Lion should be the King of the Ivy League. Stop those other jackals. As the new year approaches, a new beginning for Columbia football, New York City's Ivy League school.
    see link:

  16. Our football program is at a crossroads now- two straight no win seasons and no AD or football coach.
    We need a game changer mentality right now!!

  17. I was at the Columbia Colgate basketball game yesterday. To set the stage, it was a dreary Sunday over the holidays with school out of session and the Giants playing out the string. But here is what a good coach with a winning team can do: we had a surpprisingly good turnout (not bad for a non-league game when school is not in session ); great atmosphere and enthusiasm; lots of hustle from both teams; and an exciting win. So get teh right team in place and the support will be there

  18. Al,
    See Hankton bio. Impressive guy.
    Would hit the CU ground running.


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