Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Enough with the Silent Treatment

The happy and optimistic feeling I’ve been enjoying ever since Columbia removed the previous football coaching regime is starting to fade as we continue to get no updates whatsoever on the Athletic Director job search.

To be clear: I DON’T think the administration should be required to give us the names on a possible short list, salary offers, or other intimate details.

But it would be very wise for Columbia to be a lot more forthcoming in this hiring process and in the hiring process for the new football head coach than it has been so far.

Remember, the secretive and unethical process used to hire Pete Mangurian in 2011 produced nothing but the predictable disastrous results. The administration should do whatever it can to prove to the fans and alumni that it’s keeping everything above board this time.

It’s still not too late to do that, especially since the students and much of the administration are off on vacation right now.

But if by the end of next week, we’re still completely in the dark about this process that will simply not be acceptable and a bad omen for the hiring decisions that will eventually be made. It will also be yet another signal from Low Library that the alumni and fans are not worthy of being informed or listened to.

Considering the defensive and petty bashing of this blog by the many people in this administration and its toadies, you’d think they would try to drown out its voice with some steady information of their own. I’m really not sure why these people have yet to learn the very first lesson of P.R.: "control the message."

As of now, there is no message and that’s not good.

On the bright side, I can report that some very strong candidates for both jobs have shown at least private interest to the appropriate people inside the administration. So it’s not like we’re not getting anywhere in this effort. And speed is still not a priority over making the best choice in personnel.

But we’re listening and waiting and we’re about a week away from becoming truly impatient. 


  1. I join you in the royal or imperial "We." At Bollinger's previous presidency, U of Michigan, it was known immediately they were going after Jim Harbaugh. In fact it was known to us outsiders even before Buddy Hoke and then Harbaugh were fired. We don't need to have names, rumors, leaks or gossip, but there should at least be public target dates for restoring order and purpose to the program. Identifying a window for final interviews and decisions would be helpful for all.

  2. First, a happy new year to all my fellow sufferers; here's to a better new year (it coould hardly be worse); second, in terms of the credibility of this blog, using terms like "unethical" to describe Mangurian's hiring is counterproductive. Unwise, stupid, moronic, foolish, clumsy, disastrous,and even dystopian are all applicable and then some. But "unethical" is a bit over the top.

  3. Old Lion, I hear what you're saying, so let me explain why "unethical" is a fair word to use.. in fact, it's the only word to use.

    Dianne Murphy made the decision to hire Mangurian well before a search committee, (that we paid money for), was convened.

    Thus the actual process wasn't just a waste of time, it was a lie.

    That's unethical, period.

    I would NEVER do that in my own hiring responsibilities and I doubt you would either.

  4. Happy New Year to all with sincere thanks to every one of you who have made this blog an Oasis for all "fellow sufferers" as Old Lion describes us.

    "If you are going through Hell, keep going"---Winston Churchill

  5. Who is running the show at this point? Is this Bollinger all by his lonesome with the current AD doing nothing? Maybe the search firm reports directly to Bollinger?

    Bottom line is Columbia simply does not know how to run a football program. You can bet the folks at Michigan were putting a plan in motion all season to rebuild the coaching staff. Day and night analogy. Columbia is paying dearly for the Mangurian misfire in believing he would bring the program professional credibility.

    Things move so quickly in college football that either they bring this all together in early January - Feb the latest - or it is a lost year. They may even consider cancelling their '15 schedule. It is that bad. They are going to go out with the same guys and get blown out again, making this situation worse.

  6. With regard to Murphy's modus, I believe she has already thrown herself so far under the bus via her own consistent actions that she now qualifies appropriately as Road Kill. No further adjectives need be applied. Whether it be "unethical" or ""sleazy" or "self-aggrandizing" (one of my faves), it is all moot. She is a flat possum on a Mississippi secondary highway.

    Regarding the actual blog subject, it may very well be that they have zip to tell us. Maybe no one has returned any calls.
    But seriously, some modicum of insight should be provided by the Emperor, at least as a crumb to his subjects. You know, like acknowledging our very existence. But then, tradition counts for so much here, why should we expect things to be different this time around. It's the Nicky Butler/Grayson Kirk school of raising mushrooms.

  7. May I respectfully suggest, if this inaction continues, that the CU Lions Blog Spot takes over the football team as a coaching staff by committee. Needless to say, unpaid.
    About as much chance of that happening as there is of our getting a big time head coach anytime soon.

  8. If they can't tell us anything about the new hires, maybe they can throw us a bone and let us know if there are any players committed .

  9. Kudos to Big Dawg for the outstanding trope of the new year. A flat possum on a Mississippi secondary highway is going to be tough to beat. Granted the year is new, but that will be tough to beat.

  10. Thanks, Old Lion. I enjoyed that one myself.

    As an FYI for any of you who didn't get this, here's an excerpt from DM's note last month re interim coaches:

    "Chris and Ray are charged with ensuring the continuity of our football program operations, including on-campus official visits and off-campus recruiting. They will also work together to plan for spring practice. Chris and Ray will also work closely with Strength Coach Bob Gilmartin to oversee our off-season strength and conditioning program. Chris will also manage all other off-season football operations, and will work closely with our student-athletes to make sure they are fully engaged.

    As you know, Columbia is in the middle of a national search for a new Athletics Director. It is my understanding that the search for a new Head Football Coach will not begin until the new Athletics Director is selected."

  11. Re Big Dawg's trope -- a "flat possum" doesn't show a whole lot of compassion for the possum. Sorry guys, there's gotta be someone like me to remind us we went to Columbia.

  12. Just re-read Murphy's letter regarding Tellier and Chris supervising the program- I just noticed that she states
    that they will prepare the spring practice. This is truly amazing if the administration does not believe we will have a new head coach by spring ball.
    Just incredible.


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