Thursday, January 29, 2015

20 More Days?

Outgoing Athletic Director Dianne Murphy sent and email to many football alumni yesterday afternoon announcing the date and time for the meeting I wrote about a few days ago that will feature President Lee Bollinger and consultant Rick Taylor.

The meeting will be on February 18th from 9:30am to 10:30am in the Presidential Ballroom at Faculty House. You can email Murphy's office to RSVP.

I am encouraged by a number of things here, and discouraged by others.

I am encouraged that Bollinger himself will be speaking directly to what could and should be a large number of football-supporting alumni. And I'm even more encouraged to see that Taylor is still involved enough in the process to be at this event. I believe the more Taylor handles, the better the results will be.

But I am highly discouraged by the date of the event itself. February 18th is 20 days from now. I suppose it's possible Columbia will have hired a new athletic director by then, and if so I hope he or she will also be in attendance. Yet it seems like there's a very good chance the new AD will not be on board even by then, despite some reports that the hiring was coming any day now.

It also seems almost impossible that a new head coach will be hired by then as well. That would further stretch our already unprecedented late date for being without an HC.

So let's HOLD UP a second here and think a bit more. Is Bollinger that much of a glutton for punishment that he would want to face a group of already impatient alumni after 20 more days of no solid developments?

I don't think so.

Thus, the optimistic-yet-realistic side of me thinks this date has been set because by then the administration believes it will indeed have an AD and a head coach already hired. Depending on the personnel, this event could become a victory lap of sorts.

I just can't believe that Bollinger and Taylor would risk the brickbats of the angry crowd without something to show for their efforts by then.

Moving on...

Murphy's email also thanks interim Coach Chris Rippon for his recruiting efforts and points out that Columbia now has 20 verbal commitments from incoming freshmen. (Only about 13 are known to the general public, but that number sounds about right).

I too thank Rippon for his efforts, but by this time last year we had more than 20 commits, (though not all had been named on this blog or elsewhere), and there is once again something of a positive spin being put onto things that are rudimentary in Ivy football.

This is nothing new. Columbia continues to think that just showing up is something to cheer. Yes, we will be able to field a team of human players next season. Yes, that's not the easiest thing to accomplish. But no, that's not something to actually be proud of when every other school in the Ivies is doing it and doing it better. This is similar to the congratulatory hosannas that keep rolling in for the erecting of the Campbell Center, a facility that was built literally decades after the need became clear and every other Ivy school had already met their similar needs well before us.

That's why my sources telling me that Columbia is now ready to offer an unprecedented high salary for a new head coach is so encouraging in comparison. Instead of promising to pay as much as some of the other Ivies, the numbers we're hearing now would blow every other school out of the water. That's what you need to do when you're so far behind the pack.

Columbia has to stop playing catch-up. We are now rated as a top 5 university in the entire country. We are located in the #1 city in the world. We offer unmatched access to career and cultural opportunities. Columbia football should be the #1 program in the Ivies. If we strive for anything less, we will continue to be the worst.

We are what our record says we are. And we remain a program with a 21 game losing streak and no coach and no athletic director.

So we need to get those blanks filled.

And soon.


  1. Excuse me for being a rainy cloud, Jake, but I doubt
    anything of value will be mentioned on Feb. 18. I first wrote "announced" but you "announce" something substantive; you "mention" excuses for mistakes, fumbling and procrastination.

    Even when Columbia hires a football coach, it announces it at 2 a.m. Sunday as if it were a shameful secret. And it always is.

    Also, an announcement is made to the general public or at least the total university constituency.
    I ask again, who and what is "The Columbia Football Players Club" which receives this exclusive
    treatment? This group which was invited to the meeting with Rick Taylor a while back had about 45 attendees from what little info filtered out.

    So this isn't even all living former Lion players of which there are thousands.

    Whatever. What I do know is that unless this secrecy and policy of non-inclusion of all alumni
    changes immediately, my final donation to
    Columbia football was made a year ago, and my final donation to the College was made, reluctantly, last month.

  2. The invitation has been extended to supporters of the program, not just former players. If you have provided support to the program in any measurable way in recent years, you have been invited.

  3. Half full, or half empty?

    They have opened up the invite list to supporters. I am not CFPC, but I am invited. I believe anyone who wishes to attend can do so. No one checked a "list" at the last meet. So please, RSVP and come.

    Also, in her note, DM specifically mentioned that an AD will be selected BEFORE a coach, so that is the public position. I believe a new AD will be announced at that meeting, else why have it 3 weeks from now.

  4. PS

    Here is the RSVP info:

    I invite you to join us on Wednesday, February 18. Please let me know if you will be attending, by email to, by Friday, February 6.

  5. Perhaps they are going to unveil a master plan for rebuilding the program. I would hope Mr. Taylor's involvement at this stage means more than a band aid. Really fixing the assortment of problems requires a strategy and the means to stick to it. It goes beyond throwing money at a name coach. There has to be a staff and in football that is a lot of other people involved. Let's see a plan with some teeth to it.

  6. I'm surprised how so many good people here forget
    that for many decades, the student body that is NOT from the NYC area has grown by keeps and bounds, AND many native NYers like me plus other nearby alums have moved long distances away over the years. That's life. I used to fly in most autumns to catch a couple of games, but that's a fool's errand now.

    In short, many, many interested alumni cannot attend LB'S fireside chat. Would it to be too much trouble for our leaders to announce publicly whatever it is they're doing without us hovering on blogsites to find out? Amazing how their e-mails, letters and phone calls asking for money arrive in droves but not a word of info that we crave.

  7. I have emailed Rick Taylor and Dianne politely requesting that the meeting be webcast.

    Perhaps everyone here can do the same. Her email is on this string.

    1. How about an announcement to those that really need to hear something- the high school football players that are thinking about Columbia.Every day the administration waits, we lose football players. What about the juniors in high school now that are looking at this ridiculous situation. Cant imagine their discussions with their coaches regarding Columbia.

    2. As I stated earlier, they should have made Rick Taylor the interim AD, so he could have found a football coach.

  8. Coach: that may have been what happened.


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