Tuesday, March 10, 2015

BREAKING: Columbia about to Make Ivy History

Within the next few days, Columbia will become the first Ivy school to create the position of Recruiting Coordinator for football. This coordinator will not be an on-the-field coach, but dedicate his entire time to recruiting for Columbia.

I have only one source telling me who this coordinator will be, so I am holding off on publishing that name here until I get more confirmation. But I am encouraged by what information I do have on that score.

The financial and philosophical commitment required to make this move is almost as significant as the financial and philosophical commitment it took to bring Al Bagnoli to Morningside Heights.

The other Ivy schools will soon follow to be sure, but Columbia is making a great statement by being first. And if we hire the person I believe we're hiring, our competitors will have a hard time catching up.

I've written here many times that the days when Columbia fans pat themselves on the back for simply catching up with our Ivy rivals must come to an end. The Lions won't get a winning program until they start eclipsing the other schools at least in some key aspects of the game.

And I believe that have done just that with the establishment of this position and the person they're likely to put in the job.


  1. Will this person be on the road recruiting or in-office.

  2. And the last shall be first...

  3. Jake, Maybe Harvard's trying to beat us to it. Football Scoop has Harvard today advertising for full-time position of Recruiting Coordinator/Football Operations plus supervising video work. Sounds more like two or two and a half jobs in one. Anyway, it's similar to what you posted. Not clear if it's a vacancy or brand new position.

    Another Scoop entry has Oregon State OC John Garrett moving to Florida as Quality Control guy plus five more hires as "quality control assistants."
    I'm in the dark. How much damned quality is there to control. even at Florida?

    Anyway, it's great that Columbia is manning up to enhance recruiting.

    1. Very pleased about the recruiting coordinator- the first way to help recruiting is to make sure whe get more picks in the lower bands than
      Dartmouth, Cornell, Brown, and Penn. This will take the administration to work with the Ivy League Football Committee- sure that Bagnoli is on this-

    2. Bagnoli talked about the waiver at his press conference- does anyone know if he received the waiver? Also wondering if he has evaluated the 21 commits and whether he will stay with all of these recruits. At Yale, Tony Reno dropped at least 5 commits when he took over.

  4. LOL, Jake check the coaching roster at Ivy schools. MOST have a recruiting coordinator. When the season ends, its his FULL TIME job. LOL

  5. Read more carefully please. This would not be a coach, but a full-time 12-month per year r.c.


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