Friday, April 3, 2015

Perception is Reality

One key point I haven't raised during the whirlwind six weeks since Columbia hired Al Bagnoli as head football coach is his age.

There were some naysayers out there pushing the idea that at 62, Bagnoli is over the hill.

Well after what we've seen and heard from him over the past six weeks, I had totally forgotten about the man's age. And that's because there's nothing changed from the I watched coach Penn to nine titles. He's just as energized, in fact a little more so.

So much for the ageism nonsense.

For more encouraging news, check out this article today in the Columbia Spectator. It's 100% great except for the slight boo boo about Bagnoli being a Philly native; he's actually from Connecticut.


  1. Pete C and Bill B, the two best coaches in the NFL, are Al's age. Al looks like he's in his early 50s and has the enthusiasm and energy of a man in his 40s.

  2. Yes. Coach is from East Haven CT
    His brother went to Milford Academy
    Coach is from a long line of CT coachs
    Who have done big things.

  3. I'm not sure the issue was ever about age as much as it was about retirement. Our mind's lexicon equates retirement and age going together. Coach Bags always had the desire to keep coaching. It sounded like he just needed a break (which he got) but hadn't thought through what came after that.

  4. Jake: when are we going to hear about the new marketing ideas from Peter Pilling? This is his area of expertise.


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