Friday, May 1, 2015

Offseason? We're just getting warmed up

Play Ball!

There's a lot of Columbia football and Ivy League Football news to catch up today, but it would be foolish not to start with the big baseball game going on at Baker Field tomorrow.

The excellent Lions baseball team takes on Penn for the second straight year in a one-game playoff for the Gehrig Division title. The quality of play in the four game series between these two teams last week was really several cuts above what you usually see in this league. I can only imagine what it will be like in this winner-take-all nine inning game tomorrow.

Junior George Thanopolous gets the ball on the mound gets the ball on the mound for Columbia, but he'll have all of the CU pitching staff behind him if necessary.  The game starts at 1pm and will be broadcast on ESPN3.

Official Lists Come In

Harvard is the first Ivy to release its official list of incoming football freshmen.

One glaring omission is Boca Raton High School's Elgin Davis, who made big news last week when he publicly announced he had chosen Harvard over a scholarship offer from Georgia Tech. Whether this means Davis is taking a PG year somewhere or he just committed too late to be included in the Harvard press release remains to be seen.

35 Slots for Columbia Next Year

When we add up Columbia's incoming freshmen and transfers list, we'll find out how many newcomers the Lions are getting. I have no idea when our official list will be released.

But I do have an idea that Columbia will be getting a bumper crop of freshmen next year based on new Offensive Line Coach Jon McClaughlin's April 27th Tweet that says that 35 new players will join the Lions in the 2016 recruiting class.

The recruiting process for that next class is well underway and with the kind of recruiters Columbia has now hired on the staff, I feel like a manager sending only his best hitters to the plate over and over again.

Music Service

If you liked that remix of the Door's song "5 to 1" they used in the great spring practice highlight video, you can hear whole remix here.


  1. I believe Thanopolous is only a junior. Hope to see a big turnout tomorrow..

  2. You are correct, Old Lion. Changed in the post.

  3. Did we sign any transfers or JUCO's?
    Would think that The administration would give Bags one or two players.

  4. Great win, BB!

    Now for Dartmouth.


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