Monday, June 8, 2015

For Love of the Game... Again

Sean Brackett '13 is now the starting QB for the Las Vegas Outlaws in the Arena Football League.

So now, a local newspaper is asking: why is an Ivy grad playing AFL football?

The answer from Brackett is a good one: life is short.


  1. What happened to Sean at Columbia?

  2. He had an incompetent OC who ran him into the line at Rodham his junior year. He wrecked his shoulder and was never the same. And in his senior year he had an incompetent coaching staff which tried to turn him into a pocket passer. In other words the best freshman and sophomore QB in 30 years had his career scuttled by coaching incompetence.

  3. They made him run the ball directly at Hillary Rodham Clinton? She IS a bloated, corrupt old battle axe but even a Columbia QB should have been able to flatten her.

  4. I believe oldlion referred to Fordham. And given the previous staff, do not count Hillary out in any event.

  5. Nice article about our incoming stud RB.

  6. A good gig for him while he is still in his prime. I am sorry I had no idea the arena league was happening or I would have seen Brackett play at San Jose in May. The economic downturn of 2008 really hurt arena football and they have not recovered. There are only a few teams still around and they outright cancelled their minor league (AFL2). There were upwards of 50 teams that vanished. A fun game to watch.

  7. Yes. Big Dawg has once more saved me from spell check. In any event, that Fordham play was the single worst call in the last ten years. We snatched defeat from the jaws on victory in that sequence, because on the next play Brackett forced a pass into coverage and the LB took it to the house.

  8. Former Columbia OC Vinny Marino just hired as recruiting coordinator at Boston College.

  9. He was actually a very good recruiter. That's his talent.


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