Friday, July 3, 2015

Florida Find

Matt Dame

The Palm Beach Post is reporting that 6-2 185 pound QB Matt Dame has committed to Columbia.

Dame speaks highly of Head Coach Al Bagnoli and says he chose Columbia in part because he wants to work on Wall Street.

Dame is about to start his senior year at Suncoast High School in Riviera Beach, Florida. He would be the first Suncoast grad to come to Columbia football.


  1. Turned down Harvard, Yale and Dartmouth. Nice get for the new staff.

  2. Good news. Got to keep pushing the Wall Street angle.

    WTF we gonna do w/all these QBs?

  3. Dame was also offered by Miami (of Florida).

  4. We need similar recruiting wins on the offensive and defensive lines!

  5. Jake, one of the coaches tweeted about good news from Florida today. Any info?

  6. Nothing wrong at all with an embarrassment of riches, especially at QB. Now there is considerable talent on board and in the pipeline. That can only make everyone better and more competitive. A lot can happen in camp.

  7. There's an up and coming country singer by the same name -- Matt Dame.

  8. I have to figure better talent management and coaching of the offensive line will give notably better blocking and protection. You just need a bit better organisation up front to enable a few more holes per quarter and a half-second more time for the QB to find a receiver. We saw how Bagnoli did that TO us and now we must have confidence he will do this FOR us.

  9. Old Lion: he was talking about this recruit Matt Dame


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