Wednesday, July 29, 2015

The Power of Twitter

With six recruits already committed to coming to Columbia Football for 2016, (we all realize that's committing to report 13 months from now, right?), it's clear we have something new and different going on right now in the program.

The reason for all of this is a very motivated new staff that has the unimpeachable and impression name of Al Bagnoli to carry around with them.

But they need more than that, and one of the tools this staff is using and using quite well it Twitter.

Twitter is indeed a great recruiting tool and we've seen it in action just over the last few days.

When Columbia offers a recruit a spot, he Tweets his excitement and gratitude and then all of his peers. (who often happen to be recruits),  see it. The excitement gets infectious and I strongly believe that infectious excitement prompts other recruits to commit.

The Columbia staff is also Tweeting out strong and positive messages about the program and the school at every opportunity. The existing commits tend to retweet those messages and the advertising base grows exponentially.

Talk about a 180-degree change from two years ago when Twitter was generally a tool that was embarrassing and hindering the program.

I would encourage all fans to follow the Twitter accounts of the assistant coaches and other staffers. They're a great source of info, but I'm beginning to believe fans can actually help things along by retweeting and replying to some of these messages.

I know that the previous staff Tweeted too, but not with this kind of effectiveness or frequency.

The days of radio silence are over. Let's spread the word.


  1. Within one hour of Columbia, we have some of the top high school football programs in the country: Don Bosco, St. Joe Montvale, Bergen Catholic, St. Peter's, Patterson Catholic , and even one of the top private school programs, Poly Prep.
    For Columbia to succeed, they need to great a greater share of players from these programs. Understandably, most of the great players from these schools cannot get in academically, but there are more than just a few, that have gone Ivy League. I would guess that, at least, there have been 30 starters in the Ivy League these past 10 years from these schools.

  2. Better us than the other 7 schools, no doubt!

  3. Also Hackensack, Englewood, Ridgewood, Montclair among the public schools.

  4. Sure, plenty of great public schools also in the area- note that the top Catholic League in Northern NJ is rated overall the toughest league in the U.S. by most of the recruiting services. These Parochial schools have pulled away from the public schools since they steal most of the top players. And, of course, Bags and the staff are fully aware of all this and would like nothing better than to sign more local players, something that previous coaches have generally failed at doing.

  5. North Jersey has been prime recruiting territory for Harvard, Princeton and Penn for years now. Al can go head to head with all of these schools because of his enormous stature with local HS coaches. As far as the Catholic schools, their draw is so enormous that St. Joe's was able to recruit Rob Kaminsky, an orthodox Jew, to play baseball for four years. Kaminsky was the Cardinals' first round draft choice two or three years ago, was just traded to Cleveland and is a sure bet for the majors.


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