Tuesday, August 11, 2015

Breaking: South Lawn Practice Scheduled

Giving the true fans what they want seems to be the watchword of Athletic Director Peter Pilling's administration. 

Football will practice on the main campus on Fridays this fall. The team hasn't done anything like this for many decades. 


  1. Let's just hope that no mattress lugging whack jobs seek to disrupt it.

  2. Bags: great idea- lets get some portable bleachers on the lawn-

  3. This was one of the "wish list" ideas discussed over a year ago. I am extremely impressed with Pilling for hearing about it somewhere and actually acting on it positively.

    My comps to the new AD. Does anyone think anything like this would have happened with the previous regime? These guys (Pilling, Bags, etc.) are doing everything right so far. I'm continually heartened re the upcoming season.

  4. The point is all of us will accept what ever outcomes are delivered on the field this season knowing that all that could be done to raise the franchise is being done. I loved Bagnolis confidence about it only being a question of when not if the program steps up a level. Bagnoli = evolved homo sapien. Mangurian = Cro Magnin man. Maybe Cro Magnin went extinct because their leader said to eat less and become smaller than their rival tribes.

  5. What I will look for is increasing confidence and competitiveness as the season progresses. As opposed to the increasing futility and desperation that unfolded across the past three seasons.

  6. Chen, seems so simple even a cave man could do it !

  7. Or...perhaps Mangurian vs Bagnoli is simply another data point for Darwin's theory


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