New York's public radio station is going to follow Columbia Football's historic first season under new Head Coach
Al Bagnoli with a weekly series of in-depth broadcasts.
I've had a chance to meet and talk extensively with the producer of this series, and I think this is going to be a great project.
You can hear a special preview of the series and find out how to continue following it throughout the season by
clicking here.
Yes, I eagerly await WNYC's earnest-sounding and breathy-voiced announcers explaining to me why Columbia's football fortunes, are, say, a direct reflection of the De Blasio administration's commitment co compassion towards the homeless, and why a losing record will be a positive reflection on Obama's foreign policy and will only be illuminated further by classes in Arabic in the locker room. Perhaps, too, Jonathan Schwartz will even dig up a recording of Nancy LaMott singing "Roar Lion Roar."