Tuesday, December 22, 2015

Rams in the Rear View

Andrew Breiner

Fordham decided to promote its 31-year-old offensive coordinator Andrew Breiner as its new head football coach.

Breiner has done an excellent job with the Rams offense over the past few years, in marked contrast to the Fordham defense which has relatively under-performed.

But this is all a bit academic for Columbia which will indeed drop Fordham from its schedule beginning this coming fall. Stay tuned for the name of the school replacing the Rams, which will be announced soon.

For the record, the recommendation to "drop" Fordham was not to eliminate the Rams from the schedule entirely but to move the game to later in the season. At least for now, it appears that move wasn't possible but it may be in the future. I would be surprised if we don't see Columbia and Fordham playing again 5-10 years from now.

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