Thursday, December 10, 2015

The Chips are Down

In the Ivy recruiting game, this is crunch time.

The key campus visits are happening now, and the final/best offers to the most sought-after recruits are being made. The clock does not officially run out this month or even next month, but this is when the hardest recruiting battles are being fought, won, and lost.

Over the next few days, I want to post about a few of the higher-ranked recruits Columbia is reportedly going after with a lot of competition for each. Here are three for today:

Justin Berry

This dual threat QB has offers from Arizona State, Temple and a few others in addition to Columbia. He goes to West Ashley HS in Charleston, SC.

Running QB's in the mode of Billy Ragone, Dalyn Williams, and, (when he was healthy), M.A Olawale are all the rage in the Ivies now. It feels like every recruiting class should include one potential player who could become the next star running QB.

Reed Klubnik

A talented WR with an offer from Air Force and a lot of the Ivies. He goes to Westlake HS in Austin, TX where current player Zach Dansby came from and recent grad Roy Schwartz also played.

We all know that Columbia needs help right away at wide receiver, so I don't I need to write much more.

Matthew Gutwald

A 6-4, 275 pound guard also with offers from Oregon, Washington State, Air Force and a lot of other Ivies.

This is someone who seems like he would be a real "get" for any Ivy.  


  1. I would have thought the "chips" are simply on the table. And that some are blue. Who gets to cash them in at the end of the recruiting game is the real question.

  2. Interesting Twitter message from Coach D'Orazio "in honor of a BIG TIME tight end recruit" in NYC for his official visit. I'm assuming he was referring to Cameron Kline, a highly sought after recruit from GA that the entire Ivy League seems to want.

  3. Voyforums is reporting Matthew Tofano, LB from San Jose, as latest commit.


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