Thursday, February 4, 2016

More Signing Day Pics

Hunter Petlansky

Michael Geraghty

Alex Gibson, far left and Lamine Nouck-A-Nwal, second from left

Christian Everett, second from right

Danny De Lorenzi, back row third from left

John Fischer

Tyler Houston, second from right

Hunter Lunsford, third from right

Oren Milstein

Michael Murphy strikes a pose

Kaleb Pitts

Alex Robin

Drew Schoeberl

Joe Scowden


  1. Why do so many of these guys seem to be posing with their h.s. girlfriends? Nit least because so mnany of these relationships won't survice once traing camp and school actually start, if only because of the issue of distance.

  2. Picture are fine. It's the "Cheryl I WILL BE WITH YOU FOREVER!!!!" tattoos and quotations in the HS yearbook that one never lives down.

  3. Jake, did you mean second from right(not left) for Tyler Houston? He's the one in the CU shirt and cap.


  4. Those caps are really tuned into the generation.

  5. Some if not all look like sisters.


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